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In the monthly report I am writing about the primary data for which I have taken some questions for

my questionnaire. I have chosen some brands like Bata ,Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Red Tape, Red Chief.

I will be analysing the consumer perception survey and the comparative analysis by using 4P’s with
respect to the consumer survey.

For the consumer preference level and the factor the influencing the costumers at the time of
purchasing shoes are :

 Quality
 Durability
 Varity
 Price
 Use



Email Address

Phone no.


a) Male
b) Female

Age group

a) 5-15
b) 15-25
c) 25-40
d) 40+

1:What do you do

a) Student
b) Service
c) Business
d) Others

2: Salary (N/A for student)

a) 0-5 lakh
b) 5-10 lakh
c) More than 10 lakh

3: what type of different shoes you wear mostly:

a) Formal
b) Casual
c) Sports
d) Others______

3: which brand you use in the following brands:

a) Bata
b) Nike
c) Adidas
d) Rebook
e) Red chief
f) Regularly switch to the other brand

4: what are the factor to buy the footwear

a) Quality
b) Price
c) Innovation
d) Brand name
e) Advertisement
f) Durability
g) Look and design

5: what factors influenced you to switch over brand

a) Price
b) Quality
c) Discount
d) Previous bad experience
e) Others________________

6: Have you bought any footwear influenced by any ways of marketing or branding programme?

a) Yes
b) NO

7: How frequently you use shoes?

a) Once a week
b) Twice a week
c) At weekend
d) Daily

8: while buying, do you consider environment friendliness in footwear?

a) Yes
b) No

9: which plate form you prefer to buy footwear

a) Online
b) Offline
c) Other……………
Below are some statement of people’s buying behaviour towards the footwear. Please check the
one box that best indicates how well the statement describe your personally:

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Indifferent
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

And the questions are:

1. I like to buy costly shoes

2. I prefer to buy shoes which are liked by my family and friend
3. I prefer to buy shoes which are endorsed and advertised by celebrity
4. I like to buy shoes which are stylish and of latest design
5. I don’t like to spend too much time on deciding the footwear
6. Stores display is the best form of advertising
7. TV advertisement is the best way of advertising
8. Buying customized footwear by internet is very attractive

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