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Ezra D.


1.What does the research process that is presented in the notes and the lecture video
imply (tell, suggest, or entails) about the characteristics of research? Or stated in
another way, what characteristics of research can be gleaned from illustrations and
narrations in the notes and video about the research process? 

The research process that is presented in the notes and the lecture video suggest that
you must first identify a problem, not just identify it but the problem should be worthy of
the study and the resources to be used must be substantial for the study. The lecture
video and notes also emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations in doing a
research, researchers must respect the right of the participants, honor the requests and
restrictions of the research site, and report the research fully and honestly. According to
the lecture video, there are skills that a researcher should possessed in order to
successfully do a research. A researcher must have curiosity to solve problems, long
attention span, library and computer resource skills, and writing and editing skills. The
lecture video and provided notes tells us that research is not an easy process you need
to be careful and precise about the steps you take to complete the research properly
because a simple mistake in a research can affect the research as a whole.

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