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Answer questions about the media

A) What type of media consumes the most? Why?

I love social networks as a means of communication; Being a tweeter the one I am looking for the
most when learning news of national and global interest. Your news or communications can be
had in real time, staying updated on what is happening in the world.

B) What other types of media do you know of? Describe them.

I know the radio, it is another medium that I use when I am in the subway or in the car. Television,
although it seems to me that its news is biased and the newspaper, which I rarely buy physically.

Biased and unbiased news

1. What did the research of the National University find?

It was evident that the bias of the news delivered to the people is very strong and is mostly
concentrated on television, no real or complete information is presented.

2. What is the level of acceptance that the media have in Latin America?

The level of acceptance of these means of communication is medium, almost 50%, being a very
low value, for the community of reporters who want to express the news with more content, but
due to the bias it has, it is not possible.

3. What do the researchers say about the Colombian media and the results of the plebiscite?

The news delivered and the information about this process, which is so important for the people,
were not the central focus of the media; This tells us that the information should not be hidden,
but neither was it delivered in its entirety and with the importance it deserves.

4. What did the study on the ownership of some media in Colombia confirm?

The media in our country are in the possession of 3 large families, Carlos Ardila Lulle, Sarmiento
Angulo and Grupo Corporativo Santo Domingo; therefore, it is a medium monopolized by different
political fronts that infer in the delivery of communication to the Colombian people, additionally,
their news will be focused on the possible benefits that these groups may have.

5. What is your opinion about the results of the presented research project?
I loved knowing this opinion, because it is not very far from the information that all Colombians
already know in our country.

4 Gains Maduro’s Venezuela Made That Mainstream Media Ignores (Telesur)

Biased or unbiased news?

euronews Telesur
1. Thousands of Venezuelans cross the border
1. Venezuela has the second lowest rate of
every day into neighboring Colombia. They
homeless people in Latin America, with only 6.68
cross the border in search of life and where to
percent of its population homeless.
2. Last March, a decree was announced that
2. As Venezuela's humanitarian crisis worsens,
increased the salaries of all physicians working in
an increasing number is flooding Colombia in
the public health sector by 50 percent;
search of medical care, affecting the country's
encouraging doctors to better provide their
already weak health system
3. The 32-year-old cancer patient has crossed 3. The United Nations Development Program
the border dozens of times in search of a life- ranked Venezuela among the countries with the
saving tract. The only radiation machine in highest Human Development Index, beating most
your city does not wok. of the Latin American countries.
4. Daily arrivals include pregnant women, 4. Since 2013, Venezuela has also decreased
communicable disease patients, and sick infant mortality rates, heart disease and HIV /
children like Luna, 3, who weighed just 17 AIDS rates, according to the World Health
pounds when she fled Venezuela Organization.
5. In Venezuela, the medical service is low, but 5. In January the government reached its goal of
they were unable to provide chemotherapy or giving 1,400,000 homes to Venezuelans across
radiation. the country completely free of charge.
Answer the following questions:

What do you think about bias or impartiality of the two media?

The version of the two news is shocking, because they show two totally different situations, in the
Venezuelan publication, it shows a controlled country, without medical problems, with great
development in the well-being of life; but on the other hand, the journalistic interviews with
Venezuelan citizens and the figures presented by the neighboring country Colombia, give a
serious reference to the situation in the country of Venezuela.

Which is biased? Why?

What they want to show is as little as possible, hiding the lived reality from a whole country and
from the whole world; seeking to deceive the population with lies and falsehoods.

Which is unbiased? Why?

For me, it is partial to show the face of both currencies without judgment or criticism, where the
reality of the Venezuelan people and what the government is doing for their well-being is evident.

Step 5 Principles of Ethical Journalism – Conclusion

Ethics is a transversal, permanent and universal requirement from any press support. In
journalism, professional ethics is the only guarantee for the credibility of the media with citizens.
On the basis that journalistic ethics is public, it will only be effective if there is a voluntary
commitment to submit to the resolutions or opinions that it asks of us.

We must be consistent with the information we provide to have the information as transparent as

Step 10

El Espectador


Name of the event.  Example: Vigilante denounces that she was forced to live in the residential
building where she worked
Name of news channel: El Espectador Name of the news channel: BBC News
1. Edy Fonseca had to decide if he spent his nights
1. The vigilante had to sleep for a month on a in one of two underground rooms: his home, in a
sofa and could not eat well because the money poor neighborhood in the south of the Colombian
they gave her to feed was not enough capital, or the one in the building where he
worked in the north.
2. She worked as a warden in a residential
building in the Rosales neighborhood, in the
2. The security guard reports that she was held in
north of Bogotá, she was forced to stay there
a high-class building and she accepted it, feeling
without leaving for a month, because,
guilty, because I shouldn't have allowed it.
according to her bosses, the National
Government had ordered it.
3. They asked me if I had an inflatable 3. n the first one there is no private bathroom or
mattress. I told them I didn't have one. So they internet or kitchen: it is in a tenancy. In the
asked me to bring something that resembled a second —usually the administration office—
mattress, so I brought a bed cover there was no bed
4. The woman assures that the president told 4. Edy denies it: "They gave me 15,000 pesos (US
her that she should stay there from now on, $ 3.75) a day for meals; I had to save part of the
because due to the president's orders she
could not leave the building. She also said that
lunch for lunch (dinner)"
she would give her 15 thousand pesos daily to
have breakfast, lunch and eat on the spot.

Write your reflection here. It must have 200 words.

When reading the two pieces of news previously reported on the situation lived by the 51-year-
old Vigilante , I find the head of both communication chains shocking, as they report in the
Colombian newspaper; "Vigilante denounces that he was forced to live in the residential building
where he worked" and in the international newspaper it is titled "I was detained in a high-class
building during the pandemic, I accepted it and I feel guilty." Therefore, the news for the reader
impacts the naked eye and its content shows different scenarios and the development of the news
is a story.

He tells us step by step the real events that took place in Bogotá and capture the feelings of the
victim in this news; while the Colombian newspaper shows little of the life of the vigilante.

This publication shows us how the international journalistic investigation seeks to demonstrate the
development in detail of each lived situation and the communication delivered by the local
newspaper is partial and seeks to capture the audience with a shocking and humiliating title for
the lower class population; Well, unfortunately, we are a society that lives on injustice and at the
same time, feeds on the communications that generate anger, contempt and outrage with the less
favored population or that for many, is an outrageous job.


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