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Holly the Eco Warr 1 Jack and the Westbourne Fai Ricky's Big Idea fe Ricky and the Ameri Grace and the Double Li David and the Black Corsai Classics Ciassi ‘The Happy Prince and The Nightingale and the Rose o: The Hound of the Bask ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Peter Pan The Red-headed League EFL authors. Princess on the Run ‘The Time Capsule f Mr Footbal Twins Short Reads Fireball’s Heart The Last Smile h contemporary approach. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 For a complete list of all our titles, information and downloadable activities: David and the Black Corsair Martyn Hobbs HELBLING LANGUAGES, wor David ae! the Black Corsair by Maryn Hobbs ‘© HELBLING LANGUAGES 2011 ‘without the prior witen permission ofthe publishers, Fst pubished 2011, ISBN 078.9.95272-296.6 About this Book For the Student OY Listen to the story and do some acti D4 Talk about the story bbeat* When you see the blue dot you can check the word in the glossary on pages 62-64 ies on your Audio CD For the Teacher Go to ourReaulersResourcesite for information on using readers and downloadable Resource Sheets, photocopiable Worksheets, Answer Keys and Tapescripts. For lots of great ideas on using Graded Readers consult Reading Matters, the Teacher's Guide to using Helbling Readers. Level 3 Structures Present continuous for future Cardinal / ordinal numbers Present perfect One fones Present perfec Reflexive pronouns Should (she Indefinite pronouns Must / should Need to f have to Too plus adjective wt ‘Not plus adjective plus enough Relative pronouns who, which and that ver never Prepositions of time, place and movement Would ike ‘50 do / neither do 1 Question tags. Structures from loner level ar als included Contents Before Reading 6 David and the Black Corsair 11 After Reading 54 Glossary 62 Hello, Ym David and is my story. Who is the Black Corsair? Look through the book and find out! Before Reading Before Reading 1 Look at the picture and answer the questions on pages 8 and 9. 5 a Before Reading 1 Find these things in the picture on page 6 and label them. a) barrel ——_b) bay ) flying fish d) dolphin ©) oars 4 telescope 9) wheel h) waves 4 2 Look at the pictures in the book and answer the questions. a) Who is the Black Corsair? b) What does he look like? ©) What is his personality c? 3 Find these things in the picture on page 7 and label them. a) anchor b) flag ¢) mast d) rope ©) sails f) harbour (4 Talk about the pictures on pages 6 and 7. Do you prefer the boat or the ship? Why? What was life like on sailing vessels like these? What were the good things? What were the bad things? Before Reading © 5 Listen and write the numbers. a) b) 0 6 Can you guess? Look again at the pictures in the book and answer the questions. D( Then tell the class. Choose the best ideas. a) When do you think the story is set? b) Where do you think it is set? ©) Why do you think the ship is important in the story? d) What do you think the story will be about? ¢) What is the Black Corsair's connection with David? g % 5 9 a QD a a g PEM Rt ace eo ind dark. Clouds covered David and the Black Corsair &) David stopped writing. He lifted his head. The rain was falling outside on the grey roofs and pavements, He could hear it tapping against his window. He could hear other noises, too. There were footsteps® outside his room, then the bathroom door opened and closed. His mother was under the shower. David had a plan. And he had to move fast! He picked up an envelope, a small pile of presents and a vase of flowers and he headed® for the kitchen. He placed them all carefully on the table then started to make breakfast. He filled up the kettle®, poured out a glass of orange juice, and placed the cereal and a breakfast bowl next to the gifts. Now what? Oh, yes. Toast! He was putting two slices of bread in the toaster® when his mother walked in, 16 David and the Black Corsair ‘Happy Birthday, Mum! said David. “Oh David!" said his mother, surprised. She looked at the table, then at her son. That looks so lovely She was wearing her nurse’s uniform. And she was already pulling on her coat. “But I'm so sorry; she continued. ‘I've got no time this morning! rthday!’ protested Davi inned a special breakfast and everything! is mother shook her head sadly. ‘Ive just got a text® from the hospital. There's a bit of a crisis. They need me at work now! And with that, she kissed him on the cheek®, and hurried to the door. | see you later. I'll text you if 'm going to be late! "But Mum’ said David, ‘can't you even open your card?” It was too late. He heard the front door shut and her footsteps on the stairs. And the toast popped® out of the toaster. Then he heard his mobile ringing in his bedroom. He went in and answered it. ur sandwiches are in the fridge, David; his mother said, He could hear her walking quickly while she was king. ‘I made them last night. Don't forget them! “I won't! David replied, Then he ended the call He sat on the edge of his bed. He was alone in the flat. He listened to the rain. It was his mother's birthday, and she was going to have a horrible day. He felt sorry for her, but he was annoyed® with her, too Why did she have to leave without opening his presents or having breakfast? She didn’t even open his card! He made that card himself. ‘And the presents were expensive (for him). He wanted her fortieth birthday to be special. But she had to leave and go to the stupid hospital. It wasn't fair! He went back into the kitchen and threw away her breakfast. Next he picked up the birthday card and presents and took them to his room, Then he put on et, grabbed® his bag, and closed the flat door behind him. He ran down the stairs and into the street. 