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Art Ideas for April 6-May 1: Do one or two a week.

They can just be drawn/colored on

whatever paper you have available at home, or use whatever art supplies you want. ​ Please
take pictures and email them to me at ​​ with the student's
names/teacher's name in the subject area. ​ Have fun!

● If it’s nice weather, go outside and draw with sidewalk chalk

● Pretend you are a fashion designer and draw/create some new outfits

● Create something out of empty TP/paper towel rolls

● Draw and color a giant Easter Egg - or color/decorate eggs with your family

● Use your imagination and draw an ant carrying some food - what is it carrying?

● Draw outer space

● Find how-to-draw pictures on-line or in a book and try some out

● Draw what you see out your window

● Add food coloring to bubble soap - blow colored bubbles onto a piece of paper and let

● Trace your hand(s), cut it out and turn it into something like wings for a bird, the
head/hair of a troll, flames for a rocket, etc

● If you have clay/playdough at home, make a sculpture out of it. If you do not, there are
recipes on-line on how to make salt-dough and other clays at home

● Colored bubble soap left? Put drops on a piece of paper and use a straw to blow the
color around. Add eyes, arms, legs, and see what you made (can use watercolor paint)

● Try shadow drawing - on a sunny day, go outside with your paper and some toys. Trace
the shadow from the toys onto the paper. Color and add a background.

● Use some of the websites below and draw along with these illustrators and artists or
draw your own pictures to go with your favorite books

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