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Life Cycle Efficiency of Beef Production: I. Cow Efficiency Ratios

for Progeny Weaned

Article  in  Journal of Animal Science · November 1983

DOI: 10.2527/jas1983.574832x · Source: PubMed


24 198

4 authors, including:

Michael E Davis Jack J Rutledge

The Ohio State University University of Wisconsin–Madison


Larry Verl Cundiff

United States Department of Agriculture


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Life Cycle Efficiency of Beef Production: I. Cow Efficiency
Ratios for Progeny Weaned
M. E. Davis, J. J. Rutledge, L. V. Cundiff and E. R. Hauser

J ANIM SCI 1983, 57:832-851.

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M. E. Davis4, J. J. Rutledge s, L. V. Cundiff 6 and E. R. Hauser s

University of Wisconsin, Madison 53 706 and

US Department of Agriculture, Clay Center, NE 68933

pressing weight outputs as a ratio to feed inputs
Weights and individual feed consumption when all components were weighted equally.
collected on 160 beef, dairy and beef x dairy Both approaches included efficiency estimates
dams and their progeny were used to estimate calculated with and without cow salvage value.
several measures of lifetime cow efficiency. Dams receiving low energy diets generally had
Dams were fed either ~2 high or a low energy lifetime efficiencies equal or superior to those
diet. Efficiency was expressed as the ratio of fed high energy diets in spite of older ages at
outputs to inputs. Outputs included progeny calving. Dams on the high energy diet had
weaning weights plus cow salvage weight, and greater salvage value, but did not wean calves of
inputs were progeny creep feed consumption sufficient additional size to offset their own
plus the dam's'lifetime feed consumption. In increased metabolizable energy (ME) intake.
the first approach, life cycle cow efficiency was Dam breeds and breed crosses of smaller size
estimated by expressing weight output as a tended to be more efficient than those of large
ratio to feed inputs when weights and feed con- size, demonstrating the effectiveness of mating
sumptions were weighted by their probabilities; small dams to large sire breeds for improving
probabilities were a function of age distribution cow efficiency. Breeds calving at later ages were
and percentage calf crop in a theoretical herd less efficient. Efficiency ratios improved as
consisting of 100 cows and 20 yearling replace- number of progeny weaned increased.
ment heifers. In the second approach, actual (Key Words: Beef Cows, Efficiency, Lifetime
lifetime cow efficiency was estimated by ex- Production, Diet, Mating System.)

I ntroduction
xDept. of Meat and Anim. Sci. Paper No. 799. Efficiency of weaning calf production is a
Research was supported by the College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, and major factor affecting efficiency of life cycle
the Agr. Res. Service, USDA. Semen was donated by production systems. Due to the cost of ob-
American Breeders Service, DeForest, WI; American taining individual feed consumption data for
Int. Charolais Assoc., Houston, TX; Carnation dams and their progeny, studies involving cow
Genetics, Hughson, CA; Curtiss Breeding Service, Gary, efficiency have been limited. Most experiments
IL; East Central Breeders Coop., Waupun, WI; Mid-
west Breeders Coop., Shawano, WI; Noba, Inc., Tiffin, related to cow efficiency have examined cow-
OH and Tri State Breeders Coop., Westby, WI. calf efficiency on a yearly, rather than a life-
~The experiments were contributions to North time, basis (Carpenter et al., 1972; Holloway et
Central Regional Project NC-1, "The Improvement of al., 1975b; Marshall et al., 1976; Bowden,
Beef Cattle Through Breeding Methods." 1980). It is desirable to determine the factors
3The authors wish to thank Ms. J. Busby and Ms.
S. Kading for typing this manuscript and Messrs. E. that affect the efficiency of calf production
Hoch, P. Bringle and J. Kane for their excellent tech- over the entire lifetime of the beef cow and the
nical assistance. relative importance of those factors. In the
4 Present address: Anita. Sci. Dept., The Ohio State present study, four measures of cow efficiency
Univ., Columbus 43210.
s Dept. of Meat and Anita. Sci., Univ. of Wisconsin, were examined.
Madison 53706.
6Roman L. Hruska U. S. Meat Animal Research Materials and Methods
Center, ARS, USDA, Clay Center, NE 68933.
Received June 17, 1982. Source o f Data. Data were collected between
Accepted March 1, 1983. 1953 and 1980 from identical and fraternal

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twin females born in 1953, 1954, 1959, 1964 were fed free choice. Individual feed consump-
and 1969, and from crossbred females born as tion was measured at 28-d intervals from the
singles in 1974, and their progeny (Christian time females were placed on the experiment
et al., 1965; Kress et al., 1969, 1971a,b,c; until three calves were weaned or the dams had
Hohenboken et al., 1972, 1973;Towner, 1975; reached 5 y r of age.
Baik, 1980). Numbers of dams that weaned at Procedures described by Kress et al. (1969)
least one calf and were included in the first were utilized to predict the feed consumed by
analysis (analysis I) were 37, 45 and 56 in the ~the dams from birth to 240 d of age. Mega-
1964, 1969 and 1974 data sets, respectively. calories (Meal) of metabolizable energy (ME)
Respective numbers of dams that Weaned three in the milk plus creep feed consumed by
calves and were included in a second analysis female progeny in the current study from birth
(analysis II) were 6, 8, 8, 22, 33 and 33 in the to 240 d of age were regressed on 240-d weight.
1953, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969 and 1974 This regression was used to estimate the feed
experiments. The 1953, 1954 and 1959 twins consumption of the dams before 240 d age:
were included only in analysis II, because in
these data sets, feed consumption was available DF0ij =/-/i + 3i (DW0ij -- PWi), (1)
only for those dams completing three lacta-
tions. All females born through 1964 were where
straightbred Herefords with the exception of
four sets of twins born in 1964 that were DF0i j = Meal of ME consumed by the jth
Hereford crosses (one twin set each of Hereford dam of the ith breed combination
• Guernsey, Hereford • Shorthorn, Hereford x before 240 d age,
Holstein and Hereford x Brown Swiss gti = mean ME consumption of female
breeding). Data on dams born in 1969 included progeny of the ith breed combina-
records on 17 Herefords, two Hereford- tion from milk plus creep feed,
Shorthorn crosses, two Hereford-Charolais DWoiI = weight o f jth dam of the ith breed
crosses and 24 Holsteins, while the 1974 combination at 240 d of age,
females consisted of 14 Hereford • Holstein, PWi = mean 240-d weight of female
14 Angus x Holstein, 15 Simmental x Holstein progeny of the ith breed combina-
and 13 Chianina • Holstein crossbreds. tion,
Feeding and Management Systems. All 3i = regression of ME consumption of
females were purchased in North Central states female progeny of the ith breed
at ages ranging from 8 to 224 d. Ages when combination on their 240-d weight.
placed on the experiment were 240 d for the
1953, 1954 and 1959 twins, 210 d for the A separate prediction equation was used for
1964 and 1969 twins and 168 d for the 1974 each population 'of dams (table 1). Herefords
crossbreds. Females were assigned randomly and Hereford • beef cows were grouped as one
to individual self-feeders where they were tied population, while Hereford • dairy cows were
twice daily. Diets differed for the 1953, 1954 grouped as a second population due to the
and 1959 birth year groups, but the same diet small numbers of cows within these breed com-
was fed to all females within a group (Christian binations.
et al., 1965). Females purchased in 1964, 1969 Male progeny were castrated shortly after
and 1974 were assigned randomly to either high birth. Progeny of the 1953, 1954 and 1959
(diet 1) or low (diet 2) energy diets. Females on twins were assigned randomly to individual
the high energy diet received a chopped mixed self-feeders at 60 d o f age, while remaining pro-
hay and concentrate diet, while those on the geny began receiving creep feed at 28 d of age.
low energy diet were fed chopped mixed hay. Ad libitum individual feed consumption of pro-
Composition of the diets changed at various geny was recorded by 28-d periods from 60 to
ages with estimated total digestible nutrients 240 d of age.
(TDN) in diet 1 ranging from 63.0 to 66.4% in Dams and their progeny were weighed at
the 1964 experiment and from 54.3 to 66.4% 28-d intervals and wither heights were taken for
in the 1969 and 1974 experiments (Kress et al., dams and progeny every 56 d. Dams also were
1971b; Towner, 1975; Balk, 1980). Estimated weighed and measured for wither height within
TDN in diet 2 varied from 50.3 to 52.4%. Diets 12 h after parturition. All weaning weights of
always included adequate protein. Minerals progeny were adjusted to a 240-d basis using

