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Journal of Infection (2013) 66, 18e26

Plague: History and contemporary analysis

Didier Raoult a,*, Nadjet Mouffok b, Idir Bitam c, Renaud Piarroux d,
Michel Drancourt a

Aix Marseille Université, Unité des Rickettsies, UMR CNRS 7278, IRD 198, INSERM 1095, IHU Méditerranée Infection, 27
Boulevard Jean Moulin, 13385 Marseille, Cedex 05, France
Service des Maladies Infectieuses, Centre hospitalo-universitaire d’Oran, 72 Boulevard Docteur Benzerdjeb,
31 000 Oran, Algeria
Laboratoire d’Ecologie des Systemes Vectoriels, Institut Pasteur d’Algérie, 1 Rue du Docteur Laveran, Hamma, Alger
16000, Algeria
Laboratoire de Parasitologie et Mycologie, LaTimone Academic Hospital, Marseille, France et Aix Marseille University,
UMR-MD3, Marseille, France

Accepted 26 September 2012

Available online 3 October 2012

KEYWORDS Summary Plague has caused ravaging outbreaks, including the Justinian plague and the
Plague; “black death” in the Middle Ages. The causative agents of these outbreaks have been con-
Yersinia pestis; firmed using modern molecular tests. The vector of plague during pandemics remains the sub-
Black death; ject of controversy. Nowadays, plague must be suspected in all areas where plague is endemic
Louse; in rodents when patients present with adenitis or with pneumonia with a bloody expectorate.
Reemergence Diagnosis is more difficult in the situation of the reemergence of plague, as in Algeria for ex-
ample, told by the first physician involved in that outbreak (NM). When in doubt, it is prefer-
able to prescribe treatment with doxycycline while waiting for the test results because of the
risk of fatality in individuals with plague. The typical bubo is a type of adenitis that is painful,
red and nonfluctuating. The diagnosis is simple when microbiological analysis is conducted.
Plague is a likely diagnosis when one sees gram-negative bacilli in lymph node aspirate or bi-
opsy samples. Yersinia pestis grows very easily in blood cultures and is easy to identify by bio-
chemical tests and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Pneumonic plague and septicemic plague
without adenitis are difficult to diagnose, and these diagnoses are often made by chance or
retrospectively when cases are not part of an epidemic or related to another specific epidemi-
ologic context. The treatment of plague must be based on gentamicin or doxycycline. Treat-
ment with one of these antibiotics must be started as soon as plague is suspected. Analysis
of past plague epidemics by using modern laboratory tools illustrated the value of epidemic
buboes for the clinical diagnosis of plague; and brought new concepts regarding its transmis-
sion by human ectoparasites.
ª 2012 The British Infection Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33 4 91 32 43 75; fax: þ33 4 91 38 77 72.

E-mail address: (D. Raoult).

0163-4453/$36 ª 2012 The British Infection Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
History and contemporary analysis of plague 19

