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1) Software quality measures how well software is designed and how well the

software conforms to that design

whereas on the other hand
Software Reliability is said to measure how well a program perform it's designed

2) Bugs,vulnerabilities,crashes or unexpected behaviour comes under software

the level of performance under harsh conditions like slow bandwidth or computing ,
memory limitation etc etc comes under software reliability

3) Software reliability depends highly on software quailty.

4) Software quality is a deterministic quantity whereas reliability is

probabilistic quantity

5) Software quality is analysed through Unit and System Testing whereas

Software reliability is measured through experience and simulation.

6) Example -- Self Driving Car Software:

If the software is continuously able to detect objects and make
decisions fast
then we say it has high reliability
And if it is able to work precisely and accurately then we say the
software has good quality

These are very broad terms used to differentiate between (in relation to software
security) how secure and how trustworthy a given software solution. And it’s
possible to define quality such that reliability features will be included in it.

Generally speaking, a software quality can be said to measure how well a program
perform it’s designed job. Any bugs (vulnerabilities), crashes, or unexpected
behavior (i.e. dumping stack trace on the screen with internal data structures)
will go toward reducing this value.

Software reliability can be said to measure how well a program perform it’s
designed job in different environments and conditions. Any downgrading of security
features due to slow bandwidth or computing power, any failure to complete a task
if one or more processes/threads crashed etc. will go toward reducing this value.

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