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the equation: [(actual weaning weight - birth females purchased in 1974 were bred at first
weight)/weaning age] x 240 + birth weight. detected estrus (puberty) and at each subse-
Wither heights of progeny at 240 d of age and quent estrus until pregnant. Following each
weights and wither heights of dams at 240 d calving, all dams were bred at first estrus and at
of age and at 240 d after each calving were ob- each subsequent estrus until conception
tained by linear interpolation for animals not occurred.
measured at those times. The 1953 and 1954 dams were all mated to
Previous research (Carpenter et al., 1972; the same Hereford bull to produce all three
Marshall et al., 1976; Wagner, 1978) has shown calves. The 1959 twins were artificially insemi-
that cows weaning male calves tend to be more nated using eight Hereford bulls chosen at
efficient than those with female progeny. random from several bull studs, while the 1964
Therefore, all progeny weights and feed con- twins were bred artificially to one of four
sumptions in the present study were adjusted Polled Hereford bulls. Four Holstein bulls were
for sex using additive adjustment factors. A used to artificially inseminate the 1969
linear model containing the fixed effects of Hereford twins. Holstein twins of the same year
breed, year-diet-group (see statistical analysis were mated artificially to one of four Hereford
section for explanation of this variable), parity bulls. All matings in the 1974 experiment were
and sex was used to obtain least-squares means monogamous, with first calves being offspring
for weaning weights and feed consumptions of of one of 56 Jersey bulls and second and third
the two sexes. It was assumed that 5% of male calves resulting from insemination with semen
progeny and 50% of female progeny would be from one of 56 Charolais bulls.
saved as replacements in a theoretical herd. Length of lactation was 240 d in all cases,
Therefore, of all calves available for sale at with the exception of the 1974 crossbred dams
weaning, 65.5% would be male and 34.5% whose progeny were weaned at 224 d of age.
would be female. The differences in least-squares During each lactation, milk production was esti-
means between male and female calves for mated by either machine or hand milking one-
weaning weight was 24.5 kg, and the male half of the udder while the progeny nursed the
minus female difference for Mcal of ME from other one-half. Estimates of milk production
creep feed was 132.9 Mcal. For each male calf, and percentage butterfat taken at least monthly
34.5% of these constants was subtracted from were used to compute milk production adjusted
weaning weight and feed consumption records; to a 4% butterfat equivalent (Morrison, 1959):
and for each female calf, 65.5% of the con- 4% fat corrected milk production -- 15 (butter-
stants was added to the records, to achieve fat production)"+ .4 (milk production). Milk
adjustment of records, on a life cycle basis, for production of the 1974 crossbreds was ex-
sex of calf. tended from a 224-d lactation to a 240-d lacta-
Twin females were bred at the first observed tion using ratio adjustment factors as described
estrus after 15 mo of age and at each succeed- by Rutledge et al. (1972). The mean ratio of
ing estrus until conception occurred. Crossbred 240-d milk production to 224-d milk produc-



Breed /~, Mcal ME fla P-W,kg

Hereford, Hereford • Shorthorn,

Hereford • Charolais 1,902 9.49 234
Hereford X Holstein, Hereford •
Guernsey, Hereford • Brown Swiss 2,117 5.24 267
Holstein 2,784 11.03 302
Angus X Holstein 2,232 6.43 272
Simmental • Holstein 2,306 5.56 294
Chianina • Holstein 2,297 5.84 305
Regression of ME consumption of female progeny on their 240-d weight (PW).

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Item Definition

PW~, PW2, PW 3 Progeny weights. Sex adjusted weaning weight (240-d weight) of the first, second and
third calf from each cow.
PFi, PF2, PF 3 Progeny feed consumptions. Sex adjusted feed c o n s u m p t i o n o f the first, second and
third calf from 60 to 240 d o f age.
DWI, DW2, DW 3 D a m weights. Weight o f t h e cow when her first, second and third calf was weaned.
DF o A n estimate o f the feed c o n s u m e d by t h e d a m from her birth to 240 d of age.
DF 1, DF 2, DF 3 Dam feed c o n s u m p t i o n g Feed c o n s u m e d by t h e cow from 240 d of age to the weaning
o f the first calf, from the w e a n i n g o f the first calf to the weaning o f the second calf and
from the weaning o f t h e second calf to the weaning o f the third calf.
kl, k2, k3 Weighting factors to accumulate first, second and third (subscripts 1, 2 and 3) progeny
weights on a life cycle basis~
11, 12, 13 Weighting factors to estimate average weight o f d a m on a life cycle basis where sub-
scripts 1, 2 and 3 denote first, second and third parity, respectively.
m I , mz, m 3 Weighting factors to accumulate first, second and third (subscripts 1, 2 and 3) progeny
feed c o n s u m p t i o n s on a life cycle basis.
no, nl, n2, n3 Weighting factors to accumulate feed c o n s u m p t i o n o f t h e d a m on a life cycle basis where
subscripts O, 1, 2 and 3 denote periods from birth to 240 d and first, second and third
parity, respectively.
R1 Progeny and dam o u t p u t divided by progeny and d a m i n p u t c o m p u t e d on a life cycle
basis (analysis I) as:
3 3
k i PW i + (.5714) ~ liDW i
i=1 i=1
3 3
m iPFi+ ~ niDF i
i=l iffiO
R2 Progeny o u t p u t divided by progeny and d a m i n p u t c o m p u t e d on a life cycle basis
(analysis I) as:
kiPW i
3 3
miPF i + ~ niDF i
i=1 i=O
R3 Progeny and d a m o u t p u t divided by progeny and d a m i n p u t c o m p u t e d on an actual life-
time basis for cows weaning three calves (analysis II) as:
PW i + (.5714) DW 3
3 3
PF i + ~ DF i
i=l i=O
R4 Progeny o u t p u t divided by p r o g e n y and d a m i n p u t c o m p u t e d on an actual lifetime basis
for cows weaning three calves (analysis II) as:
PW i
3 3
PF i + ~ DF i
i=1 i=O

