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Things you can pray for:

1. Piousness (Saleh)
2. Your family
3. Forgiveness (Meminta ampunan-Nya)
4. Khusu' in Salat
5. Pray for everyone.
6. Perlindungan dari sifat sirik
7. To get closer to Allah
8. To be a better muslim
9. Guidance of the youth
10. Guidance, mercy and health
11. To be able to perform Hajj.
12. Our worship to be accepted (Ibadah kita diterima)
13. Knowledge, and remembrance (Pengetahuan dan ingatan)
14. A heart free from hate, or envy[iri]
15. To be able control our anger
16. Success in this world and the next.
17. To be with our loved ones in Jannah
18. Protection from laziness and cowardice[perasaan takut]
19. To be always be able to do what is right
20. To do everything with sincerity[ketulusan] and love.
21. Sabr in times where we completely lose it.
22. To be able make use of our short time wisely.
23. To stay focus on Islam, and not to stray off.
24. Your personal ambitions that are good for you.
25. A forgiving, humble, and non-judgmental heart.
26. To die only when we are worthy of entering Jannah.
27. Pray for anything and everything (which is good for us).
28. TO able to have tawakkul when things don't go our way.
29. Protection from the hell fire and from the torment of the graves.
30. All pregnant women to have an easy delivery and a healthy baby.
31. Obedient children who will be guided onto the beautiful path of Islam.
32. Pray for the sick, and the poor. Pray for the hungry and the thirsty.
33. To have a chance to make things right for those who we have wronged.
34. Education to be provided to those who do'nt have the resources.
35. Our marriages to last in Jannah and for our marriages to be righteous.
36. To guide those who are doubting Islam adn for our own doubts to be cleared.
37. Those who have passed away, for Allah's mercy upon them and the expiation of
their sins.
38. For everyone in the world, every person in every corner, to at least have some
clean water.

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