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1.Mention what are the comments style used in VBA?

quotation mark (')

 2.In VBA how we can declare variable and constant?
keyword “DIM”  keyword “Const.”
3.  Explain what is ADO, ODBC and OLEDB?
ActiveX Data Objects,  Open Database Connectivity
4. Explain how to debug a VBA code?
Using Breakpoints (F9) Step by step execution (F8)
5.What does Option Explicit refer to?
Ans: Option Explicit makes the declaration of Variables Mandatory
6. What is the difference between Procedure and Functions?
Procedures or Subroutines will not return a value; functions will return values.
7. What are the built-in Class modules?
Workbook, Worksheet modules are Class modules.
8. What is the shortcut to go to VBA editor screen?
You can use the ‘Alt+F11’ key to go to VBA editor screen
9. What are the available looping statements?
For…. Next loop, Do While…. Loop, Do until Loop, Do….Loop, Until..,Do While
Not…Loop, While…. Wend loop
10. Data Type
Byte, Integer, Single, Long, Double, Decimal, Date, Currency, Object, Boolean
11. Define the shortcut for sum?
ALT and +
12.What is the shortcut to reference the cell?
Fn +F4
13.Excel specifications and limits

Open workbooks Limited by available memory and system

Total number of rows and columns on a 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns

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