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Example: I am David Webb (alias Jason Bourne, codename Blackbriar), a Determined American

Agents & Ciphers: A lasers and Hitman who is Wanted. My number is 3 (leaning towards Agents).
feelings hack Each player starts out with a Fake Passport, Cool Gadgets, a Gun, and the Ability to Contact
You are a part of a shadowy international spy organization called Black Raven. Your mission? Black Raven.
Defend peace and international freedom through violence and breaking international laws. You’re a
bunch of goddamned heroes-slash-war criminals. The world will never know your names.
Player Goal: Be a badass spy and do badass spy things.

*With all of the following, feel free to create your own choices if you don’t like what you see on the Character Goal: Choose (or roll for) one, or create your own: Blow Stuff Up, Discover New
list. Intel, Do Crazy Stunts, MacGuyver New Gadgets, Sleep with the Enemy, Stop the Bad Guys,
Uncover Hidden Plots
Choose (or roll for) an era: World War II, Cold War, post-9/11, Present Day, Near Future, Black Raven
Far Future
You get to establish some truths about your organization Black Raven. Choose two strengths (or
come up with your own, with GM approval) from the following: A Passport for Every Country, An
PLAYERS Agent in Every City, Cutting-Edge Tech, Endless Money, Plentiful Contacts, Underworld
Create Characters (Keep in mind that while many of these terms have been gendered in TV and Reputation
films, you don’t have to play them that way!)
You must also choose (or roll for) a weakness, or create your own: Mole in the Organization
(how might that play out when you need help in a pinch?); Public Knowledge (perhaps Black Raven
1. Choose (or roll for) a Nationality. (i.e. American, British, Canadian, Egyptian, etc). has come into the public eye and so you need to be extra-careful to not be caught); Morally
2. Choose (or roll for) a Descriptor: Amoral, Dedicated, Determined, Kick-Ass, Patriotic, Compromised (What sorts of underworld activity might Black Raven be involving itself in to keep
Sneaky, Suave the wheels turning?); Budget Cuts (Spying is expensive)

3. Choose (or roll for) a Speciality: Demolitions Expert, Driver, Gadget Guy/Gal, Hacker,
Hitman, Honeypot, Muscle
Rolling the Dice
When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to see how it goes. Roll +1d if you’re prepared (i.e. if you’d
4. Choose (or roll for) a Flaw: Doesn’t Know When to Quit, Doesn’t Play by the Rules, previously planned for this) and +1d if you’re an expert (if the roll falls under your area as
Emotionally Entangled, Unknowingly Compromised, Wanted, Weak-Willed determined by your character choices). The GM will inform you how many dice to roll. Roll the dice
5. Choose your number from 2 to 5. A high number means you’re better at Ciphers (using and compare each result to your number.
gadgets, hacking, stakeouts, patience, cold rationality). A low number means you’re better at
Agents (passionate action, dealing with people, fighting, intuition). If you’re using Ciphers, you want to roll under your number.

6. Give yourself a real name (don’t tell anyone else!), at least one alias (the name that appears If you’re using Agents, you want to roll over your number.
on your Fake Passport),, and a cool spy codename (like Winged Monkey or something).
0: If none of the dice succeed, you fail. The GM says how things get worse. 2. Nuclear Arsenal 5. Top Religious Figure
3. Story-Breaking Reporter 6. Rogue Agent

1: If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. The GM inflicts a complication, harm or cost. IN / OF…
1. A Western Country (U.S., Europe) 4. Middle Eastern Country (Iran, Iraq)
2: If two dice succeed, you do it well. Smooth! 2. Russia / U.S.S.R. 5. Nazi Germany
3. East Asian Country (China, Japan) 6. Other Country

3: If three dice succeed, you succeed with style. The GM gives some extra effect. WHICH WILL LEAD TO…
1. Nuclear Holocaust 4. Start of a World War
!: If you roll your number exactly, you have Central Intelligence. You have embodied the 2. Covering Up Atrocities 5. Country Being Conquered
spirits of James Bond, Jason Bourne, and Jack Ryan. Your spy-der senses are tingling, and you 3. Dissolution of a Government 6. Corruption
can ask the GM a question about what’s going on that they must answer honestly. For example:
GM: Run the Game
Who are they, really? Who are they really working for? Are we about to get double- Play to find out what happens! First, introduce the threat by showing evidence. The easiest way to
crossed? What should I be looking for? What’s the best way to _______? What’s ______’s do this is a classic Black Raven intelligence briefing. Feel free to abuse the phrase “Your mission,
character’s real name? should you choose to accept it…”

