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My parents always believed that it’s really important to study regularly in order to achieve

something in life . That was the only reason why they wanted me to join university without
having a gap year . But I was not sure about what I wanted to do . I am a very hardworking
student. I always got grades and I knew that no matter which subject I choose, if I work hard
then I will be able to get good grades and have a good job in the related field. I told them
that I am sure no matter which subject I take as major I will have a good job , but if I later on
realise that it is not something which I want to do then I won’t be able to have a happy life . I
would need to force myself out of bed to get to the job .When a person does a certain task
unwillingly then they won’t be able to excel in it . I am hardworking and I want to work hard in
something which I am sure I want to do . I was 18 back then so I told them that if I take a gap
of 1 or 2 years then it will be something that will help me to grow . I even gave them the
example of Colonel Sanders who became a professional chef at the age of 40 and
franchised KFC at the age of 62. If he had realised that he wasn’t meant to be a lawyer and
that he enjoyed cooking then he could have achieved the fame much earlier , and even after
knowing his story I don’t want to just jump into something . I told them about my plans to
assure them that I won’t be wasting my time and their money . I had planned to be involved
in social work by volunteering in Old Age homes and Orphanages . Along with that I thought
of taking a short course in coding and one of my friends had joined microbiology classes and
after talking to the professors of the college they had allowed me to join the classes for a few
months . I had planned to visit the rural part of the country to know about the difficulties they
face because I never faced any problems in my life ,my parents had fulfilled each and every
needs in my life and I was completely dependent upon my parents for everything . So, I
searched for a job for myself so that I could make some money of my own. So, after I told
them about the reasons and how I will be using the gap time for my personal development
both of them agreed to allow me to take the gap year .

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