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tion was determined for Hereford and Holstein

dams purchased in 1964 and 1969. The 224-d
milk production of the 1974 crossbred dams
was multiplied by the average of the Hereford
and Holstein mean ratios to obtain an estimate
of their 240-d production. Ratio adjustment
factors utilized were 1.0567, 1.0483 and
1.0443 for lactations 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
For further details concerning methods of
feeding and management, see Kress et al.
(1971b), Towner (1975) and Balk (1980).
Estimation of Cow Efficiency
Cow efficiency was calculated using two
approaches, the first a life cycle approach
(analysis I) and the second an actual lifetime < M~M~M~M
approach for cows that weaned three calves =
(analysis II). [-,
Analysis I. Life cycle cow efficiency (analy- z
sis I) was expressed as the ratio of outputs to
inputs, where outputs included weaning weights
of all progeny and salvage value of the dams,
and inputs were feed consumptions of all pro-
geny and their dams:
3 3
kiPWi + ( . 5 7 1 4 ) ~ liDWi
i=l i=l
RI= 3 3 , (2) o
miPFi + ~0 niDFi
i=l i= zE ~ N N N N

where PWi, DWi, PF i and DF i are defined in ~Q
table 2 and ki, li, m i and n i are weighting fac-
tors defined in table 2 and shown in table 3.
The weighting factors were based on the age
distribution of the cow herd and percentage
calf crop. A herd was assumed to consist of 100
cows and 20 yearling heifers. A 10% attrition
rate at each age would result in the following
age distribution in the herd: 20 yearlings, 18
2-yr-olds, 16.2 3-yr-olds and 65.8 cows 4 yr
old or order. This attrition rate and age distri-
bution is similar to that assumed by Long et al. e~
(1975) in their deterministic simulation model. <
An 80% calf crop would result in 80 calves, 40
males and 40 females, assuming a 50:50 sex 8
ratio. Keeping 50% of the heifers would yield
20 replacement heifers. The coefficients for the
first and second progeny weights and feed con-
sumption values (kl, k2, ml and m2) are equal M
to one if the cow weaned a calf in the first or
second parity and zero if she failed to wean a
calf in that parity.
In order to determine the coefficient for
progeny weight and feed consumption in the

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third parity (ka and m3), it was necessary to /31,/32 = partial regression coeffi-
compute the expected number of subsequent cients for regression of
parities. The proportion of cows in the herd PW3 on PW1 and PW2
represented by the first three parities, assuming pooled over year-diet-
the attrition rate and age distribution given group and breed subclasses,
above, was .18 + .162 + .1458 = .4878. Thus, eij k = random error, assumed to
the proportion of cows in fourth and subse- be N(0,oe2).
quent parities was 1 - .4878 = .5122. To solve
for the expected number of subsequent parities A similar model containing PF1 and PF2 in
(n), the following equality was used: place of PWt and PW2 was used to predict PF3
for dams failing to wean a calf in the third
.4878 .5122 parity. If a cow did not wean a calf in the first
3 n
or second parity, the corresponding covariate
term was deleted from the model, as were
Solving equation (3) yields a value of 3.15 for covariates involving nonsignificant partial re-
n. Thus, assuming an 80% calf crop, k3 and m3 gression coefficients.
equal 1 (1) + 3.15 (.8) = 3.52 if a cow raised a Weighting factors for dam weights were ob-
calf to weaning in their third parity and 1 (0) + tained by dividing the number of females in the
3.15 (.8) = 2.52 if she failed to wean a calf in appropriate age classes by 100, the total num-
that parity. ber of females in the herd excluding yearling
Predicted values rather than zeros were used replacement heifers. Feed consumption of dam
for PW3 and PF3 if a cow failed to wean a calf before 240 d of age, from 240 d of age to wean-
in her third parity in order to allow for the pos- ing of first calf and from weaning of first calf
sibility of future calf production by that cow. to weaning of second calf were assigned weight-
The primary linear model for predicting PW3 ing factors of one. The coefficient for feed con-
was: sumption of dam from weaning of second calf
to weaning of third calf was calculated as 1 (1)
PW3ii k = /2 + B i + Yj +/31 (PWlij k -- PW1) + 3.15 = 4.15. Therefore, each piece of infor-
(4) mation that was included in the calculation of
+/32 (PW2ij k - PW2) + eijk, R1 was weighted by its probability, that proba-
bility being a function of the age distribution in
the cow herd and the percentage calf crop.
where Weighted sum of the dam's weights was
multiplied b y .5714 (i.e., 4/7), the approximate
PW3ijk = weaning weight of the ratio of price per pound for slaughter cows to
third progeny by the k th price per pound for feeder calves (Kress et al.,
dam in the i th breed and 1969; Livestock and Meat statistics: Supple-
jth year-diet-group, m e n t for 1980). Feed consumption was ex-
kt= grand mean for weaning pressed in terms of Mcal of ME, while weights
weight of third progeny, were expressed in kilograms. Thus, R1 esti-
Bi = effect of ith breed group, mates kilograms of weaning weight equiva-
Y j = e f f e c t of jth year-diet- lent of beef produced/Mcal of ME consumed.
group, a variable com- Differences in estimates of R1 could be due to
posed of birth year of differences in fertility, weaning weights of pro-
dam, diet of dam and twin geny, salvage weights of dams and feed con-
group number (see statis- sumption of dams and progeny.
tical analysis section), A second measure of cow efficiency (R2)
PW1 ijk' PW2ijk = weaning weight of the first was calculated using the same approach as
and second progeny by the described above except that salvage value of
k th dam of the ith breed dams was not considered. Therefore, R2 esti-
and jth year-diet-group, mates kilograms of weaning weight of progeny
PWl, PW2 = mean weaning weight of produced/Mcal of ME consumed by the pro-
first and second progeny geny and their dam.
across breed and year- Analysis H. Actual lifetime cow efficiency
diet-group subclasses, was calculated for dams that weaned three

