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Hon Kris Faafoi MP for Mana Minister of Broadcasting, Communications Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housit and Digital Media Minister for Government Digital Services Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister of immigration 17 AUG 2020 MPOL 535 Anatoliy Goryachev Dear Anatoliy Thank you for your letter dated 15 July 2020 regarding your comments on residency application queues As at 28 July 2020, there were 499 applications in the priority queue, and 70 Immigration Officers processing all application types in the Immigration New Zealand Manukau office. As you are aware the non-priority work is being allocated at a low rate at this point in time and as the priority work is cleared that allocation will be able to be increased. The allocations of applications to immigration officers occur weekly and the number of applications that are allocated is dependent upon processing capacity. More updates in regards to the allocation of applications can be found at the following link: wn. immigration. resident-visa-applications/smo-and-rfw-timeframe-information. The time taken to assess an application can vary considerably and will depend on the quality and of supporting documents and whether further information or verification of information is, required. If further information is required to complete an assessment, this can draw out the process which causes further delays and reduces the Immigration Officers ability to take on new allocations. Residence application allocation is subject to rules noted in Immigration instruction A16.1, which can be found here: www. immigration govt.nzlopsmanual/#44854. htm, You can request a refund if you wish to withdraw your visa application and it has not been allocated to an immigration officer to commence processing. Immigration New Zealand will consider your request and if approved they will deduct an administration fee to account for work currently completed on the application including lodging the application. | hope you find this information helpful. Yours sincerely 4644817 8720 Prvate Gag 804, Par 6160, New Zealand I} kfasfoiaminstersgovt nz BJ bechive govt nz saciogs, Went

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