Introduction remain alive in a dormant form in soil for a period of several

months or years.9 This finding was recently confirmed in
laboratory experiments10 and in the field following a small
Plague is primarily a murine zoonosis. Humans are in-
epidemic in the USA.11
cidental hosts that do not contribute to the natural cycle
of the disease outside of epidemics. The Yersinia pestis
bacterium is the causative agent of plague and can be Epidemiology
transmitted by fleas, bites, scratches, aerosols, or contam-
inated food.1 Plague is one of the most important diseases Overall, the epidemiology of plague must be seen in a much
shaping the history of humanity because few microbes have less diagrammatic manner than in the past. However,
killed as many as a third of the whole population during outbreaks of either bubonic or pneumonic plague, some
a pandemic or have changed the course of history.1 The causing dozens of deaths, have recently been reported in
transmission of Y. pestis during a pandemic is not com- northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Many rodents
pletely understood. Y. pestis is primarily transmitted be- are susceptible to plague, as many other animals are.1,12
tween wild animals by ectoparasites, fleas in particular. Sporadic cases of this zoonosis in humans can be due to
Sporadic cases in humans can be the result of various modes transmission by rodent fleas or to the consumption of in-
of transmission, but it is difficult to explain historical fected food, to wounds or to exposure to aerosolized bacte-
plague pandemics by transmission solely by rat fleas. The ria. The consumption of infected camels is considered
mode of plague transmission during pandemics has been a source of Y. pestis infection1 (Fig. 1).
the subject of a very heated debate. In all cases, the ability of Y. pestis to survive in the soil
It should be noted that the description of the buboes makes it possible to explain the persistence of this bacte-
associated with an epidemic provided a clue leading to rium in environments in which it has been established,
plague. A precise historical description by Procopus in- even when no cases are observed among animals (Fig. 1).
dicated that the Justinian plague was caused by Y. pestis. Transmission during pandemics is difficult to explain
The second pandemic plague, which started in the 14th based only on rat fleas, which are responsible for multiple
century (the “Black Death”), was well described by Guy sporadic cases. The inability of fleas to explain plague
de Chauliac as an epidemic associated with adenitis transmission is particularly clear during the winter, when
(bubo) and high mortality.2 Currently, we do not know of flea activities are low. During the winter, inter-human
any other epidemic diseases of this nature, and it is clear transmission appears to be prevalent. Transmission via
that this disease was also plague. aerosols can cause plague pneumonia. However, it was
recently shown that this mode of transmission was far from
History effective during an epidemic in Uganda, where only the
premortem forms presented a direct risk of inter-human
transmission by cough, and only with very close contacts.13
The analysis of plague corpses in Marseilles was instrumen-
Therefore, direct transmission by aerosols may not explain
tal in developing the field of paleomicrobiology. In these
pandemics. Regarding inter-human transmission, at the be-
studies, modern diagnostic tools were used to analyze the
ginning of 20th century, Balthazard hypothesized that the
dental pulp of people thought to have died of plague.3e6
human body louse can be a vector of Y. pestis during pan-
This analysis allowed the role of Y. pestis to be confirmed
demics, a hypothesis that we confirmed. Y. pestis can be
and the genotype of the causative agent to be identified.
found in lice during epidemics.14 In experimental models,
The origin of the first historical epidemics of plague is
it is possible to transmit plague to rabbits via lice.15 Indeed,
unclear, as the name “plague” refers to nonspecific diseases.
louse-transmitted diseases have caused the worst pan-
In contrast, the word “bubo” (defined as adenitis in the groin)
demics (typhus, trench fever, louse borne relapsing fever).
is specific to plague. The plague in Athens does not seem to be
The recent discovery of concomitant outbreaks of Barto-
related to Y. pestis but instead to Salmonella typhi.5 The
nella quintana and Y. pestis using human remains supports
plague that prevailed at the beginning of the Roman Empire
this hypothesis.16,17 Finally, the role of the “human” flea
under the Antonine emperors has not been explained. The
Pulex irritans may have been important (Figs. 2 and 3).
Justinian plague (starting in 541) is the first confirmed plague
pandemic. This pandemic stopped the re-conquest of the Ro-
man Empire and has been formally identified retrospectively Geographical distribution
as being caused by Y. pestis based on the analysis of the teeth
of people buried at that time.6 The medieval plague (starting In recent years, 90% of reported cases of plague occurred
in 1347) is the second pandemic. This pandemic devastated Africa, specifically eastern Africa, central Africa and
Europe and may have killed 30% of the population. This pan- Madagascar, with small outbreaks occurring in North Africa.
demic was also formally determined to be caused by Y. pestis Currently, only the Orientalis biovar is distributed world-
in Northern and Southern Europe.7 The last pandemic, which wide and is thus the only pandemic biovar. From 1958 to
started in the 19th century (1894), has had a lesser effect on 2008, 17,000 cases were reported in Madagascar, 9000 in
the demography of the human population but is ongoing in Tanzania, 13,000 in Congo, 4800 in India, 3,500 in Vietnam,
Africa and America.8 5500 in Myanmar, 3693 in Brazil, 4091 in Peru and 438 in the
The telluric reservoir of Y. pestis has been the subject of United States (Fig. 4). Recently, cases were discovered in
many debates. It has been demonstrated that Y. pestis can North Africa in countries including Algeria and Libya
20 D. Raoult et al.

Figure 1 Transmission of sporadic cases of plague to humans from infected animals.

