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Symptom checker for heart failure

This symptom checker includes the main symptoms of heart failure and is designed to help you evaluate
these potential symptoms. It can serve as a basis for discussion with your doctors. The symptom checker
is not intended to be used to diagnose heart failure or to replace medical advice.

1. Do you experience shortness of breath during routine activities?

Yes No

2. Do you experience shortness of breath while at rest/lying down?

Yes No

Ref: American Heart Association, Inc.

3. Do you feel short of breath while lying flat and feel the need to stack multiple pillows to
sleep well?

Yes No

4. Do you experience persistent wheezing / coughing that produces white or pink blood
tinged mucus?

Yes No

5. Do you have swelling in the feet/ ankles/legs (shoes feel tighter) or abdomen?

Yes No
6. Do you feel tired while doing routine activities such as shopping, climbing stairs,
carrying groceries or walking?

Yes No

7. Have you experienced loss of appetite (frequent feeling of being full) or nausea

Yes No

8. Do you feel any of these symptoms - confusion, disorientation or loss of memory?

Yes No

Ref: American Heart Association, Inc.

9. Do you often feel that you are having a racing heartbeat and experience palpitations?

Yes No

By themselves, any one sign of heart failure may not be cause for alarm.
But if you have more than one of these symptoms, even if you haven’t been
diagnosed with any heart problems, report them to a healthcare professional
or ask for an evaluation of your heart. Share a link to the #BeatHeartFailure
symptom checker now with your friends and family to help them assess their
heart health.10,11


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