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calves (analysis II) by dividing the sum of the that dams purchased before 1974 were identical
outputs by the sum of the feed inputs where all and fraternal twins, and to estimate variances
components were weighted equally (R3 in and covariances that would apply to single
table 2). The fourth measure of efficiency (R4) birth populations of inference, each twin of a
was the same as the third (R3) except that sal- pair was assigned randomly to one of two
vage weight of dams was not included in the arbitrary groups that was nested within each
numerator. These equations are the same as birth year of dam-diet combination. If a twin
those employed by Kress et al. (1969) to esti- set was born in 1953, one member of the set
mate efficiency of calf production for the was assigned randomly to group one and the
1953, 1954 and 1959 twins. Only dams that other member of the set was assigned to group
weaned three calves were included in the cal- two. If a set of twins was born in 1954, one
culation of R3 and R4. Therefore, variation member of the set was assigned at random to
associated with rate of reproduction and calf group three, while the other member of the set
survival are not included in R3 and R4. Varia- was assigned to group four, et cetera. All 1974
tion in age at first conception and calving crossbred dams were born as singles and thus
interval are the only components of reproduc- were placed in group 11. Differences between
tion remaining to influence R3 and R4. the arbitrary twin groups, which constituted
Estimation of Weaning Rate. Weaning rate, replicates of year-diet effects, were small and
an important component of life cycle cow effi- generally nonsignificant and were not of par-
ciency, was estimated for each cow in analysis 1 ticular interest to the present discussion. There-
as: fore, year-diet effects were averaged over twin

(i 1 Weaning rate was analyzed using generalized

least-squares procedures, which produce mini-
where 6.15 is the expected total number of m u m chi-square estimates of the true cell pro-
parities on a life cycle basis and k i values are babilities according to the methods proposed
as defined in table 2 and given in table 3. This by Grizzle et al. (1969). Due to the sparseness
equation yields weaning rates of .572, .735 and of the data, year-diet effects were examined
.898 for dams that weaned one, two or three while ignoring twin group and breed in one
progeny, respectively, when given the oppor- analysis, and breed effects were examined while
tunity to wean three progeny. Weaning rate was ignoring year-diet-group in a second analysis.
not calculated in analysis II because all dams in- The effect of weaning rate on life cycle effi-
cluded in the second analysis weaned three ciency was evaluated by analyzing R1 and R2
calves. using a Iinear model that included weaning rate
Statistical Analysis. Due to confounding of as a fixed effect in addition to the fixed effects
diet and breed of dam with birth year of dam, of year-diet-group and breed.
the 1953, 1954 and 1959 twins, the 1964 and
1969 twins, and the 1974 crossbreds were
Results and Discussion
analyzed as three independent data sets.
Hereford x Guernsey, Hereford x Holstein and
Hereford x Brown Swiss twins were included Input and Output Components
in a "Hereford x dairy" breed of dam group, Least-squares means and standard errors for
while Hereford x Shorthorn and Hereford x inputs and outputs used in calculating effi-
Charolais twins were combined as a "Hereford ciency ratios for dams weaning three progeny in
x beef" breed of dam group due to the small the case of the 1953, 1954 and 1959 twins
numbers of cows in these breed crosses. Effi- (analysis II) and for dams weaning one, two or
ciency ratios and their component traits were three progeny in the case of the 1964, 1969
analyzed using general linear model procedures. and 1974 birth year groups (analysis I) are pre-
Fixed effects included in the basic statistical sented in tables 4 and 5. Means from analysis
model were year-diet-group and breed of dam. lI are not presented for the 1960's twins and
Year-diet-group by breed of dam interaction 1974 crossbreds because they are similar in
was estimated in the 1974 data set. The year- magnitude and indicate similar trends as those
diet-group variable was derived by combining obtained in analysis I.
birth year of dam, diet of dam and twin group Year-Diet Effects. Year-diet effects were
number. In an attempt to account for the fact significant for PW2, PFI and DF3 and highly

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significant for PF2, DF0, and DF2 in the analy- first calving and at weaning and c o n s u m e d m o r e
sis of the 1953, 1954 and 1959 twins (table 4). digestible energy during first gestation and lac-
In t h e analysis o f the 1964 and 1969 twins, tation than cows fed at a level (N) sufficient to
year-diet had a significant effect on PW2 and give " n o r m a l " growth. In the present study,
D F 2 and a highly significant effect on all o t h e r dams receiving diet 1 generally weaned slightly
c o m p o n e n t s e x c e p t PW1 and DF0 (table 4). In larger progeny than those receiving diet 2. Pro-
the 1974 data set, highly significant year-diet geny whose dams were fed the l o w energy diet
effects existed for DW2, DWa, PFa DF0 and tended to c o m p e n s a t e for the l o w e r m i l k pro-
D F a , while significant effects existed f o r PW2, duction o f their dams (table 6) by consuming
DW 1 and DF2 (table 4). m o r e creep feed than progeny whose dams were
In general, dams on the high energy diet fed the high energy diet (table 4). B o w d e n
(diet 1) weighed considerably m o r e at the (1980) also r e p o r t e d that cows fed at the N+10
weaning o f each calf and c o n s u m e d consider- level p r o d u c e d m o r e milk and weaned heavier
ably m o r e Mcal of ME t h r o u g h o u t their life- calves than those fed at the N level. In contrast
times than their counterparts on the l o w energy to the present study, B o w d e n (1980) f o u n d
diet (diet 2). B o w d e n (1977, 1980) observed c o n s u m p t i o n of digestible energy f r o m creep
that cows fed a diet (N+10) that provided feed by the t w o groups of progeny (N+10 vs N)
about 10% m o r e energy than required to pro- to be similar. Weaning weight and digestible
duce a " n o r m a l " growth curve were heavier at energy intake of progeny were n o t affected



Lactation 1, Lactation 2, Lactation 3,

Item Meal Mcal Mcal

Year-diet P=. 824 d P=.566 P=.332

1953-3 516 • 79 561• 80 604+ 96
1954-3 457 +- 53 460+ 53 469• 64
1959-3 479 • 59 472• 59 599-+ 72

Year-diet P<.O01 P<.001 P<.O01

1964--1 1,136 • 93 1,368"~- 113 1,262-+ 111
1964-2 845 • 68 990+- 83 994-+ 75
1969--1 1,088 • 63 1,366 • 80 1,247 + 74
1969--2 584 • 76 811-+ 87 813 • 84

Year-diet P--.O02 P=.033 P=.O01

1974-1 1,166 • 56 1,338-+ 50 1,515+ 62
1974-2 905 • 52 1,182+ 50 1,170-+ 65

Breed b P<.001 P<.O01 P<.O01

Hereford 509 • 44 648+ 49 688• 47
Hereford X dairy 884 • 114 1,301 -+ 176 972 -+ 161
Hereford X beef 705 • 119 824 _+ 132 881 • 124
Holstein 1,554 • 65 1,760+ 77 1,775• 75

Breedc P=.428 P=.378 P=.201

Hereford X Holstein 933 • 68 1,171 + 70 1,197 • 100
Angus X Holstein 1,066 • 80 1,284-+ 70 1,369 -+ 84
Simmental X Holstein 1,050 • 69 1,388• 65 1,475-+ 78
Chianina X Holstein 1,094 • 88 1,247+ 77 1,328+ 95

aLeast-squares means and standard errors are from analysis II for 1950's twins and from analysis I for 1960's
twins and 1974 crossbreds.
bBreeds used in 1964 and 1969 experiments.
CBreeds used in 1974 experiment.
dp--level of significance.

