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Licenciaturas UPAEP Plantel Tehuacán

Personally, Identity is a set of traits and characteristics of a person that allows us to
distinguish it from others altogether; can be classified into three types of identities:

· Identity given, is the one with which we are born, that is, I am Mexican and
simply because I were born on Mexican lands, that is my identity.
· Chosen identity, it is the one that we choose, we are builders of our own
destiny, that is why we choose religion, have a partner, have children, have a
home, what home to live in, etc.
· Basic identity, is the one we forge with our way of being and even with our
way of thinking.

Recently the most important identity has been the chosen identity, and this is
because I chose to have a partner, and I believe that as a result it modifies my basic
identity, a new way of looking at things, that is, I should now think that there are two
of us and I would have to do my part for the relationship to work.

Mary Loly Paredes Montalvo SESSION 6 26 agosto 2020

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