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Here, fore means before, and stall means stop or halt.

Whiling pitching sales if a salesperson faces repeated obstruction, the salesperson can prepare
himself before to encounter that question again or can raise the objection before it is done by
the customer in order to counter him.
For example – A salesperson during cold calls continuously faces one question of “from
where did he got the number” of the consumer, then henceforth he prepared with a particular
answer that he got it from his friends, reference or anything that will make customer believe
on the geniuses of the sales person.


Here the salesperson direct denies the consumer opinion or comment upon the product and
tries to prove him wrong. Sometimes this can offend the customer specially these who are
sensitive about their thoughts but can be excellent tactics for board minded customer.
For example – If the customer objects or complain about the fade of color from the cloth,
here the sales person can directly deny about the fact and can say as a prove that the cloth
color being tested.


As the name suggest here the sales person does not deny the prospect directly in an offending
rather tactfully handles the situation. It is basically a Yes, but situation, where although the
salesperson agrees to the opinion of the customer but also makes them understand various
aspect till they convince.
For example – A prospect wants to buy a quail for winter season, but objects that it will of no
use during summers, after sales person agreeing to the statement by consumer can say “yes”
you are right “but” you can use this in an A/C room.


The method where sales persons turns the objection of the customer into a reason to buy the
product. This is also called translation method as the sales person translates the customer
objection into a reason to make customer buy the product.
For example – A customer wants buy a saree for his wife but ask the seller that it is too
expensive to purchase, in return the sales person first of all agrees to the statement and says
gifting cheap saree to your wife can be awful.


This method is similar to the indirect denial method where salesperson tactfully makes the
customer buy the product even after his objection.
For example – A customer raised objection about the quality of a shirt he wants to buy, the
salesperson agreed to his objection and countered him by saying that, if the quality of the shirt
would high then the price will also be high for the same. Here the salesperson is
compensating the quality with price and distracting the customer from his objection and
drawing his attention towards its advantages.

Here the sales person continuously uses stimuli to make consumer buy the product by
praising him or giving extra discount on it. The sales person encourages the consumer and
makes him believe that the product is perfect according to his requirement.
For example – A consumer wants buy a washing machine but doesn’t seems to be much
interested to buy the particular brand, then here the sales person tries encourage the customer
by any means to buy the product.

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