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significantly by level of winter supplementation with dams of larger, heavier milking breeds
of dams in studies by Kropp et al. (1973), generally requiring more feed.
Holloway et al. (1975a,b) and Wyatt et al. Simmental • Holstein and Chianina • Hol-
(1977a,b). stein dams weaned heavier calves than Hereford
Breed Group Effects. In the analysis of the X Holstein and Angus x Holstein dams in the
1964 and 1969 data, breed influenced (P<.01) first two parities (table 5), reflecting the greater
all components, while in the 1974 data set, genetic potential for growth in progeny of the
breed effects were important (P<.01) for PW3, two larger breed groups of dams (Smith et al.,
DW1, DW2, DW3, PF3 and DF1 (table 5). 1976). In the third parity, however, progeny
Among the 1964 and 1969 breeds, Holstein from Hereford x Holstein dams were heaviest.
dams were heaviest and consumed the most ME This result was associated with the high creep
(table 5). Progeny from Holstein dams were feed consumption of Hereford x Holstein pro-
heaviest at weaning and consumed the least geny in the third parity. Milk production of
amount of ME from creep feed (table 5) due Hereford • Holstein dams in this parity was less
to the high level of milk production of their than that of the three other breed groups (table
dams (table 6). Kropp et al. (1973), Holloway 6). The much greater magnitude of PW2 as com-
et al. (1975a,b), Lusby et al. (1976a,b,c) and pared with PW1 for each breed group was a
Wyatt et al. (1977a,b) reported that Hereford result of both increased milk production and
x Holstein dams produced more milk and mating to Charolais sires in the second parity
weaned heavier calves than straightbred Here- but to Jersey sires in the first parity. Smith
fords, but required more forage. Holstein dams et al. (1976) reported a 13% advantage in
produced even more milk and heavier calves, weaning weight when Hereford and Angus
but consumed considerably more forage for the dams were mated to Charolais sires compared
total year than Hereford or Hereford x Holstein with Jersey sires.
dams. Holstein progeny consumed less creep in Breed group differences for creep feed con-
drylot and less forage cellulose on range than s u m p t i o n were significant only in the third
Hereford progeny. Negative correlation co- parity (table 5), in which PF3 was highest for
efficients between milk and creep intake were progeny from Hereford • Holstein dams. Pro-
observed for each breed. Marshall et al. (1976) geny creep feed consumption corresponded
also observed that calves that received more closely with milk production only in the third
milk consumed less creep TDN. Creep feed parity. Hereford x Holstein progeny received
intake was greater for calves from breed types the least amount of ME from milk in each lac-
of cows that produced tess milk in the study by tation, while Simmental x Holstein progeny
Bowden (1980). received the greatest amount of milk ME in the
Among the 1974 crossbreds, Chianina x second and third lactations (table 6). Despite
Holstein dams were largest at the weaning of their low ME intake from milk, progeny of
each calf, followed by Simmental x Holstein Hereford x Holstein dams had the lowest PF1
dams (table 5). Dams of the two smaller breed values and the second lowest PF2 values. How-
types, Hereford x Holstein and Angus x ever, as mentioned previously, they did have
Holstein, were of similar mature size. Simmen- the largest PF3 values. Progeny of Simmental •
tal • Holstein and Chianina x Holstein dams Holstein dams had the largest PF1 and PF 2
consumed more ME than Hereford x Holstein values even though their ME intake from milk
and Angus • Holstein dams (table 5) through- was relatively high. However, their feed con-
out each phase of their production cycle. The sumption in the third parity was the lowest of
high ME intake of Chianina • Holstein dams the four breeds. Thus, it appears that only in
was apparently due to their larger energy the third parity did progeny receiving less milk
requirements for maintenance and tissue ME compensate by consuming more creep feed.
growth because their milk production only ex-
ceeded that of Hereford x Holstein dams (table
6). Other investigators (Kropp et al., 1973; Efficiency Estimates
Ellison et al., 1974; Holloway et al., 1975a,b; Least-squares means and standard errors for
Lusby et al., 1976a, b,c; Marshall et al., 1976; efficiency ratios of dams weaning one, two or
Wyatt et al., 1977a,b; Bowden, 1977, 1980; three progeny (analysis I) and of dams weaning
Lemenager et al., 1980) have demonstrated three progeny (analysis II) are listed in table 7.
significant breed effects for feed consumption, Year-Diet Effects. Year-diet was an impor-

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t a n t ( P < . 0 1 ) source o f v a r i a t i o n f o r b o t h R3 of s u f f i c i e n t size t o o f f s e t t h e i r o w n i n c r e a s e d

and R 4 in t h e analysis o f t h e 1 9 5 0 ' s t w i n data. ME intake. B o w d e n ( 1 9 8 0 ) o b s e r v e d t h a t d a m s
Year-diet effects were significant for R1, R 2 o n t h e N + 1 0 f e e d i n g level p r o d u c e d m o r e m i l k
and R 4 in t h e analysis o f t h e 1 9 6 4 a n d 1 9 6 9 a n d w e a n e d heavier calves t h a n cows o n t h e N
twin data. T h e e f f e c t o f y e a r - d i e t was n o t sig- level, b u t t h a t t h e a d v a n t a g e was n o t great
n i f i c a n t for efficiencies o f 1 9 7 4 c r o s s b r e d e n o u g h t o o f f s e t t h e g r e a t e r feed c o n s u m p t i o n
dams. b y t h e d a m s o n t h e h i g h e r e n e r g y level. D a m s
In analyses I a n d II, 1 9 6 4 a n d 1969 t w i n s a l o n e or d a m s plus p r o g e n y o n t h e N + 1 0 level
receiving t h e l o w energy diet t e n d e d to be m o r e c o n s u m e d significantly m o r e digestible e n e r g y /
e f f i c i e n t t h a n t h o s e receiving t h e high e n e r g y k i l o g r a m o f p r o g e n y w e a n e d t h a n did d a m s
diet regardless of w h e t h e r or n o t salvage value a l o n e or d a m s plus p r o g e n y o n t h e N level.
o f d a m was i n c l u d e d in t h e calculations, Level o f w i n t e r s u p p l e m e n t o f d a m generally
a l t h o u g h d i f f e r e n c e s were g r e a t e r w h e n d a m did n o t a f f e c t t h e e f f i c i e n c y o f c o n v e r s i o n o f
w e i g h t was i g n o r e d ( R 2 a n d R4). A n a l y s i s I a n d digestible e n e r g y i n t a k e b y d a m or b y d a m a n d
II involving t h e 1 9 7 4 crossbreds revealed n e a r l y p r o g e n y i n t o w e a n i n g w e i g h t o f p r o g e n y in
identical efficiencies f o r d a m s receiving d i e t 1 t h e s t u d y b y H o U o w a y e t al. ( 1 9 7 5 b ) .
or 2. T h u s , n o a d v a n t a g e to feeding d a m s in Breed Group Effects. In t h e 1 9 6 4 a n d 1 9 6 9
excess o f t h e i r energy r e q u i r e m e n t s was a p p a r - t w i n d a t a , b r e e d e f f e c t s were s i g n i f i c a n t f o r R 2
ent. D a m s o n t h e high e n e r g y diet possessed a n d highly s i g n i f i c a n t f o r R1, R3 a n d R 4 ( t a b l e
g r e a t e r salvage value, b u t did n o t w e a n p r o g e n y 7). H e r e f o r d • b e e f d a m s w e r e m o s t efficient,



