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SoctaL MANUAL FOR SEMINARIANS Reverend Thomas F. Casey and Reverend Leo C. Gainer, OF. Foreword by His Emineoe Richard Cardzal Cushing, Roman Catholic Books ter Fos fee Box 285, Ft Cli, CO 522 TE Man oF Toni Cazes Cine Publisher’ Note ir 9 ed ‘Not all custons and manners survive cultural ‘Dorel it sued tb Western word th le 140 Thsbock vas writen Tie eay "60s, bat helds up quite well | Senin pret nd nda Choi yen ‘Sifing alae ven ne cary yours bs Sisco. Eapeay so tn fit — beast fro of Tne ad ie aining in Christan ‘Sauce invutspt wesepet oto om farSemiarionscactyasionginaly opr. | | the mitors clletvey spent dads in v0 jr ahahocse Bosna Chg ag oniast743 FOREWORD ‘Gur modern scuinaians {ace a formidable challenge as thy Seaerusly answer the call of God t Afelong service ate Rerun and moral formation must be achieved during the Dest period of their aseocation with the seminary. Many forces within and without the individual candidat combine fn anault on his good purpose. Strengthened by the soora~ penis and guided by his bishop, shaped by the devoted. at fenton of is seminary professors, and encouraged by the roving prayers of his family, the young man labors to reach the goal to which his vocation summons bin, “wikia the young man ie qualities which the pasing years writ se develop, He has it in him o Become first a gentleman, Text an educated priest, and then a saint. One sep achicved til leed him to the next and each is necessary forthe full TRalzation of te inner qualities bestowed on him by God Man, gentleman, pies, and stint are the challenging sags A the developing ie that bes before the young seounarian Iris for the development of the gentleman that Pather CGainoe and Fisher Casey Have composed this manual. AS Griese speaking to sominaians who share the presly voce Tou they offor guidance in the many social stations en ovntered by aseminacan, Included ae the socal responsb- fe of he community Te of the seminary and tbe demands of ‘proper Behavior which occur when seminarians are on leave From the sominary. The authors examine the social cstoms ts they apply to seminarians, teat of a range of topics and present practical directions for the exemplifcation of the Social graces, ‘Tacir theme is chart in action. Retopniing the suprem: ey of the virtue of charity as do all nelgent followers of (Gis, they counsel the application of the virtue of charity toll he situations encountered in dally life. Ths the manual ts in the development of the baie vite and lads semi natians toward the persoification ofthe Catholic gentleman No pretense or afectation enters nto this role of the Catholic ‘gentleman, The seminarians shows the connection tht exits between good manners and virtue, propriety and maalinss ‘The sive is retreshing and should effectively instruct the readers of the mano. ‘Our seminarians" external mennere should be a reflection oftheir inner motivation, charity ia sctoa: love of God and love of neighbor. Th love of God has brought these students to our seminaries. The love of neigh: should motivate them to acquire gracious knowledge of correct social relations 50 83 to make thei future apostolate more effective. Good mangers have immediate resus 10, in consbutig to the ‘happiness of fellow seminarians and maintaining harmonious ‘cooperation among these geverous young men. The Christ Tike seminaran is the ideal and all must sve toward this sol ‘May this manual prove helpful to our beloved seminarians asthe face the challenge tobe gentlemen, educated poets, and, utinstely, ent Ricuano Caroneit Custina Archbishop of Boston INTRODUCTION Purpose “This manual is intended 10 be helpful to the young men ‘oho are aspiting to the priesthood in the Catholic Church Iris it you wish to 0 libel it, “A Textbook on Clerical iigncte” It is designed to be indicative rather than comprehonsive, Ta is purpose, however, it goes beyond the mere cata: Ioguing of general rues and regultions of socal conduct, ‘ear vualizes you, the Ftate poet, «sam total of all your ftnining — spittual, moral, intelectual, physica, and