Story of Covenant With God's People 2.4

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Word of God

God Saves Moses Exodus 2:1-10

Moses was born a Hebrew but was raised as an Egyptian. His mother saved
him from the slaughter of the Hebrew male children by planning for him to be found
by the Pharaoh’s daughter.
The Pharaoh’s daughter named him Moses which means “crawn out of
water” or “one who draws out”. The Exodus 2:1-10 shows how God protected
Moses even as an infant to preserve him for his future mission. Just as his name
suggested, Moses would be God’s instrument in freeing the Israelites.

1. Based on the story that you read about Moses from the book of Exodus, how will you
react on the plans that God prepared for Moses?

2. Do you believe that God plan everything for us, for our goodness from the day of our
birth? Explain why.


The story of the covenant with God’s people

The plagues
 it is various calamities sent down as divine punishment. (Exodus 9:14)
 A widespread disease that is deadly.

The Story of 10 Plagues of Egypt (Link:

 comes from the Hebrew word Pesach and
 Aramaic word Pescha.
 Referring to how the Angel of Death passed over the houses of the Israelites and spared
the firstborn son from the tenth plague.
 almost 3,000 years, Jews all over the world still celebrate the Passover.
1. They need to kill one-year old lamb;
2. Put the blood of the lamb in their door posts;
3. Eat roasted lamb, unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
Jesus’ Last Supper is the new Passover.
 offering His own body and blood for the forgiveness of sins and as the New Covenant.
Jesus Christ became the new Paschal Lamb to be sacrificed for all.
 The Eucharistic celebration is the Christian Passover.
In the Old Testament it is viewed as the law imposed by a divine Judge who watches over
everyone with an all-seeing EYE.
The divine “law” given to Moses constituted a great part of their “Sacred Scriptures”.
it is represented the great gift of God’s Love.
The Ten Commandments point in two direction:
1. They call for reverence for God,
2. Respect for our fellow human beings.
1. I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other Gods before me.
Key value = faith in God.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Key value = respect for God's name and other people's names.
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.
Key value = rest, balance, prayer and worship.
4. Honor your father and mother.
Key value = family life, care and respect.
5. You shall not kill.
Key value = respect and reverence for human life.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
Key value = faithfulness, love and keeping our promises.
7. You shall not steal.
Key value = fairness, honesty, trust and justice.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Key value = truth, honesty and goodness.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
Key value = gratitude, respect for others, acceptance.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
Key value = gratitude, generosity.
FIRST COMMANDMENT: “I am the Lord your God. You shall not have other God’s besides me.”
 the most important one.
 to know and love God, and gratefully accept His Lordship.
 it is foundation of all Christian Moral Life.
 God calls every person to share in His Love through a life of faith, Hope and Charity.
SECOND COMMANDMENT: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain”
 it commands reverence for God’s holy name which represents God Himself.
 rejecting all speech against God Himself
 (blasphemy, cursing, false oaths)
 refusing all use of God’s name to harm others (Sorcery).
THIRD COMMANDMENT: “Remember to keep Holy the Sabbath Day”
 The Sabbath is a symbol of the final celebration and rest which is the conclusion of all God’s work.
 During 7th day it was created the Tranquillity, Serenity, Peace and Repose.
FOURTH COMMANDMENT: “Honor your Father and your Mother”
Three points of the fourth commandment:
1. Referred more to the obligation of grown children, now adults, to take care of their aged parents.
2. Focus on taking care of aged parents.
3. Both parents should receive equal respect.
Three obstacles:
1. Not all fathers and mothers act as a loving parents
2. Children’s and youth natural growth and development
3. Generation gap between parents and children’s.
FIFTH COMMANDMENT: “You shall not kill”
 It thus protects God’s gift of life and promotes practical care and respect for the life and dignity of
all persons.
 This indicates that the basis for the extraordinary value of human life is God.
 In Jesus teaching is that God alone is the ultimate Lord and Master of Life.
Particular offenses against life:
1. Vices – widespread abuse in physical well-being such as alcohol, drugs etc.
2. Abortion – deliberate ejection/ killing of innocent fetus from the mother’s womb.
3. Euthanasia – known as mercy killing; painlessly killing or putting someone to death.
4. Suicide – unalterable act of taking one’s own life.
5. Capital Punishment – practice of executing those convicted of especially serious crime.
SIXTH COMMANDMENT: “You shall not commit adultery”
 Prohibits married person from entering into sexual union with someone than their spouse.
 This sixth commandment protected our value of sexuality.
 The commandment of marriage enjoins a free and responsible fidelity to a conjugal union
that is “life-long”. It also means permanent, enduring bond that is “for keeps”.
SEVENTH COMMANDMENT: “You shall not steal”
 Fosters social justice as it prohibits all ways of robbing others’ freedom by stealing what is
rightfully theirs.
 The 7th commandment makes it very clear: we cannot use a person’s life and liberty as a means
to extort money or political advantage from others, no matter how noble the cause.
EIGHT COMMANDMENT: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor”
 prohibits destructive perversions of the truth that damage the life of the covenant community.
 It touches the truth involved in the human interpersonal relationships of justice and love that
ground the community’s life.
Lying - is most common and direct offense against the truth. It is the intentional misrepresentation of the
truth by word, gesture, or even silence.
Kinds, motivations and situations of lying:
1. “White Lies” of boasting – exaggerating one’s qualities to gain favor with others.
2. Escapist lying or Saving face – preserving one’s supposed good image before others.
3. Careless lying /Flattery – “bola/ sabi-sabi”
4. Malice – intended to harm others.
5. Propaganda or for profit – intentionally deceive and lead others into error
6. Lies of hypocrisy or half-truths – truth is twisted or slanted to seem to say something which is
not so.
7. Silence - can be a lie when it is the coward’s “refuge” to avoid trouble
8. Perjury/False Witness – take place when the lie is spoken in public, particularly in a court of
NINTH COMMANDMENT: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife”
 goes to interior root and source of the disorders of the flesh by prohibiting covetousness, or evil
desires of the heart.
 human covetousness has been the radical source of sin that alienates us from God and our
“All that is in the world, lust of the flesh, enticements for the eye, pride of life, is not from the
(1 John 2:16)
TENTH COMMANDMENT: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s good’s”
 Fosters social justice by prohibiting the distorted desires of the heart from which stealing and
exploitation of our arise.
 It forbids not only unjust craving for another’s property, but also envy at the success of others.
 Envy is a capital sin.

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