(Fig. 5).18,19 The current mortality rate is 7%. In the United The rate of transmission via aerosols following pneu-
States, the reported cases occur primarily in the southwest, monia is generally low but was found to reach 8% in a study
including the states of New Mexico, Colorado, California in Madagascar,26 with most infected individuals being
and Texas.20 asymptomatic.

Routes of transmission Microbiology and pathogens

Sporadic cases of human plague are acquired from animals Y. pestis is a Gram-negative bacterium belonging to the en-
by various routes. Plague, being a zoonosis, can be terobacteria family. This bacterium can be cultured easily
contracted by contact with animals or their parasites12 on ordinary media, and exhibits common characteristic of
and is most often acquired through flea bites, but this dis- enterobacteria in addition to a specific biochemical profile
ease can also be transmitted by animal scratches or by the which can be used for its phenotypic identification. Com-
inhalation of infected particles from animals having a respi- parative genetic studies have demonstrated that Y. pestis
ratory infection or during the autopsy of infected ani- likely evolved by reductive evolution from Yersinia pseudo-
mals.1,21,22 Plague can also be contracted in laboratories tuberculosis.27 Several biovars have been described, but
in which Y. pestis is handled.23 Recently, an infection by their classification is currently controversial because the
a non-pathogenic Y. pestis strain in a laboratory was re- Antigua biovar is not homophyletic.19,27,28 A very popular
ported.23 Although in most patients with sporadic infec- theory linking biotypes and pandemics26 led to the naming
tions, a flea bite is suspected to have occurred, actual of biotypes according to their putative role in each of the
clinical evidence of flea bite is rarely observed. Cats and 3 pandemics: Y. pestis Antigua (Justinian Plague), Y. pestis
dogs play a part in human infections, either by bringing in medievalis (“Black Death”) and Y. pestis orientalis (the
infected fleas or by producing aerosols, particularly by current pandemic). We demonstrated that this theory is in-
cats with plague pneumonia.24,25 Finally, some cases have correct using genomic analysis of Y. pestis in teeth from the
been reported after the ingestion of infected meat, partic- remains of plague victims,28 and we showed for the first
ularly camel meat7 (Fig. 1). time that the Antigua biovar was comprised of two distinct
Animals play an important role in the spread of plague, branches using single-nucleotide polymorphism-based
which is now present worldwide following the last pan- trees. This finding was controversial but has been con-
demics.20 Most mammals can be infected by Y. pestis, but firmed.28e30 The 3 causative agents of the pandemics are
rodents are the most common hosts. Many species of fleas related to Y. pestis orientalis. In all the cases, Y. pestis me-
are likely to be vectors of plague, but the most effective dievalis has never been associated with pandemics, nor was
vector is Xenopsylla cheopis, the oriental rat flea (Table 1). Y. pestis antigua associated with the Justinian plague.
During outbreaks, human-to-human transmission can Arthropods (fleas, lice) become infected when taking
result from aerosols or, perhaps, parasites such as lice.9 a blood meal. The inoculation of Y. pestis through the skin
History and contemporary analysis of plague 21

Figure 2 Transmission of plague in focal epidemics.

causes a primary skin lesion (commonly neglected as a phys- major clinical element of plague is the existence of a tender
ical symptom in human plague cases15). The gene pla, har- area of adenitis, referred to by the name “bubo” where
bored by a plasmid in Y. pestis, encodes for a protein that Y. pestis is able to survive and multiply in macrophages.
blocks the ingestion of blood by the flea. As a consequence, The buboes may evolve to suppuration of the adenitis.
the fleas eat much more aggressively and regurgitate the After lymph node invasion, the plague bacillus can cause
bacteria while biting their hosts.15 However, fleas that do bacteriemia. Then, ectoparasites, either fleas or lice,
not exhibit this behavior can also serve as vectors. The taking their blood meal from the infected patient can be

Figure 3 Putative transmission of plague during pandemics.