socal "The reeling composite isthe ordained pret —a cultured Catholisgetleman, Tis book covers only one phase of that teaning or preparation: the socal propre, ‘Terms Explained “cultured Catholic Gentleman," as we wwe the term, siguies the Catholic priest who is motivated by charity, by true of God, and by love of neighbor. His Ife isa life of fervise 49 God and his fellowman. This culture expresses iif in all his human relations ‘Se Thomas Aquinss with is great acumen, calls tis aqualiy “abi” the sbilty to get along amicably with i tedowmen. The key thought the, as now, was considers fou and thoughdulnes for others St Thomas abies this quality of ffi, oF frend tines, to the virus of jsie. He says in pat: ‘This vias of afaity pat of Jac, tng fed to caso aprpl virtue» (for eanple: De beach 9 he ss). Adaya rn den eu mum, ia. Thro, btooves tro execs heen rgd tovacts eer a oar mal sie bet in dee a ord, that ve Behave tovans etc ober ina epeahe Imanner. Heac, the reed of speci ine tht papas hi bacnony of rlstonship. Ts vias we eal oat Ole Lee ea eel So St. Thomas recognized that afsilty and friendliness sp closely allied to gos! mannors and to consideration ofthe Fights of others. He makes enly one exeepon, which we ean realy accept with ts implicatons Unless at times, for some resoe it as at ies, Its mecessary to please cee eres Your Regulations All seminatis, major and minor, lay down the same rule for their tudens. The wording may vary but the central idea is tho same everywhere: the motivation of social conduct is ‘charity; chacity in action; charity in love far God and love for neighbor ei God and lowe Teer nde nc 4 rt ot fovea Ga, bt let mo A ety gh contr to the spl sec cod td gh tal in his human relations, Pa {Eine cent pst of yore span at yo sg good mangers in ode fo secure th espe are he respect of the public nad the confidence of the laity. 5 “he general publ eXpets you, and Higly 0, to bane sei ay nour sh, coi wih oy and gasouanes. Aayhing stort of tis wil are the people ‘and reflect unfavorably upon your ministry, — Habit Forming Time Cereal students stat off with a handicap, however, You, the future priest, must spend many of your formtve years pretcally slated from nosmal social contacis with active jeg. You enter the minor seminary in your teess. YOu ed additonal years of training largely removed from the ‘poence of your fay, home fe, and mined society. alike young men in hgh school, college, orn the business word, you have ite opportunity #0 rele that your atides Tal social depertnent make a distinct impresion upon the people with wom you come into contact. Your aflbilty and eeneteyereato your “image” ia the public mind. ik ducing thee secluded years of collie, plilosophical, and thoologea study that yoo are rained inthe social graces Sut your opportunites pot them into practice are somentat fimiod, Therefore, make the most of every ossason eon our elasmates; in your own fanily Gece; toward people Yo come to the seminary; on visiting Sundays: during ‘cation periods Tf you ace not alert and do not give clove attention tothe soci) conventions during this period of time, you will reubiedly develop gracless, plcbcien, or even oflensive vamanar, These undesirable traits will correspondingly impede Jour elective service daring your active years of minis Je is a rule of society, a fact of life, that persons aro judged fy eatemals, You wil not be exempied from this critical appraisal Judgment by Others ‘Your petonal appearance, dent or young priest Your earings tase, pose, your courtesy in dealings with others Pea gnc and observance of social conventions — ll these factors make a favorable or 4 disagreeable impression upon oihers, Moreover, these judgments are formed even before your other quate ar considered, such as knowledge, intelligence, or your moral character. You will be appraised scconding to these external standards and there isn anything you ean do abou i except to conform to the code, Final Determinant omnes ese mit bse Ml cio wich gore sour application of conventional ral to partir seamsiee it your sea et 8 Joma pron. Tot oe