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I remember when I was a child after a whole morning at school; the only thing

that I enjoyed and made me happy was playing all afternoon with my friends,
without telephones or computers, there was just fresh air and freedom. That made
me feel satisfied and so happy. I am sure that choosing a small town to raise a
family is one of the best decisions that people can make. The low economic cost
of living, enough space, and tranquility are the most important things for family

Living in a big city could be comfortable due to all the services that exist there,
and its cost depends on the quality of the service. This can be very expensive. In
a small city we can find the basic things we need for a very low cost do to the
characteristics of the place. For example, the price of meat is so high in a big city
in comparison with a small town because there are farms that provide it for lower
cost near the small city.

I can´t imagine living in a small apartment in a big city with my family where, at
most, they will be able to play board games. Besides the limited space certain, it
is sure that the outside air would be polluted. A small city offers direct contact
with nature, fresh air, open spaces, a unique view, and streets without chaotic
traffic. These facts give the family the ideal scenario to live their lives entirely
and give to their child an environment of belonging.

In a small town, a family can live without hurry; can sleeps without noises and
without lights flashing on the windows. It is a safe and quiet place. In a big city, a
family is exposed to a hectic environment, so many estrangers, and noise
pollution and in some cases like Asunción, the insecurity.

The low economic cost of life, big spaces, and tranquility are some parameters
that people measure to decide where to live. Due to the advantages and
disadvantages, it is so easy to pick a small town to live over a big city. I have to
add that to live and grow up in a quiet environment and far away for an
expensive life is priceless.

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