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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)

Lesson Idea Name: Where did all my money go?

Content Area: Algebra 1
Grade Level(s): 9th grade
Content Standard Addressed:
MGSE9-12.F.IF.7 Graph functions expressed algebraically and show key features of the graph both by hand
and by using technology.

Technology Standard Addressed:

ISTE for Teacher
4c Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging
virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally.
5b Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and
resources to maximize active, deep learning.
6a Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both
independent and group settings.
ISTE for Students
3d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas
and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.
6c Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital
objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

Selected Technology Tool:

Microsoft Excel

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):


Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☒ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☒ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

This lesson allows for different types of learners to be able to succeed altogether instead of just focusing on
one type of learner. For example, a student that is a visual learner is going to be able to see their graphs and
look at how the different equations are related for each characteristic in their checking account. For students
that have trouble with perception, it will address it by having the students varying the size of displayed
information in a flexible format. By having the students that have issues with language and symbols issues be
able to watch a video before class they are able to answer any existing questions, they might have along with
accessing prior knowledge that they might have to use towards this lesson. An additional way to extend this
assignment would be to have “life happens” cards were students have to adjust their budget for a month
after something unexpected happens to them.

Lesson idea implementation:

Spring 2018_SJB
Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)
The students are going to work in pairs to create a monthly budget for 3 months. This activity will include
students forming functions that they will enter into excel so that they can easily be able to withdraw, deposit,
and have reoccurring bills that will come out every month. The students are going to solve many different
equations so that they can see how much money they have left to spend on any additional items. The
assignment will start the students in pairs and each member of the pair will have to pick a career. They will
research that career to determine the average salary and the average student debt. From there they will work
with their pair to combine incomes and make a life for themselves. They will be asked to find real housing,
real estimated utilities, and much more to complete this assignment. To challenge the assignment there will
be “life happens” cards that stress the budgets. The pair will randomly pick a certain number of cards each
month. An example might be “your car needs new tires -$400” and the students adjust from there.

This project will be introduced via a flipped classroom model. The students watch a video before class so that
they know how to work excel. If the students do not understand how to do excel before-hand or still have
remaining questions they will be able to ask them before they get started. The project will take one multiple
class periods to complete but if the students did not understand how to use excel beforehand then they
might have to work on it at home. Student learning is going to be assessed by having the students submit the
assignment into Canvas to see if they participated and the formulas they used to end up with the correct
amount of money at the end of the year. To address the standards, the students are going to first build and
solve for one-step algebraic equation which will carry on to two step equations when combining at the end to
solve for how much the person made or deposited that year and how much they had to withdraw. After this
standard is achieved, they will then use their results to calculate their spending in Excel to demonstrate that
they know the key concepts of a graph and be able to identify the relationship between the function and the
graph. The teacher is going to need to be very proficient in excel so that they can actually be able to answer
the questions from the students. I think it would help if the teacher gave a tutorial on how to build a graph on
excel since many students probably do not know how to do that. The learning will be extended to a higher
level because it will be able to teach students a valuable life skill along with being able to address the content
standards. In math especially, it is important for our students to see the real-world application of the math
content so that they can use it going forward. I will conclude the lesson by having my students submit their
work and provide feedback by showing the next day in class a couple of the best and most visually appealing
of the students work. The final product will be used to inform learning by allowing the students to use Excel in
a way that students can use moving forward since it is necessary for our students to learn about how to
balance a checkbook and manage their finances.

Reflective Practice:
This lesson does a good job to create student learning because it does allow students to use
mathematics outside of the classroom. This lesson is a more advanced activity because it
is very extensive in its research and mathematical capabilities. To further adjust the lesson for students who
may be struggling the teacher could provide them with the numbers they need and create an excel shortcut
handout for them. The teacher could allow the account to be over drawn so that it would give us a negative
balance at the end of one month. Then students will have to solve for how to involve a negative
amount and how this change the planning they must do the following month. This is a length assignment and
students may feel overwhelmed by researching and learning to use Excel to create a product. It is important
for any teacher implementing this lesson to know their students well and what they can handle.

Spring 2018_SJB

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