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Maria Cecilia Castillo

English VII – G15

May 17, 2020


When we are learning a native language, it is important to maintain a learning plan.

Personally I think that an adequate plan is to take into account the four skills of language

learning, which are listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four language skills are

fundamental to developing a new language and effectively communicating with it.

The first step is to identify how I learn and to acknowledge what is the most

efficient way for me retain the new skills. With this approach, I utilize my time better and

reflect on what works and what does not to improve my learning, and how I could meet my

goals and be able to create my profile learning. Then I create an objective to know which

tasks I should prioritize during a specific time. This will help me to identify what I have

learned so far and what I want to learn to complement this knowledge. The objectives that I

could consider would be: improve listening, enrich my vocabulary, enhance reading

comprehension and increase my speaking ability.

The goal is to improve my command of the language and add new activities to

increase each of the language skills. Therefore, listening is considered a very important part

when improving a language, since the ear gets used to the language and this leads to great

benefits to be able to speak it.

The activities would be listening to music taking into account the lyrics of the same

and the genre that I like, also watching movies, television shows, news, series and others
using the subtitles and finally attending plays, exhibitions, talks, etc. that are organized by

English speaking schools or communities.

For speaking, make calls with some classmates, as well as with native speakers of

the language. Thanks to technology and applications, also speak and record it so that you

can make vocabulary corrections. In reading, search books, articles and other academic

documents on the web to acquire new knowledge, as well as vocabulary and a very

practical one is to change the language of all the devices, so that in this way I may learn

new words. Finally, for writing skills, try to write what happens to me day by day in blog

format, write letters, writings, and postcards as well as take virtual exams that assess the

four language skills.

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