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a. When books are made into movies, is it true that the book is often better than the film?

Is the opposite ever true? Can you think of an example?

The book is often better than the film because it is the original story; it has all elements in what
the writer though and the book lets us imagine, so we can do our own movie in our minds. For
example, Love in the time of cholera, it was based on a book of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. People do
not like movies because it was bored but the book it is very interesting.

b. What are some differences between the medium of print vs. the medium of film? What
can books do that movies cannot, and vice versa?

Books let you imagine how the story is, how characters are, how sceneries are, but movies give
you all, you cannot imagine.

You learn more reading books than watching movies, because books have more information.

c. What book would you most like to see made into a movie?

I would like to see Wake up call made into a movie. It is a book written by Oriana Falacci, an Italian
journalist, and it is about Vietnam War. It is a powerful book about the meaning of life.

d. Why do some books make good movies, while others don’t?

Because movies have other ways to connect with spectators, different to books. Movies have to
remind the true spirit of the books.

e. What makes some popular books bad movies? What makes an unpopular book a great
movie? Can you think of examples?

When the book is very popular (and very good), the spectators have huge expectative about the
movie. That creates frustration if the movie is not enough good as book.

In the other side, if the book is regular, but the movie takes its best elements and add other
factors it can be success.

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