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Monday, 25th January

Mayte  and I got to New York at 14:30 this afternoon.It was very  long a very  long flight from
Madrid.When we got off the plane, the first thing we noticed  was the cold 6 degrees! I am 
glad, Ibrought a warm coat  in Madrid, it was  35 degress when we left.Everything they say
about  new yokers is true.The people at the airport were not very friendly and they could
not  understand our english. And  we could not understad  what they were saying. In the
end, we took the undergroud from JFK Airport  to our  hostel in Earl's , near the centre of
New york.The hostel is full of young tourist from all over the world and everyone was very
friendly and helpful.We  were very tired, so we decided to sleep for a few hours .Mayte's
telling  me to get ready to go and eat, so i have to finish now , more tomorrow

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