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ENG 115: Introduction to Literature | Summer 2020

Essay 1

Answer one of the following questions in 450-500 words, by stating your own point-of-view
and providing sufficient evidence from the text and firm reasoning from your understanding
of literature.

(15 Marks)

Q.1 We’ve seen a lot of parents and children in our syllabus. Choose three pairs of characters, a parental
figure and a younger character, and show how they are similar and different from each other.

Q.2 Discuss the boyfriend from “Barn Burning,” as a character. Discuss another similar
character from another story and also show how they are different from him.

Q.3 In “Sonny’s Blues” heroin is a symbol for death. Discuss this symbol as well as two other
symbols of death from the other short stories in our syllabus.


o Write your answer in a separate answer sheet using MS Word.

o Remember to write your Name, ID, Section Number and the Date of Submission.
o Save the file as a .doc or .docx file and call the file “Your Last Name, Essay 1”, e.g. –
“Rahman, Essay 1” or “Ahmed, Essay 1”.
o Upload to Turnitin

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