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The construction of knowledge

Following the principles of psychology by the Vygotskian framework, the construction of

knowledge plays an important role as the others. The purpose of this text is to describe the
perception after reading about the construction of knowledge by the children. Is important to
know first a little about Vygotsky who was the founder of an unfinished theory of human
cultural and bio-social development commonly referred to as cultural-historical psychology.

Now, according to Vygotsky the construction of knowledge must be an interaction with the
social environment in that way the children can create their own understanding, the teacher
also works as a guide in this process indicating just how and what the child will learn. But, if
the child does not have manipulation and hands-on experience, the child will not construct her
own understanding, it is mean that must exist a balance with the guidance by the teacher. The
interaction teacher-child is a concept where the experience is equal to what the children learn
by their hands and by social interactions. At this point, the children receive a direct influence
by the teacher who already helped them in the identification of what to notice and
characteristics are most important, all these because the interaction through shared activities.

Something important in this phase is the construction of knowledge, reason which push the
teacher to identify what the child actually understands. After some experiences exchanges
with the children, it is possible to identify exactly what the children’s concept is. According to
the Vygostkyan tradition, it is common to think of learning as a process of appropriation of
knowledge, which demonstrate the active role that the learner plays in all this process.

As conclusion, the teachers must be mediators in the process and at the same time not
intervene so much in the process that allows the learner to generate their conclusions, their
own ideas about something, with the space provided; without leaving aside the importance of
continuously monitoring the empowerment, strengthening being developed in them..

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