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Uniqueness of Pharmacy informatics

Pharmacy informatics is the scientific field that focuses on medication-related data and knowledge
within the continuum of healthcare systems including its acquisition, storage, analysis, use and dissemination
in the delivery of optimal medication-related patient care and health outcomes. It would definitely be different
with the other fields of BS Pharmacy.

First to start with Community Pharmacy, in this kind of work place you would not barely interact with
technical works,but instead is to do works hand by hand, compared to Pharmacy informatics it shows
difference in terms of the system because with this,works will be easy and would avoid errors when you have
the skills and knowledge of Pharmacy informatics, you will learn the proper use of technology and on how
would it differ with your work, for inventories you will literally see their differences because with Pharmacy
informatics you’ll not be needing to do it hand by hand for consecutive days, insteadyou will just look from
the computer/system and you can easily see and browse the names, numbers and information of a certain drug
easily. Second field of BS Pharmacy is the Hospital Pharmacy,they used to work closely with the hospital
staffs and has the opportunity to interact and counsel patients, but when it comes with Pharmacy informatics a
Hospital Pharmacycan monitor patients easily and can have every information from patients through browsing
in the system, but it also comes with negative side because a Hospital Pharmacy would lessen the means of
interacting to the patients and would have the limit to know some information of the patient. Third is the
Clinical Pharmacywork directly with physicians, other healthcare professionals and patients to ensure that the
medication prescribed for patients contribute to the best possible health outcomes, through the application or
combination of Pharmacy informatics it can help with the informationof the monitored patient but just like the
negative side of Hospital Pharmacy it would limit the means of interacting with the patient.

Based on the informations I have gathered, Pharmacy informatics has its big difference with the other
fields of Pharmacy because it gives level up skills and knowledge different from the other fields but on the
other side it would be good to combine the skills and knowledge of Pharmacy informatics into the other fields
because it can increase the productivity of in every work place when it is used properly and beneficially good
for the work.

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