22 D. Raoult et al.

Figure 4 Geographical distribution of plague over the past 20 years.

infected and can transmit the bacterium. Severe forms of have been proposed to be key factors in the pathogenicity
pneumonia can occur without buboes. These forms can lead of bacteria associated with pandemics.32
to either a respiratory infection or a vectorized infection It has been suggested that plague outbreaks positively
reaching the trunk, without superficial palpable adenitis. selected for a human gene (CCR5) encoding a chemokine and
The virulence of Y. pestis15 has been suggested to be based that this gene is now responsible for resistance to HIV
on several plasmid- and chromosome-encoded factors. Re- infection. People with these mutations may be resistant to
cently, it was found that toxin-antitoxin modules are highly the disease, and this resistance may explain the higher
expressed in Y. pestis.31 Moreover, toxin-antitoxin modules prevalence of this mutation in Europe (where the pandemics
developed) than in Africa. Field work in rats in Madagascar
supports this theory,33 but the recent paleomicrobiological
studies do not support this theory (unpublished).
The fact that as few as 10 bacteria can be sufficient to
cause a human infection and that it has been speculated
that there is a high level of transmission via aerosols led to
the classification of Y. pestis as a possible bioterrorism
agent. This classification was based on deductive analysis,
and there is no documented example of the efficient use
of Y. pestis as a biological weapon.12

Clinical manifestations

Inoculation via a flea bite can cause a skin lesion that is not
usually reported. Depending on the site of inoculation,
infection of the regional lymph node that drains the
inoculation site may be observable (bubo) when the bite
is on the trunk. Inoculation through the skin after handling
a plague-infected animal also results in bubonic fever.
Inhalation results primary in pneumonia, and ingestion
(mostly camel meat or liver)1 results in pharyngitis with
cervical buboes. The buboes due to plague are different
from those due to other causes of lymphadenitis because
plague-related buboes are associated with systemic symp-
Figure 5 In July 2008, three patients came to Laghouat Univer- toms (hypotension, very high fever) and rapid clinical deg-
sity Hospital with signs of severe infection and painful, inflamed, radation. A cluster of patients with buboes is also a very
enlarged lymph nodes evoc of buboes. One additional patient good clue indicating plague.
became ill with pneumonia and coma after a bubo appeared. The clinical presentation of plague depends on the mode
The patients were nomads living in a 24 people camp in Thait in of infection and on reports.1,34e36 Patients typically exhibit
the Laghouat area, 550 km of Algiers. high fever, low blood pressure, chills and fatigue, and in
History and contemporary analysis of plague
Table 1 Table showing the recorded cases in chronological order. Clinical and biological signs of plague in Oran epidemic 2003.
Age/sex Date Sudden Delay T Altered Bubo Bubo Microadpathy Leuco Intersticiel Bubo aspirate Ponction Blood Treatment Evolution Clinical WHO
onset (d) > 40 health abcsess cytosis pneumopathy du bubon form
Synd Direct Culture AgF1
intertitiel exam
M11 04/06  16 þ þ þ Hemorragy/ Septicemic S
M19 09/06  20 þ þ þ þ þ   þ  Ciprofloxacin Coma/ Septicemic C
F27 14/06  10 þ  þ þ þ  þ þ  Ciprofloxacin Favorable Bubonic C
M71 14/06 þ 05   þ     þ  Ciprofloxacin Favorable Bubonic C
M26 15/06 þ 07   þ þ þ   þ  Ciprofloxacin Favorable Bubonic C
M20 16/06 þ 02   þ    Ciprofloxacin Favorable Bubonic S
M21 17/06 þ 04   þ  þ  Ciprofloxacin Favorable Bubonic S
F54 17/06  10   þ    Doxl Favorable Bubonic S
F25 19/06  09 þ þ þ þ   þ þ 
Ciprofloxacin Favorable Ulceration C
þ Dox
M27 21/06 þ 02   þ       Dox Favorable Bubonic S
M55 26/06  07   þ  þ   þ  Dox Favorable Bubonic C
M58 28/06 þ 09   þ þ    þ  Dox Favorable Bubonic C
F55 28/06  05   þ  þ þ Dox Favorable Bubonic C
F02 30/06  06   þ þ þ   þ  Thio þ gent Favorable Bubonic C
F04 30/06  05 þ  þ þ   þ þ  Thio þ gent Favorable Bubonic C
M07 01/07  07   þ     þ  Thio þ gent Favorable Bubonic S
F20  05   þ     þ  Dox Favorable Bubonic P
M28 22/07  04   þ     þ  Dox Favorable Bubonic P
M34 26/07  05   þ     þ  Dox Favorable Bubonic P

