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HO Pronunciation Practice

1. Read the following text out loud. Before you read, go to google drive, click on New, then
open a Google doc. Once the new document Is open, go to tools and select the option
voice typing. Then start reading your paragraph to see if the program recognizes the
words you are dictating.

Reading 4

2. As you read, identify the words that were difficult to pronounce or the ones you were not
sure how to pronounce, or simply the key words of the text. Then, go to an online
dictionary and check the phonetic transcription (IPA) of those words. Write here the words
you have selected from the text.
a. Word:___________________ IPA Transcription ______________________
b. Word:___________________ IPA Transcription ______________________
c. Word:___________________ IPA Transcription ______________________
d. Word:___________________ IPA Transcription ______________________
e. Word:___________________ IPA Transcription ______________________

3. After you have practiced your pronunciation using the phonetic transcription, go to Voice
thread in Sicua (in the same place where you recorded the 9 words from the guided
dictionary exercise) and record your voice while reading the text. Start your text with
Reading 1, 2, or 3, depending on the text you were assigned to read.

4. Once you finish reading your text, listen to 2 of partners’ recordings and check if you
understand the ideas of the text. Choose a partner with a different text from yours.

Student 1: _________
Was it easy for you to understand all the sentences of the text? Yes ___ No ___
why ________________________________________________________________
Write the main idea of the text you heard.
Student 2: _________
Was it easy for you to understand all the sentences of the text? Yes ___ No ___
why ________________________________________________________________
Write the main idea of the text you heard.

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