Analysis I Analysis II
Item R1 R2 R3 R4

Yea~diet p<.o01 c P=.O04

1953-3 .0345• .0251 •
1954-3 .0338 • .0005 .0234 • .0005
1959-3 .0306 • .0005 .0213 • .0006

Yea~diet P=.031 P<.001 P=.563 P=.O04

1964-1 .0230 • .0011 .0177 • .0010 .0299 • .0012 .0200 • .0010
1964-2 .0261 • .0008 .0218 • .0008 .0314 • .0007 .0232 • .0006
1969-1 .0254 • .0008 .0211 • .0007 .0303 • .0007 .0218 • .0006
1969-2 .0258 • .0009 .0218 • .0009 .0308 • .0008 .0231 • .0007

Year-diet P=.138 P=.137 P=.189 P=.429

1974-1 .0238 • .0005 .0196 • .0005 .0302 • .0006 .0219 • .0005
1974-2 .0249 • .0005 .0207 • .0005 .0291 • .0006 .0213 • .0005

Breed a P=.002 P=.013 P--.001 P--.006

Hereford .0257 + .0005 .0209 • .0005 .0317 + .0005 .0227 • .0004
Hereford • dairy .0247 • .0015 .0205 • .0014 .0304 • .0014 .0219 • .0012
Hereford X beef .0273 + .0014 .0227 • .0014 .0321 • .0012 .0234 • .0011
Holstein .0225 -+ .0008 .0184 + .0008 .0281 • .0007 .0202 + .0006

Breed b P=.217 P=.147 P=.589 P--.482

Hereford • Holstein .0256 • .0007 .0215 • .0007 .0305 -+ .0008 .0224 • .0007
Angus • Holstein .0241 + .0007 .0198 • .0007 .0294 • .0008 .0214 • .0007
Simmental • Holstein .0243 + .0007 .0202 -+ .0007 .0297 • .0007 .0217 + .0006
Chianina • Holstein .0234 + .0007 .0191 • .0008 .0290 • .0008 .0208 • .0007

aBreeds used in 1964 and 1969 experiments.

bBreeds used in 1974 experiment.
cp=level of significance.

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Downloaded from by guest on July 12, 2011


followed in order by Herefords, Hereford x ing more than progeny from Hereford dams
dairy and Holsteins. Straightbred Holsteins in each case. Apparently, the % H e r e f o r d - l h
were least efficient, although they produced Holstein progeny possessed growth potential
progeny with heavier weaning weights and that they were unable to express when re-
lower preweaning feed c o n s u m p t i o n , and pos- stricted by the milk p r o d u c t i o n of the Hereford
sessed greater salvage value than any of the dams. To compensate for their low milk intake,
other breed groups in the 1964 and 1969 ex- progeny of Hereford dams c o n s u m e d more
periments (table 5). The low efficiency ratios creep (P<.01) than progeny of Holstein dams.
of Holstein dams were associated with their Hereford dams were more efficient (P<.O1)
large ME intake. Possibly, Holstein dams used than Holstein dams based on each of the four
a significant p o r t i o n of their increased energy measures of efficiency. Holstein dams do n o t
intake to produce greater levels of milk than appear to be efficient producers of beef due to
were o p t i m u m for conversion into proportion- their heavy milk p r o d u c t i o n and large size,
ately greater calf gains. It should be noted that which result in large ME requirements. As men-
ttolstein dams were mated to a smaller breed tioned previously, efficiency of Holstein dams
(Hereford) relative to their own m a t u r e size and likely would improve if it was possible to mate
consequently weaned smaller progeny than them to a larger breed of sire in order to pro-
would have been expected if they had been duce progeny with sufficient growth potential
mated to a larger breed of sire. to utilize their milk output. It is likely that
In an effort to examine reciprocal effects dairy breeds such as Holstein will c o n t i n u e to
when Holstein dams were mated to Hereford be used in crossing in order to introduce genes
sires and Hereford dams were mated to Holstein for higher milk p r o d u c t i o n into beef popula-
sires, 1969 Hereford and Holstein twin data tions. It is n o t likely that straightbred dairy
were analyzed .separately. Results are presented animals will be utilized strictly for beef pro-
in table 8 and 9. Year-diet effects were similar d u c t i o n as was done in the 1969 study. In con-
to those discussed previously. Dams on the high trast to the present study, Holloway et al.
energy diet were heavier and c o n s u m e d more (1975b) noted no significant differences in the
ME, in addition to weaning heavier calves that ability of Hereford, Hereford • Holstein or
c o n s u m e d less ME, than dams on the low Holstein dams m a t e d to Angus and Charolais
energy diet (table 8). Year-diet had a non- sires for their first and second calves, respec-
significant effect on efficiency ratios, although tively, to convert digestible energy intake of
dams on diet 1 were slightly less efficient when cow or of cow and calf into weaning weight of
salvage value was ignored (R2 and R4). calf when cows were individually fed to imitate
Holstein dams weighed significantly more weight change patterns of corresponding breed
at the weaning of each calf and consumed groups on pasture. However, crossbreds were
significantly more ME during each segment of slightly more efficient than straightbreds in
their lives t h a n Hereford dams (table 8). Breed converting total digestible energy intake of cow
effects were highly significant for PWI, PW2 and and calf into weaning weight.
PW3, with progeny from Holstein dams weigh- In the 1974 study, breed differences were



Analysis I Analysis II
Item R1 R2 R3 R4

Year-diet P=.981a P=.667 P=.857 P--.246

1969-1 .0247 +-.0006 .0204 -+.0006 .0299 + .0005 .0216 -+.0004
1969-2 .0247 +-.0006 .0207 + .0006 .0298 + .0006 .0223 + .0005

Breed P<.001 P=.O03 P<.001 P<.OO1

Hereford .O264 -+ .0007 .0219 +-.0006 .0316 -+.0006 .0232 + .0005
Holstein .0230 +-.0006 .0192 + .0005 .0281 + .0005 .0207 + .0004

ap=level of significance.