24 D. Raoult et al.

some cases, they exhibit cough, chest pain and dyspnea. 3. Pneumonia with bloody expectoration and gram-
Most cases reported recently involved a bubo that was an negative bacilli in the sputum.
exquisitely tender lymphadenopathy, making the clinical
diagnosis relatively easy. The bubo can be located in the These characteristics indicate a diagnosis of plague,
groin, in the axilla, and more rarely on the neck or the even in zones where plague is thought to have disappeared
head. On examination, it is possible to find skin lesions (such as in Algeria).18,19 The examination of smears of the
such as eschars or pustules as well as necrotic lesions and material obtained by the puncture and aspiration of
Ecthyma gangrenosum infections.36 Some patients exhibit a bubo allows the observation of gram-negative bacteria us-
severe septicemia and pneumonia and may have a bloody ing bipolar staining and Giemsa staining. The existence of
expectorate.26 In a series of patients in India, some pa- gram-negative bacilli in a lymph node sample must immedi-
tients presented with symptoms similar to those of gastro- ately lead the prescription of treatment for plague because
intestinal or urinary tract infections.37 there are extremely few types of adenitis caused by gram-
Pneumonia may be primary or secondary following negative bacteria.40 The finding of gram-negative bacteria
septicemia and can occur with or without buboes. When in the bloody sputum from patients with community-
primary, pneumonia may result from an infection acquired acquired pneumonia should also be considered as diagnos-
via an aerosol from patients with pneumonia or from tic in endemic areas,26 especially if blood analysis reveals
infected animal materials (such as those from cats and both hyperleucocytosis and thrombocytopenia.
dogs)24,25 handled in laboratories studying Y. pestis.23 In- As far as diagnosis is evokated, it becomes straightfor-
fection via an aerosol can also occur following an autopsy ward. Y. pestis does not require special culture conditions
(a case of mountain Lion).21 The occurrence of interhuman (although this bacterium grows faster at 28  C than
transmission via aerosols during pneumonic plague out- 37  C). Samples suspected of containing Y. pestis should
breaks is a source of controversy. In work performed in Ma- be handled in a BL3 laboratory. Real-time PCR may be use-
dagascar,26 it was reported that 8% of pneumonia cases ful because the sample can be easily decontaminated and
were contracted via the respiratory tract. In work conduct- tested in a standard laboratory.41 The bacterium is easily
ed in Uganda,13 transmission was only observed in very identified by standard microbiological methods, but
close contacts (caregivers) and during the patients’ last MALDI-TOF analysis is faster.42 The diagnosis can also be
days of life.13 Typically, patients with plague pneumonia made by the systematic analysis of the 16S rDNA in lymph
present with chest pain, cough and bloody sputum. node biopsies, which lead to a diagnosis of plague even
Cases without buboes are difficult to diagnose because the when not suspected.40 In an epidemic situation, specific
patients present with a nonspecific disease that may be tests can be developed that will have little use in other cir-
associated with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome cumstances, but in Madagascar or in the Democratic Repub-
(MODS). Patients with MODS account for 10e20% of cases, lic of Congo, the rapid tests based on immunodetection
with 1/3 of patients dying from this form of disease, three allow a diagnosis to be made in a few minutes.43
times more than died during the bubonic plague. This high level
or mortality may be caused by the absence of a diagnosis, the Treatment and prevention
rapidity of the evolution, and the absence of early treatment.1
Mortality after untreated plague pneumonia is higher than
The early start of antibiotic treatment is an essential compo-
50%. The risk of pulmonary interhuman transmission (even
nent of a good prognosis in patients with plague.44,45 The stan-
though very low) has led to the suggestion to strictly isolate pa-
dard treatment is streptomycin, and this antibiotic has been
tients with plague pneumonia under negative pressure.38
used in most studies. Streptomycin can be replaced by genta-
micin at 3 mg per kg per day or with doxycycline at 200 mg per
Routine clinical studies day, with a first dose of 200 mg followed by 100 mg every
12 h12,46 Fluoroquinolones (such as ciprofloxacin) have an
Routine chest radiographs do not reveal specific ele- in vitro effectiveness and have been demonstrated to be ef-
ments.39 Blood analysis may be very informative. Most pa- fective in animal models47 but have not been thoroughly eval-
tients have hyperleucocytosis, and 50% have a white uated in humans.48 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole has been
blood cell count over 20,000/mm3. In contrast, half of pa- used but yields less satisfactory results.49
tients have thrombocytopenia. The association of hyperleu- In areas where Y. pestis circulates, gene recombination
cocytosis with thrombocytopenia is relatively rare and may and conjugation with other enterobacteria are possible,
be a good indicator of plague.34 Interestingly, in many pa- and these processes can lead to the acquisition of antibiotic
tients, eosinophilia is observed during convalescence.34 resistance.44,50 In 1995, an isolate from a patient in Mada-
gascar was reported to harbor a plasmid conferring resis-
Diagnosis tance to aminoglycosides and tetracyclines,50 but this
isolate remained sensitive to cephalosporins, gentamicin,
Three diagnostic clues can make it possible to reach quinolones and trimethoprim.
a diagnosis quickly and to start specific treatment.26
1. The existence of fever after contact with dead rodents
in a zone where this zoonosis exists. Reducing exposure to the rodent fleas is the best pre-
2. The existence of unexplained adenitis with fever and ventative measure. In particular, it is necessary to avoid
hypotension. collecting dead rodents because the fleas on dead animals
History and contemporary analysis of plague 25

