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Military Press

Exercise Instructions:

The military press is one of the old

Target Muscles: Shoulders
school shoulder building exercises
and forms the cornerstone of many Secondary Muscles: Triceps
good shoulder workouts. Setup for the
military press by loading the weight Mechanics: Compound
you want to use on a barbell. Stand
facing the barbell with your feet at Equipment Used: Barbell
around shoulder width apart. Grasp
the barbell using a overhand grip
(palms facing the floor) with your
hands at around shoulder width apart.
Keeping your back straight, pick up
the bar off the floor and raise it to your
shoulders, then above your head.
This is the starting position for the
exercise. Keeping your back straight
and upright (don't lean back), slowly
lower the bar down until it almost
touches your upper chest. Pause,
then slowly raise the barbell back up
without locking the elbows out at the
top of the movement. Repeat for
desired reps.

Tips & Advice:

It's important that you keep your body

straight throughout the set, don't lean
back as this could lead to injury when
using heavy weights. Keep the rep
timing slow, don't use momentum to
move the weight up! Use a full range
of motion by lowering the bar as far
as possible, and raising all the way up
without locking your elbows out at the
top of the movement. Don't "rest" with
the weight on your chest during the

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