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These notes are how I set mine up.

With top internet security in mind, and my own

opinion on things. Including disabling things that are no business of a firewall.
Feel free to disagree with me.

First job. Install it. No fix needed. Reboot needed immediately.

When it starts up again you might see a window that says Network Connection
127.x.x.x detected. Or some other IP number. Is this a trusted network ? The
answer is NO. Whatever it says.

Now the settings for the tabs on the main page.

MAIN MENU. Press HOME PROFILE icon at top

Internet security slider, slide to HIGH.
Network security slider, slide to HIGH.
Unless you have a home network and share printers
etc, in that case lower this slider a bit.

APPLICATIONS. Ignore it for now.

PROCESS MONITOR. Drag slider to OFF. ( potential nuisance )

FIREWALL LOG. Drag slider to LOW.

PORT TRACKING. Ignore it for now.




Standard Control. UNCHECK.

Manual Control. CHECK THE BOX.
Display Alerts for blocked incoming/outgoing UNCHECK THE BOX.
Disable Auto Response. CHECK THE BOX
Always display for new outgoing. CHECK THE BOX.
Disable Trusted Publishers. CHECK THE BOX.
The 2 show main menu items. UNCHECK THE BOXES
Disable Startup Splash screen CHECK THE BOX.
Disable Auto Update feature. CHECK THE BOX.

On the Advanced tab page. UNCHECK EVERY BOX ON THE PAGE.

Press the TRUSTED PUBLISHERS button on this page.


Bit of extra info on use. Right click items on system tray icon.
ALLOW TRAFFIC. This will allow ALL traffic in and out. This has its uses for a
few seconds. But not secure at all.

FILTER TRAFFIC. This is the normal setting. All your rules observed.

BLOCK ALL TRAFFIC. Blocks the lot. In and out. Very useful for installing
software or stopping suspected malware traffic instantly.

The alert Window. You can choose ALLOW or DENY. If the 2 small boxes are both
unchecked then your decision is only a Temp decision for the one occasion. If you
want your decision to be permanent then check both small boxes before choosing
Allow Deny.

When you first install you will be asked for a decision many times.
As the firewall meets your apps for the first time. Couple days later the alerts
will drop to almost none.

LAST TIP. Right click everything in sight and have a read. Some useful tools on
the right click menus.

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