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Jhon: Hi Diego

Diego: Hi JHON
J: Diego. Do you like music?
D: Of course
J: What is your favorite type music?
D: My favorite music are the pop and rock
J: and Do you practice any musical instrument?
D: Yes, I am learning to play guitar
J: oh, really?
D: Yes
J: How long have you been practicing?
D:…I have a month
J: and…How are you learning?
D: well… First, you must get yourself a guitar.
J: and later?
D: well…Second, You must grab your guitar and start rehearsing
J: and…how do you rehearse?
D: well, I hold my guitar with my left arm and I touch the strings with my right hand
J: and….. How should I touch the strings of my guitar? Hard or slow?
D: It depends on the song. If it's a love song, you should stroke the strings
j: Ohh, thanks a lot Diego. Right now I will go to a father's music store and pick a guitar for
D: Very good Jhon, any advice you need let me know
J: Diego…. one last question please
D: Yes, tell me
J: After rehearsing, can I put down my guitar to the ground?
D: I don't recommend that you do that.
J: Why?
D: Because your guitar is will scratch with the ground
J: ohh, that’s true. Thanks for the advice. I want to learn a romantic song, and I will follow your
D: And do you remember what the advices were?
J: Of course!! I must hold my guitar with my left hand and stroke the strings with my right hand.
D: Very good Jhon. I hope you do very well.
J: Thanks a lot Diego. See you tomorrow.
D: Okay, Bye.

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