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Quiz 8(9/10)

1. It allows us to round to a significant number of decimal places.

a. Bound Function
b. Down Function
c. Round Function
d. Surround Function
2. The shortcut that activates the paste special dialogue box.
a. Ctrl+Alt+F
b. Ctrl+Alt+B
c. Ctrl+Alt+C
d. Ctrl+Alt+V
3. What to type to round up the price upward to the very next penny? (for decimal)
a. Press F2+ ROUNDap
b. Press F2 + ROUNDup
c. Press F4 +ROUND_UP
d. Press F8+ ROUND_+
4. It is a mathematical tool widely used by mathematicians which is use to create random numbers.
a. Random number generation
b. Random count generation
c. Random digit generation
d. Random numeral generation
5. It is designed for whole numbers.
a. Random between
b. Random center
c. Rand between
d. Rand center
6. A program is not easy to count the numbers of unique entries.
a. Exempt
b. Excel
c. Power point
d. Word
7. .00
.0 .0
Select one:
a. Increasing Decimal
b. Decreasing Decimal
c. Decrease Decimal
d. Increase Decimal
8. .0
a. Decreasing Decimal
b. Decrease Decimal
c. Increasing Decimal
d. Increase Decimal

What is the unusual formula/ array formula for unique function?

a. =sum( (sample cells)))
b. =sum(1/countif(sample cells)))
c. =sum(countif(sample cells)))
d. =sum(1 (sample cells)))

a. State Sum
b. State Equal
c. State Totals
d. State Round up

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