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Date:28/02/20 Name​: Akshay Roll Number: ​170073


Copresence​ is defined here as consisting of two dimensions: copresence as the mode of being
with others, and copresence as the sense of being with others. Mode of copresence refers to
the physical conditions that structure human interaction. Six such conditions are delineated.
Sense of copresence, on the other hand, refers to the subjective experience of being with others
that an individual acquires in interaction(Shanyang Zhao, 2006).

Further, the copresence can be classified into various divisions like proxy presence, imagined
presence, physical presence, and virtual presence.

A ​proxy copresence ​is a form where a person ‘X’ is present at the scene in the mind space of
another person through a physical object which may belong to the person ‘X’.
An ​imagined copresence ​is a form of nostalgic moments in which a person remembers
another person from a part experience that it may have gone through.
A ​physical copresence​ is a form of human co-location in which the other person is corporeally
present at the scene in physical proximity to a Person.
A​ virtual copresence​ is a form of co-location in which the other "person" is present at the
scene in physical proximity to other Person through a physical simulation like video call, live
chatting, etc.

An example where all these copresences act together can be seen in any college student life.
A student ‘X’ is virtually copresence to his/her parents, where platforms like messaging, calling,
video calling takes place, also some of the objects which belong to the student left at their
house may bring the virtual copresence of the student ‘X’ in the life of his/her parents.
Physical copresence of the student ‘X’ can be seen throughout the day, s/he hanging around
with friends, professors, etc. And finally, the imagined copresence of the student ‘X’ can be seen
in the moments of rejoicing when his/her friends and family are telling a story which includes the
student ‘X’.

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