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Nama: Dhea Safira Maharani

NPM: 197010050


5 features of Good Presentation

1. Only write the point of the topics on the power point

2. Dominate the topics
3. Speaks fluently
4. Using the right tone when explaining
5. Controlling the facial expression (not laughing, etc)

5 features of Bad Presentation

6. Still looking / reading from the power points

7. Too much body language
8. Not looking straight to the audience
9. Plain topics (makes audience bored)
10. Forgetting the sentences

Characteristic of Good Presentation

1. Speaks fluently
2. Choosing the right words so the audience can understand more easily
3. Pay attentions to your body language
4. Dominate the topics
5. Only write the point on your power point not a pargraph
6. Talk straightly to the audience
7. Not read from the power point
8. Do not thinking too long or forgetting the sentences
9. Put on nice outfit so you will look more professionals
10. Pay attentions on your tone when speaking/explaining

Next week Topics will be about Skincare Routine.

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