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Ans- Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing new leaders who
can replace old leader when he/she leaving, retired or die. On the other hand, contingency
plan is a substitute of main plan. It makes for overcome the unexpected situation. So, if
we make a succession plan besides the main plan, it will also considered as a contingency
plan. For example, Apple makes their main plan based on steve jobs but if we make a
succession plan to develop new leaders and use them in any unexpected situation like
steve jobs leaving or absent time. By this way company can defend their unexpected
losses. In contrast, crisis management plan makes suddenly. They do not get enough time
to make this plan. In the text capelli mentioned that succession planning is a waste of
time because the changes makes frequently and there is no real ability to make formal
succession plan. So, in that case we can consider Succession planning as a crisis
2. Ans-
3. Ans- According to case study Apple just released steve Jobs absence email publically. In
the question it also mentioned that a company spokeswoman responded “we have said all
we are going to say”. In that case i think yes, Apple is obligated more details or update
about their CEO health and their planning. If they do not add any more details or update
it will be risky for any investor. If i was a Apple investor firstly, i want to know about the
CEO update is he work with the company any more or not. Secondly, i would like to
know about company future plan like Succession planning. Otherwise, as a investor it
will make confusion is that company made any more progress or not because in 2011
Apple is not as popular as present condition. So, if i got positive news from the company
that if i keeps the company share will make profit in future then i think will keeps the
share of the company otherwise i will not keep the share of the company.

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