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Betania Fresno Tolima


Objetivo: Leer e interpretar diferentes tipos de textos con estructuras
Algunas de las expresiones más usadas en ingles sobre el tiempo
pasado son:
El pasado simple se utiliza para hablar de una acción concreta que comenzó y acabó en
el pasado, que suele equivaler al pretérito indefinido español. Lo usamos con adverbios
de tiempo como “last year”, “yesterday”, “last night” … ... Se usa el pasado simple para
un conjunto de acciones llevadas a cabo en el pasado.

 The other day: el otro día

 Yesterday: ayer
 Last week: la semana pasada
 Last year: el año pasado
 Last month: el mes pasado
 Years ago: para indicar tantos años atrás o hace tantos años.
 The day before yesterday: anteayer Este tipo de expresiones son
conocidas como expresiones temporales. Acá puedes ver algunas
oraciones usando estas expresiones:

1. I saw you running in the park the other day.

2. She visited me yesterday
3. I watched that movie last week
4. They married ten years ago
5. The day before yesterday Susan was sick
6. Last summer my family went on vacation to the lake
1.Translate in Spanish the following text about Sara’s love story
2. Make two rows verbs in bold (verbos en negrilla) and put present of
these verbs.
3 look for in the dictionary new vocabulary
Sarah’s love story

One Saturday, Sarah woke up early. She had breakfast with her family,
she had a quick shower, and left home to work.

On her way to the office, a handsome man asked her if she knew where
the closest bank was. She told him where it was. The man asked her if
she could go with him to the bank and to have a cup of coffee afterwards.
She said yes.

Sarah and the man had coffee. After that, they went to the cinema and
then to a disco. They danced for 3 hours. Sarah didn’t ask the man’s
name, she didn’t add him on Facebook or Whatsapp. At midnight, the
man said he had to go to the bathroom, but he didn’t come back.

Sarah fell in love with the man; she wanted the man to come back.
She waited for him for 5 years, but he didn’t come back. Sarah had lost
all hope about love. She prayed to God frequently.

One day, Sarah was waiting in line in the bank when a man came up to
her and asked her what time it was. His voice sounded familiar,
it was the same man; his name was Joseph.


o Handsome: apuesto o simpático

o Cup of coffee: taza de café
o Add: agregar
o Midnight: media noche
o Fall in love: enamorarse
o Hope: esperanza
o Pray: orar o rezar
o Wait in line: esperar en una fila CONTINUE

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