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Mi nombre es Andrea Flores, les hablare sobre mis vacaciones.

En mis últimas vacaciones me fui de viaje a San Lorenzo, me acompaño mi

familia, mis padres, hermanos y sobrinos, alquilamos un autobús para que el viaje
fuera más cómodo, reservamos un hotel cerca de San Lorenzo, hotel Vista
hermosa, nos quedamos tres días dos noches, fue un viaje muy bonito, disfrute
mucho compartir en familia, el hotel me gusto tenía dos piscinas grandes y las
habitaciones eran muy cómodas, tenían aire acondicionado, yacusi y ducha
caliente, no me gusto la atención que nos brindaron en el hotel ya que servían
tarde los alimentos, pero eso no afecto nuestra alegría y al día siguiente nos
fuimos a San Lorenzo, conocimos el parque y varios lugares turísticos, a la hora
del almuerzo compramos unos deliciosos pescados con tajaditas, no me gusto que
habían moscas y se nos complicaba al momento de disgustar de los alimentos,
otra cosa que no me gusto es que había mucha calor y tuve que comprar filtro
solar, unos lentes de sol y una gorra para no quemar mi piel, por la tarde fuimos al
mar y pasamos muy bonito, me subí a la lancha y dimos como tres vueltas, de
recuerdo compre unos llaveros y unas camisas disfrute mucho de este viaje que
quisiera que se repitiera pronto, fueron una de las mejores vacaciones.
My name is Andrea Flores, I will tell you about my vacation.
On my last vacation I went on a trip to San Lorenzo, my family, my parents,
brothers and nephews accompanied me, we rented a bus to make the trip more
comfortable, we booked a hotel near San Lorenzo, Vista Hermosa hotel, we stayed
three days two nights, it was a very nice trip, I enjoyed sharing with the family a lot,
I liked the hotel had two large pools and the rooms were very comfortable, they
had air conditioning, a hot tub and a hot shower, I didn't like the attention they gave
us in the hotel since food was served late, but that did not affect our happiness and
the next day we went to San Lorenzo, we visited the park and several tourist
places, at lunchtime we bought some delicious fish with slices, I did not like that
there were flies And it was complicated for us when we disliked food, another thing
that I did not like is that it was very hot and I had to buy sunscreen, some
sunglasses and a cap so as not to burn my skin, in the afternoon And we went to
the sea and we had a very nice time, I got on the boat and we did about three laps,
as a souvenir I bought some key rings and some shirts I really enjoyed this trip that
I would like to be repeated soon, it was one of the best vacations.

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