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As it is an age of sustainable development, which endorses development of technology that is cost

efficient, environment friendly, and multifunctional. In the field of geoscience, the focus has also shifted
towards sustainability because of prevailing concept of SDG’s and the new technologies that are being
developed are at par with the new standards. Permeameter is one of the most basic and most used tool
in the field of geoscience to measure permeability of a rock sample. Currently, gas permeameters are
being used for this purpose. On one hand, they are degrading our environment by using gases as a fuel,
and on the other they are not cost efficient. Following the paradigm of sustainability, we upheld the
task of fabricating an air permeameter that will use compressed air instead of gases. Our project is tend
to achieve two pronged benefits. One, it will be environmentally sustainable, and secondly it will lessen
the cost up to 35pc as compared to gas permeameter. To materialize this project, the work is in progress
and our project supervisor has approved the design. Now, it is fabrication phase for which multiple
instruments such as differential gauges, Hessler cell, steel pipes, and air compressor are needed. As
most of these instruments are not exclusively available in Pakistan, so we have to fabricate on our own.
For this purpose, we need funds as the university provides no grant for student projects. It would be a
matter of immense pleasure if we are provided with funds by AAPG.

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