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Excessive or Surface Dusting Improper Formulation Adhere to Standards

Premature Chalking Rapid Thinning of Film Paint Application
Too High Volatile Thinner %

Sagging or Running Irregular Wavy Lines Paint formulation w/ too low Sanding Irregularities and Repainting
pigment volume Proper Proportioning
Heavy and Careless Application Careful Brushing
Thin Consistency Paint

Storm Spotting Unisightly and Irregular Rains and Electric Storms Rub spots with Alcohol
Color Change Subsequent Weathering

Washing Streaking on the surface Water Soluble compounds

Fading Color Chemical reactions
Paint applied in low temperature
and high humidity

Stains Surface Discolorations Metal stains are caused by water Treat paint with 1/4 oz
dripping from exposed metal MERCURIC CHLORIDE per Gallon
Mildew stains caused by air-borne Remove Mildew growths by washing
fungi that feed on oil w/ 1 lb Tri-Sodium Phosphate or
Sodium Carbonate in 1 gal. h20

Checking Minute Cracks on the Surface Improper application Wire brushing affected areas and repainting
Improper formulation of undercoats Allow Sufficient Drying time bet. Coats
Formulation of Body Coat w/ min. amt of oil

Alligatoring Advanced state of Checking Application of Harder drying finish Precautions

Coarse Texturing of Film over soft or slow drying undercoat Removal of Film and Repainting
Poor Formulation- too much linseed oil
in priming or body coat
Cracking and Scaling Irregular cracks that curl at edge Hard drying paints containing large Cure at early stage requires vigorous
flake and scale off proportions of Zinc Oxide pigments brushing and recoating with a less brittle film
Comes from water pressure when Prevention involves formulating a tougher
moisture seeps through cracks more elastic film-- + white lead %
Improper formulation

Blistering and Peeling Swelling of the entire film Water pressure from behind the Cure means removal of paint and repainting
followed by break in film, peeling film due to faulty construction that Prevention necessitates removal of moisture
allows moisture seepage and abnormal sources, extensive repairs and waterproofing
When damp surfaces are covered by
quick drying paints

Spot Fading Color Changes and Uneven oil absorption Exercise proper painting technique
Flattening of Gloss in irregular Insuffecient coats
patches on film Or improper formulation of priming coat
Skimping or cheap paints

Wrinkling Tough, Leather like texturing Paint put on too thickly and not well Sanding and repainting if texture is slight
brushed out Strict adherence to high standards of
Too high proportion of oil in finish coats paint formulation and thorough brushing out

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