Downloaded from by guest on July 12, 2011


not significant for any of the measures of effi- mating to a sire breed o f proportionately larger
ciency. Hereford x Holstein dams were of size, they would have been expected to wean
highest rank for each of the four efficiency heavier calves and thus, have higher efficiencies.
estimates, followed in order by Simmental x Efficiency of the different breeds would have
Holstein, Angus x Holstein and Chianina x been expected to be more similar had a positive
Holstein dams. Generally, these results are con- assortative mating system (i.e., mating cows to
sistent with previous reports, showing no signif- sires of like size) been used.
icant differences between breed groups for cow A number of reports have discussed the
efficiency. Carpenter et al. (1972) reported effect of mating small dams to large terminal
that Charolais cows were slightly more effi- sire breeds on efficiency of production
cient than Hereford cows when efficiency was (Cartwright, 1970; Long and Fitzhugh, 1970;
measured as the ratio of calf weaning weight to Thomas and Cartwright, 1971; Ellison et al.,
feed consumption of the cow and calf during 1974; Fitzhugh et al., 1975; Smith, 1976,
lactation. In a study involving straightbred 1979; Notter et al., 1979; Gregory and Cundiff,
Angus, straightbred Charolais and their recipro- 1980). Results from the present study indicate
cal crosses mated to Polled Hereford sires, that mating Hereford • Holstein dams to small
Marshall et al. (1976) found no significant Jersey sires in the first parity so as to minimize
breed of dam effects for cow efficiency at calving difficulty and to large Charolais sires in
weaning, although Angus dams had efficiency subsequent parities to exploit complementarity
ratios superior to those of Charolais or cross- may result in superior biological efficiency to
bred dams. Wagner (1978) reported that breed a weaning end point. Very large dams such as
of dam was not an important source of varia- Chianina x Holstein are not expected to be
tion for weaning efficiency of Angus, Hereford, efficient in converting feed into weaning
Charolais and reciprocal cross dams. Bowden weight unless they can be bred to even larger
(1980) found no significant differences for sires. It appears to be advantageous to challenge
2-yr-old Simmental • Angus, Charolais • a cow by mating her to as large a bull as
Angus, Hereford x Angus and Jersey x Angus possible within the limitations imposed by
dams mated to the same Red Poll sire in diges- calving difficulty.
tible energy intake of dams or dams plus calves Adjustment for Age at Calving. Kress et al.
per kilogram o f weaning weight of calf. Thus, (1969) reported that linearly adjusting R3 and
breed o f dam does not appear to be an R4 for age at calving automatically adjusts for
important source of variation in efficiency of variation that remains in reproductive perfor-
straightbred dams or of crossbred dams when mance among cows with a maximum reproduc-
they are mated to the same sires of a different tion rate of weaning three calves by 5 yr of
breed. age. Adjusting R1 and R2 for age at calving
Hereford x Holstein dams exhibited greater removes that part of the variation in reproduc-
efficiency (table 7) in the present study perhaps tive performance associated with calving date,
because o f their relatively small size and corre- but not that part associated with reproductive
spondingly lower energy requirements for main- rate (e.g., parity groupings 111, 110, 101,100,
tenance and tissue growth as well as due to the 011, 010, 001; table 3). Leas~-squares means
relatively large calves they weaned in relation and standard errors for efficiency ratios of
to their own body size, particularly in the third 1960's twins and 1974 crossbreds after using
parity (table 5). Chianina • Holstein dams had covariate terms to adjust for age at first, second
low efficiency ratios, because they did not and third calving are given in table 10. In the
wean calves of sufficient size to offset their analysis of the 1960's data, regression on age
own large ME requirements for maintenance at second calving was highly significant for R1
and growth. However, this does not necessarily and significant for R2. In the 1974 data set,
mean that Hereford • Holstein dams are regression on age at second calving was signifi-
inherently more efficient than Chianina • Hol- cant for R1 and R2. Age at third calving was
stein dams. Charolais sires, which were large highly significant for each of the four efficiency
relative to the Hereford • Holstein and Angus estimates in both data sets, while regression on
x Holstein dams, but not large relative to the age at first calving did not significantly affect
Simmental x Holstein and Chianina • Holstein any of the measures of efficiency.
dams, were used in the second and third parities. In general, adjusting for age at calving im-
If the large dam breeds had been challenged by proved the efficiency ratios of dams on the low

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energy d i e t ( d i e t 2) as c o m p a r e d with t h o s e A d j u s t i n g for age at each c a l v i n g ' r e d u c e d t h e

receiving the high energy diet ( d i e t 1), par- variation a m o n g e f f i c i e n c y ratios o f breeds used
ticulaly in t h e 1974 data set. In all cases, cross- in the 1964 and 1969 e x p e r i m e n t s , a l t h o u g h
b r e d d a m s o n t h e l o w energy diet were m o r e the only change in ranking involved H e r e f o r d
e f f i c i e n t t h a n d a m s on t h e high energy diet and H e r e f o r d • b e e f d a m s (table 10). Holsteins
after a d j u s t m e n t for age at each calving. r e m a i n e d the least e f f i c i e n t o f the 1960's
Average age o f darns used in analysis I at first, breeds. In t h e 1974 data set, H e r e f o r d • Hol-
s e c o n d and t h i r d calving was 640 + 20, 1,012 steins r e m a i n e d t h e m o s t e f f i c i e n t a f t e r adjust-
+ 24 and 1,371 -+ 26 d f o r d a m s o n t h e high m e n t for age at calving, with b r e e d d i f f e r e n c e s
energy diet and 799 + 20, 1 , 1 7 6 -+ 24 and 1,532 a p p r o a c h i n g significance (P--.067) f o r R1.
+ 26 d for t h o s e o n the l o w energy diet. Dams Chianina • Holstein d a m s t e n d e d to b e n e f i t
receiving t h e l o w energy d i e t were an average o f m o s t f r o m a d j u s t m e n t f o r age at calving
159 d o l d e r w h e n calving for the first time, a because t h e y w e r e the oldest o f t h e breeds at
d i f f e r e n c e t h a t was m a i n t a i n e d t h r o u g h o u t the each calving. Average age at first, s e c o n d and
following t w o parities. t h i r d calving was 676 -+ 28, 1,040 + 34 and


Analysis I Analysis II
Item R1 R2 R3 R4

Regression on age
(1964, 1969)
1st calving p=.304c P=.350 P=.096 P=.086
2nd calving P=.007 P=.025 P=.307 P=.372
3rd calving P<.001 P--.002 P<.001 P=.004

Regression on age
lstcalving P=.308 P=.223 P=.660 P=.522
2nd calving P=.016 P=.045 P=.935 P=.895
3rdcalving P<.001 P=.007 P=.002 P=.002

Ye~-diet P=.004 P<.001 P=.024 P<.001

1964-1 .0224 • .0010 .0173 • .0010 .0290 • .0193 • .0009
1964-2 .0260 • .0218 • .0315 • .0006 .0234 5.0005
1969-1 .0253 • .0007 .0210 • .0007 .0298 • .0006 .0215 5.0005
1969-2 .0257 5.0008 .0217 • .0008 .0312 • .0233 • .0007

Year-diet P=.015 P=.012 P=.010 P=.002

1974-1 .0234 • .0005 .0191 • .0005 .0288 • .0004 .0206 • .0003
1974-2 .0254 • .0005 .0213 • .0005 .0307 • .0004 .0227 • .0004

Breed a P=.023 P=.088 P--.016 P=.129

Hereford .0255 _+.0005 .0207 • .0005 .0313 • .0004 .0223 • .0004
Hereford • dairy .0245 _+.0014 .0203 -+ .0014 .0307 + .0012 .0221 + .0011
Hereford • beef .0264 • .0013 .0220 + .0013 .0308 + .0010 .0224 -+ .0009
Holstein .0230 + .0007 .0188 + .0007 .0288 • .0006 .0207 + .0006

Breedb P=.067 P=. 114 P=. 187 P=.096

Hereford X Holstein .0260 • .0007 .0217 • .0007 .0306 -+ .0004 .0225 • .0004
Angus • Holstein .0236 • .0006 .0194 • .0007 .0295 • .0004 .0215 • .0004
Simmental • Holstein .0240 + .0006 .0200 • .0006 .0294 • .0004 .0215 • .0003
Chianina • Holstein .0242 • .0007 .0199 • .0007 .0294 • .0004 .0211 • .0004

aBreeds used in 1964 and 1969 experiments.

bBreeds used in 1974 experiment.
cp=level of significance.

