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No event in the recent history has ever pushed so hard humanity to reconsider its established politico-

economic, socio-economic, and geo-strategic frameworks as did the Corona episode. The inexorable
COVID-19, outbreak of which took place in Wuhan, China, is striking each corner of the world without
any discrimination and people from all states, religions, ethnicities, and genders are, unfortunately,
hosting the virus and falling severely ill, in some cases. More than 17,000 people have perished and
more than 400,000 have got infected with this deadly disease. The exponential growth in the number of
asymptomatic carriers cautioned the whole world and the preemptive strategy to contain further spread
came in the form of pervasive lockdowns and even curfews at some places. The abrupt disruption in
worldly activities proved to be an instant obstruction in a running wheel. International flight operations
halted, trade slowed down, and business activity within countries drastically fell down because of
impromptu global response. The unexpected event coupled with falling crude oil prices, because of
prevailing deadlock between Russia and KSA, and the already recessing world economy resulted in
global economic fiasco, and the fragile stock markets crashed from global North to global South, calling
the ability of neoliberal capitalist model to sustain shocks into question, once again.

The existential challenge for the world is to somehow save humanity from Corona microbe, but the
question is how states are going to do this herculean job. As it is responsibility of state to mobilize its
machinery to rescue people, so it is expected that state must have enough machinery and resources to
facilitate people in the hours of need. Therefore, the discourse about role of state in running affairs of
the people and market is once again heated.

Despite being locus of the outbreak, China has aptly responded to the situation.

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