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Maria Cecilia Castillo

English VII – G15

May 17, 2020


I have analyzed and differentiated the different objectives that have important

characteristics of my community, such as gender, age, geography, finances and educational

level. In addition, other factors such as family structure, customs, lifestyle and society show

the importance of each of them.

Taking into account the above, I consider that one of the main objectives would be

an equitable education, taking into account characteristics such as place, time, age,

purchasing power. As well as looking for improvement in this very important dynamic, I

consider the ways to end problems such as poverty and corruption. For me it is very

important to achieve an equitable education that helps young adults to have a better society

full of values and that result in significant changes in people's lifestyle.

The objective that can be related to my environment is sustainable health. At this

time, patient care can depend on where a person resides, the quality of life they have, the

little education they receive and the money the person has to achieve optimal care. One of

the problems is the low quality in the system. People are required to wait hours to receive

adequate attention, since in some cases they do not have the necessary resources.

According to the progress of this objective, it has been possible to increase the

capacity of patient care, improve the treatment of many diseases, as well as to decrease the

mortality rate. All these factors are very important in determining how much the health
system has improved. Also take into account mental health, factors such as pollution, and

drinking water as important points in the improvement of this objective.

I consider this objective to be of utmost importance since, in addition to being

morally correct, it is the system that guarantees us life. According to the indicators,

improvements are expected in the control of epidemics, decrease death amongst children,

improvements in the living conditions of health personnel, universal access to the system in

matters of sexuality, and the decrease of deaths from traffic accidents among others. There

are some of the very important factors for the improvement of society and the many

benefits for all people.

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