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1,436 + 36 d for H e r e f o r d • H o l s t e i n dams, were t h e m o s t e f f i c i e n t breed, while on the high

707 + 28, 1,084 + 34 and 1,427 + 37 d for energy diet, t h e y w e r e t h e least e f f i c i e n t breed.
Angus • Holstein d a m s , 720 + 27, 1,085 + C h i a n i n a x H o l s t e i n d a m s o n diet 2 also had
33 and 1,433 + 35 d f o r S i m m e n t a l x Holstein m e a n R3 values e q u a l to t h o s e o f H e r e f o r d x
d a m s and 777 + 29, 1,167 + 35 and 1,511 +-40 H o l s t e i n dams. T h e slow rate o f m a t u r i t y o f the
d for Chianina • Holstein dams. W h e n dif- C h i a n i n a x H o l s t e i n darns r e s u l t e d in later
f e r e n c e s due t o age at calving w e r e r e m o v e d , calving ages, w h i c h c o n t r i b u t e d t o large ME in-
Chianina x H o l s t e i n d a m s were s e c o n d o n l y t o takes and p o o r e f f i c i e n c y ratios. Had it b e e n
H e r e f o r d • Holstein d a m s for R1. A significant possible t o feed t h e C h i a n i n a x Holstein dams
y e a r - d i e t by b r e e d i n t e r a c t i o n e x i s t e d for R4. t h e l o w enregy diet a n d y e t m a i n t a i n r e p r o d u c -
On the l o w energy diet, Chianina • Holsteins tive p e r f o r m a n c e equal to t h a t o f the o t h e r


Weaning rate
Item .572 .735 .898 Total Mean e

Year-diet (P=.21) b
1964-1 2 4 5 11 .779
1964-2 2 7 17 26 .829
1969-1 2 2 21 25 .859
1969-2 0 8 12 20 .833
Total 6- 21 55 82

Year-diet (P=.80)
1974-1 3 8 17 28 .817
1974-2 2 10 16 28 .817
Total 5 18 33 56

Breedc (P=. 85)

Hereford 6 12 30 48 .817
Hereford X dairy 0 2 3 5 .833
Hereford X beef 0 1 4 5 .865
Holstein 0 6 18 24 .857
Total 6 21 55 82

Breedd (P=.93)
Hereford • Holstein 1 4 9 14 .828
Angus • Holstein 2 5 7 14 ~793
Simmental X Holstein 0 5 10 15 .844
Chianina X Holstein 2 4 7 13 .798
Total 5 18 33 56

aWeaning rate was estimated as ~ ki/6.15 , where 6.15 is the expected total number of parities on a life
cycle basis and k i values are as defined in table 2 and given in table 3. Weaning rates .572, .735 and .898 repre-
sent dams weaning one, two and three progeny, respectively, when given the opportunity to wean three progeny.
bp=level of significance.
CBreeds used in 1964 and 1969 experiments.
dBreeds used in 1974 experiment.
3 3
eMean weaning rate equalled ~ n i ri/ ~ ni, where n i ; number of cows with ith weaning rate and r i = ith
i;1 i=l
weaning rate (e.g.,. 572, .735, .898).

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breeds, it appears that they would have been Feeding a high energy diet reduced age at each
equally as efficient. Indications are that the low calving, but resulted in improved weaning rates
energy diet was not adequate to support normal only in the 1969 experiment. The low energy
reproductive function of the large and late diet was adequate to allow for the production
maturing Chianina • Holstein females. of three calves in"a 5-yr period under the breed-
ing scheme employed in these experiments in
Weaning Rate which a dam was rebred at first estrus following
Estimates of weaning rate were obtained for abortion or birth of a calf.
each dam in analysis I using the equation Breed Effects. In the 1960's experiments
and in the 1974 experiment, breed of dam did
not have a significant effect on weaning rate
(table 11). Among the breeds used in the 1964
where 6.15 is the expected total n u m b e r of and 1969 experiments, the percentage of dams
parities on a life cycle basis and k i values are as weaning three progeny tended to be greatest
defined in table 2 and given in table 3. Weaning for the Hereford • beef breed group, followed
rates obtained using this equation were .572, in order by the Holstein, Hereford and Here-
.735 and .898 for dams weaning one, two and ford • dairy breed groups (80, 75, 62.5 and
three progeny, respectively. 60%, respectively). Six of the 48 Hereford dams
Year-diet Effects. Year-diet was a nonsignif- weaned only one progeny, while none of the
icant source of variation for weaning rate in the Hereford • dairy, Hereford • beef or Holstein
analysis of both the 1960's twin data and the dams weaned fewer than two progeny. Thus,
1974 crossbred data (table 11). In the 1964 the relatively high efficiencies of Hereford dams
experiment, 45% of dams on the high energy and the relatively low efficiencies of Holstein
diet weaned three calves, while 65% of dams on darns do not appear to reflect differences in
the low energy diet weaned three calves. In the weaning rates.
1969 experiment, 84% of the dams receiving Among breeds studied in the 1974 experi-
diet 1 and 60% of the dams receiving diet 2 ment, weaning rates tended to be highest for
weaned three calves. Nearly identical percent- Hereford • Holstein and Simmental x Holstein
ages of cows receiving high and low energy diets dams, although differences were quite small.
raised three calves to weaning in the 1974 data Only seven of 13 Chianina • Holstein dams
set. The percentage of dams over all data sets raised three calves to weaning, a result that
that weaned only one calf was 11% for diet 1 likely contributed to the low efficiency ratios
and 5% for diet 2. of this breed group.
Conclusions concerning the effect of diet on Effect on Efficiency. Least-squares means
weaning rate must be tentative due to the and standard errors for R1 and R2 by weaning
limited numbers of dams in these experiments. rate subclasses are presented in table 12. Wean-



Weaning 1964, 1969 twins 1974 crossbreds

rate R1 R2 R3 R4

P<.O01b P<.O01 P<.O01 P<.O01

.572 .0212 • .0011 .0164 • .0010 .0206• .0010 .0159 • .0009
.735 .0226 • .0006 .0180 • .0005 .0231 • .0005 .0188 • .0005
.898 .0264 • .0005 .0220 • .0004 .0256 • .0004 .0215 • .0004

aWeaning rate was estimated as ~ ki/6.15, where 6.15 is the expected total number of parities on a life
cycle basis and ki values are as defined in table 2 and given in table 3. Weaning rates .572, .735 and .898 repre-
sent dams weaning one, two and three progeny, respectively, when given the opportunity to wean three progeny.
bp=level of significance.

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