are likely to bite humans after their hosts die. In addition,

animal corpses in zoonotic areas for plague must be 4 other patients from Keha€ılia came to the hospital.
handled with caution due to the risk of infection. It was On the 16th and on the 17th, epidemiologists and the
recently found in in vitro experiments and in an experi- Health Authorities were informed of this unusual phe-
mental model that lovastatin (a statin prescribed for the nomenon, and the possibility of a vectorial disease was
long-term prevention of arteriopathy) has a protective suggested. On the 17th of June, late in the evening,
effect against plague.8 No human studies have been per- while recording 7 of these unusual cases, the medical
formed. Post-exposure prophylaxis using doxycycline at team held an emergency meeting within the service
200 mg/day for seven days has been proposed.38 and concluded that these patients most likely had bu-
bonic plague. The clinical diagnosis of bubonic plague
was established in the morning of the 18th of June and
was reported to the people in charge of Health Care.
Box 1.History of the re-emergence of Microbiologists were contacted on the same day.
plague in Oran in 2003. They looked for Yersinia pestis in the pus of a bubo
taken 3 days earlier, and they identified a small colony
We would like to describe the recent reemergence of o f Y. p e s t i s i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e c o l o n i e s o f
plague in Algeria. Plague had been forgotten for de- staphylococci.
cades before it reemerged in 2003.18 On the 9th of In addition to the fatal index case, additional 71 patients
June, 2003, a 20-year-old shepherd, a resident of Ke- have been hospitalized due to suspicion of plague.
ha€ılia (Tafraoui, a rural area near Oran) without a re- Among these patients, 10 cases of plague have been
markable history was hospitalized for a severe confirmed, 3 were considered probable, and 5 were sus-
infectious syndrome that had been developing for 15 pected. Clinically, we observed 2 septicemic forms and
days. This syndrome began with fever and left inguinal one bubonic form in a patient with a large abscess and
pain and evolved to tumefaction. The shepherd was an ulcer on the skin. No cases of pneumonic plague
treated as an outpatient using antibiotics (oxacillin, have been observed. All of our patients recovered. At
cefacidal, etc.), but his condition worsened. After in- the beginning of the outbreak, the patients came from
terviewing his neighboring uncle, we learned that 5 the area of Keha€ılia, and one patient came from Oran.
days earlier, his 11-year-old cousin had died. The in- Later, patients came from the surrounding villages and
fant had presented with similar symptoms (fever, in- then from a farm in a district 50 km from Keka€ılia (Ain Té-
flammatory adenopathy and left inguinal pain) and mouchent). The last suspected case was recorded on the
had been treated as an outpatient with antibiotics. 1st of August, 2003.
His condition became severe, and his general condi-
tion deteriorated. A large left inguinal abscess was
noted, followed by rectorragy and death on the 4th
of June, 2003.
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