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Good morning to all, Taking into account Albert Roberts report on the
characteristics of the city It has come to the idea of a new product, but before
saying it is important to mention:
1. When segmenting the market in age groups, a product is needed that benefits
the entire population
2. Analyzing the segmentation by the income of the people, the product must be
easily accessible for both the low-income population and the high-income
3. When implementing the new product, the city should be at the forefront of other
cities in entertainment for its inhabitants With these elements exposed, I think it
would be good to have a multipurpose community park as a new product, the idea
it is really cutting edge and has room for people outdoor, environmental trails,
recreational and cultural programs. Prevent shopping centers tis to corner the
market of entertainment The city’s blockbuster is the free gym in the center of park,
These are, in general terms, the main things We just need to work out our new
product successfully in the market.

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