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Good news: You don’t need a pair of Dorothy’s red ruby slippers to instantly

transport yourself elsewhere.

In fact, you can take your entire ESL class with you on a trip without packing a
single bag.

Since world travel is usually not an option for full English classes, bring foreign
cultures into your classroom instead!

These four culture lessons will not only increase your students’ interest in the
language, but they’re also a great way to have students practice their language
skills—from reading comprehension to speaking fluency.

Each lesson can be planned as a one-day lesson or a three-day-long immersion,

depending on your goals and the time you have at your disposal.

And beyond this small—but very high quality—selection of lesson plans, there’s more
out there to explore. You can extend any of these lessons by supplementing them
with relevant lesson plans from Lesson Planet. Search the site for similar cultural
topics, and you’ll hit the jackpot!

Now, let’s get the ball rolling—there will be time to explore all of Lesson Planet

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