You can then change the action if you want to and roll again. In play, give players a chance to react before a threat does something to them. Show signs of
what’s coming and ask them what they do.
HELPING: If you want to help someone else who’s rolling, say how you try to help and make a roll.
If you succeed, give them +1d. “The Russian Spy reaches inside his coat and you see he has a machine gun. He aims it at you.
What do you do?” “You see the waiter drop a pill into the ambassador’s wine glass. He looks like
GM: Create a Spy Scenario he’s about to take a sip. What do you do?” “The femme fatale swishes her glass of scotch and
gives you a smokey look. She shifts her weight, revealing a lot of leg behind the slit on the side of
A THREAT her dress. What do you do?”
1. A Rogue Black Raven Agent… 4. A Criminal Mastermind…
2. A Non-State Organization (i.e. 5. An Enemy State… Call for a roll when the situation isn’t certain. Don’t pre-plan outcomes – let the chips fall where
they may (especially in a Casino Royale scenario!) Failure always pushes the action forward. The
3. A Politician… 6. A Dogged Reporter…
situation always changes after a roll, for good or ill.
Also very important: As the GM, you are not required to have all the answers by yourself. Ask
1. Destroy / Discredit / Assassinate 4. Protect / Enhance
your players leading questions and use their answers to inform the world you’re all creating.
2. Steal / Take Hostage 5. Build / Invent
3. Make an Alliance With 6. Take Over
“Have you heard of this terrorist organization before? What are they known for? What’s their
M.O.?” “Have you interacted with Katja before? When? How did it go? What did she do?” “Have you
A / THE…
been to the Russian embassy before? What’s the layout like? Security?”
1. Leader / Relative of Leader 4. State Secrets
Optional rules  Instead of choosing from the scenario tables, your scenario is: Black Raven wants to
Kill the Party by Any Means Necessary. You may layer on any other scenario on top if
Optional Rule #1: The Mole: One or more of you are double agents. Do character creation in
you want a truly chaotic session!
secret and in conjunction with the GM. Figure out who you’re really working for and set a
custom goal that you’re really pursuing. Make sure you make your “real” name an evil-sounding
Throughout the session, present players with opportunities to discover things about themselves
villain name, like Vladimir Putin or something.
and interact with Black Raven. For example, Bourne had a chip with a bank account number
implanted in his skin, which he followed to the bank. Give little clues the party can follow.
Throughout the course of the game, other players can try to figure out who the mole is. If you’re
found out, you have two options.
Important: You still play to find out what happens! As the GM, decide on some juicy leads for the
party to follow, but don’t necessary pre-plan what happens when they do!
One, you can have a change of heart. You used to be a Nazi, but working with these guys has
changed your heart. Make a heartfelt speech about why you’ve turned from your turncoat ways.
Then, ask the GM something you would know that the party wouldn’t (as if you’d had Central Credits and Disclaimers
Intelligence), which you then share with the group. If you choose this option, the party must This game is a hack of Lasers and Feelings, originally written by John Harper of One-Seven
accept you back with full trust, and you must act in good faith. Designs. Find the original game and his other work at

Two, you can remain the enemy. Work with your table to decide how this plays out. Generally, This hack was created by Nathan Rufo.
working against the party is the GM’s job. Consider retiring your character to either death or
NPCdom and quickly creating a new character who the party already knows and joins in. This game is intended to be free use and is not for commercial sale or profit. References to the
James Bond, Jason Bourne, or Jack Ryan franchises are not meant to infringe on any copyrights
NOTE: PvP (player-vs-player) using this ruleset is not recommended. But, if your party revels in held by their respective owners.
intra-party conflict, check with your GM to see how you can work as an enemy to the party.

Optional Rule #2: Insurance Policy: The life of an international spy is rough, and you never
know who to trust. It’s always good to have information you can use as leverage or for blackmail if
you ever need it. With this optional rule, players are competing to try to figure out as much as
they can about each other, including names. The only way to uncover real names is through
Central Intelligence. But, players can attempt to discover information about other characters
through other means. In this ruleset, players get 2 points for every true name they uncover, and 1
point for each piece of “other” information. The player with the most points at the end wins.

Optional Rule #3: Re-Bourne: In this ruleset, you all awaken somewhere with amnesia.
Instead of working for Black Raven, they are hunting you, wanting to tie loose ends. Under this
ruleset, make the following changes:
 Players only know their alias. The GM will determine their real names and codenames.
 Primary Character Goal should be Discover Our True Identity.
 Players do not have the Ability to Contact Black Raven.
 Players still choose two strengths and one weakness for the organization.

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