example il ist thi pin. es rl that ne sake hand ithe ‘ah and. nage the onsen ht ould ea hs fle wan ot general flowed! ey tse are many Pr tar dremtasom, or ns, th anlepped the man ith inflate ecm be ap pled, Hens you most make “commen se the nae stesen of prper ase ‘You ae one bod eel ake — io mooie toobled wate a scl sanenon and gveyon sete Sans in your sponch i ircstaned pty as in your pling goo pal sn tele tng 5 «groan for Your ier of says to, Jou festa ening repent re ato fo Jou Chay in aon ih tration of sas "ou at make we of al etal enn, wal a pit sal one your sprite, externa of porn tad evens f som sews fase ia ncig Others ten hy xt icone porn sens in Yo somite This, Jo os pret wil ake your sigh ace wit th enue pope fe mot Te peopl wil nae tht ou ae ae wr uno te wor You vl ke vTRODUCTION your place in the elasoom, the college, the university, in Tho parish, on the Ieee platform, in the pulpit, in the (Couch soiodes wherever cultured and intellesteal men fad women. gather” You will be observed, on inspection Gierever you appear You must aot disappoint these people. Inspirational Example ou tol te yur inion om Chit Hime wo ey ft echt polite Cin in Hs pe Fee cated oi when twas ne Me mt rts He as coc, He ver wll estan any mam bt He ied oe who fg tare sto le vhca Cis obra earn, as wy when be opted © De a ry oso iy fo Chr eget fo ahem, the Ka of put eo saa Mie Ste saty ed he pstet Magee fon oto aha toe hop of cy. ae ray ter nh eich nd por ae He con ey te Hs Aponte wits de, a edna ct Zacbecn He ou! nd eto he ee yin te home of His fend Lazar He ee ae oe earnest w next ae eee ing tal nea ol Sa wo Be aa ener extn gine, Hee {ea mot fr your ia. CONTENTS: FOREWORD INTRODUCTION 1, PROPER TRAINING 2, POSTURE AND CARRIAGE 3. CONVERSATION 4, ANNOYING HABITS 5. SMOKING 6, TABLE MANNERS THE CONVENTIONALITY OF EATING WAITING ON TABLE ‘TRING SPORTS ‘WHEN SICKNESS COMES WHEN THE LADIES ARE PRESENT THE AUTOMOBILE “TELEPHONE USAGE ‘CORRESPONDENCE 16. INTRODUCTIONS 17, GOOD MANNERS IN ACTION TS. YOUR FIRST SOLEMN MASS SOURCES INDEX SOCIAL MANUAL FOR SEMINARIANS Let no man despise thy yout, but ow an example to the faithful in speech, in conduct, in charity in faith, in chasty (1 Tim 4212), Chapter 1. PROPER TRAINING ‘Your Personal Cleanliness “The foundation of your personal appearance Is cleanliness of Jour person, Fortunately for you, your Homes, your cole ad your seninaries provide ample fies for your perenal rooming ‘Under these favorable conditions i becomes exceedingly iheult for you to offer valid excuse forgiving ofense 10 ‘ahers by body odors, itespectve of how violent your physi Cal exergie in spots, ot your expenditure of ener in other tecivides. You cant blame it oa the weather conditions, for our companions enduro the same heat waves, Wile they My aot say enything, they weil not accept your implied Rigid Custom ‘This point of equate is equally we cleanings factors. We azetopily becoming ® people inexo- Saniy devlcated 19 immaculaeness of person and dress. AS {result we are increasingly intolerant of those who cither fetberaly, or inadvertently, Haunt these conventions, We paper and magazine advertisements and 10 ‘TV commercials tezarding soaps, deedoranis, toothpastes, fand mouthrastes you scarcely need to be reminded here of the importance of daily baths, the use of deodorants, the evesly of regular ieth brushing, elose shaves, the assurance of fresh, clean breath frequent sharpoos, lean fingers, and fresh linens. 1 you aze meticulous and regular now in ‘observing shoe regulations they will Become habitual and you can says fe cone of your prvabiy under Specifications of Canon Law “he saced Canons fa Curch eigie the hygiene selon ad init pon tie trance. The Chae 2 reson propriy i wand mane aos ‘henge tiny for acts ie re (he ening and forging pod ample hem ‘then thie mate of dasrum, Canc 1363, praca 9 rade (Tee seminary oficals) sha egcaty sess the rule of true Chetan etquets sad_smulte the scolonan by tnmpl tothe calvation of hem; moveve he oa thal age the seriarans to the serpulonscbervance ef hype

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