18 It was a typical spring morning, The air was cold and the sky bright blue. But a wind was blowing, and by the time David reached the bus stop, clouds were flying overhead. David and his mother lived alone. He had no brothers or sisters and his parents were divorced, He only saw his father a couple of times every year. He didn't enjoy it. He didn't know what to say to him. And his father never remembered David's birthday. Or his mother's. He didn't even send them a Christmas card. And then the rain started falling again, The bus stop didn’t have a shelter® and there was no place to hide. So he turned up® his collar and waited for the bus. 20 sile He knew n outlaw in his own count mother was another man. And there was a chil nt and alone, he was alone, too. He was of the state, And now go to. | r looked was no on the si waiting f untied® the rope, pushed her out into the bay, and climbed on board. Then he raised® the sails and turned away from the cold wet north, Hewas water, for him. He David and the Black Corsair icl looked up at the moon where it floated in the sky, Finally the bus arrived — and it was crowded. Dai showed his pass® to the driver then squeezed® through the standing passengers. There was nowhere to sit downstairs. But upstairs he found a couple of spare® seats at the back. He sat next to the window, wiped the steam® from the glass, | and looked out. He couldn't believe it. The sun was | shining again! Small white clouds were racing® across the sky. He | watched them fly above the roofs. They seemed so happy, so light and white and free. He immediately thought about Daniel on his boat. Then David dried his hands on his trousers, took out his notebook, and started to write. The wind filled tre sails Then a big man sat down next to him. He was talking loudly on his, mobile phone to a friend about last night's match. Manchester United against Chelsea. And Man U were useless! Hopeless! Rubbish! David tried to ignore® him but it was impossible. He put his notebook into his bag and waited for his journey to end. 22 David and the Black Corsair At last the bus arrived at David's stop and he could escape from the shouting man. David headed quickly towards his school. He wanted to write down all his ideas before the first lesson started. But while his body was moving along the streets of Westbourne, his head was in Daniel's world. And his imagination was speeding along under the bright blue skies of the Mediterranean. ‘The wind filled the sails and the Alastor sped® across the smiling blue sea, Small white waves raced along beside his boat, carrying him forward, faster and faster. He saw But David didn't get any further. His foot struck something hard. He tripped and fell forwards. He put out his hands to protect his face. Then he hit the ground. But he didn’t simply crash onto the hard pavement. He landed in a huge puddle® and water splashed against his face. David's hands were burning with red hot pain. His knees were hurting, too. There was dirty water all over his clothes. Then he heard laughter. He looked up angrily. Jack was standing above him with Tareq and Liam. They were all laughing. ‘You tripped me up®!' said David angrily. Tears® burned in his eyes. He wanted to cry. ‘No, | didn't! laughed Jack. ‘You just fell over! Jack pointed at the pavement. It was uneven and one of the paving stones® was sticking up. ‘I don’t believe you! said David ‘Here, let me help ‘Leave me alone*!' said David, "I don’t need your hel David didn’t normally get angry like this, and he didn’t get into fights. But this morning was different. ‘Do what you want; said Jack. I was only trying to help: ‘And Jack and his mates® turned away and walked through the school gate. offered 24 David and the Black Corsair ar the shore. A flag was flying from Wash the deck, you dos, or Il throw you tothe shark” t of Daniel’s great adven years of fame. He became more famous every y ne Black Corsair was the most adventurous sailor on the high seas, But he wasn’t a pirate like a ked his money m the revolution escaped from their cells... pody knew that the Black C But children drew pictures of him. ‘Teenagers dreamt about him. David and the Black Corsair David walked into the crowded classroom. His classmates were talking and laughing, They had still had five more minutes of freedom before the first lesson began ‘Are you alright?" Ricky asked David nodded, ‘Have you had an accident or something?" ‘Why? asked David. Ricky pointed and David looked down. There was a hole on the knee of his trousers. He could see a spot of blood on his knee, too. His mother would be really upset. He imagined her voice, ‘Oh David, why don’t you look where you're going! How can we afford® a new pair of trousers this month?" He looked angrily at Jack. At that moment Mr Craig the science teacher walked in. He was carrying a pile of exercise books. ‘OK everybody, sit down and stop talkin: he said loudly. David was still looking at Jack. "That includes you, David: said Mr Craig. I Ale David sat down and Mr Craig started returning the exercise books. ‘Ive marked your homework! he said, ‘and on the whole® it was quite good! He gave Ricky his book ‘Excellent as usual, Ricky! said Mr Craig with a smile. Then he turned to David. ‘But you, David. I'm afraid you got it all wrong. Do you ever listen to me during my lessons?" David looked at Mr Craig then stared down at his desk. He could feel Jack’s eyes watching him and he could hear his silent laughter. It was a bad start. And David's morning didn't improve after that. Geography was boring IT* was irritating, And maths was impossible! 30 David and the Black Corsair Time passed very slowly. But finally Mr Johnson the maths teacher turned off the interactive white board® and said, ‘See you again on Friday. Have a nice lunch! David put his books into his rucksack then looked for his sandwiches. He couldn't find them, Then he remembered his mother's phone call His sandwiches were still in the fridge. He had nothing to eat! He searched all his pockets and found two coins. He didn’t even have enough money for a bag of crisps! He stood up and walked towards the door. ‘Where are you going?’ asked Ricky. ‘I want to get some fresh air! said David. Then he left the room and walked along the corridor to the exit. It was sunny again outside, He decided to go for a walk around the playing field. He wanted to be on his own. His stomach made an empty noise. as hot in the cloudless blue sy. Terenas 9 breath of wind. &) David's classmates were standing and chatting on the playing field. Holly was bouncing a ball, Zadie saw David walking towards them. But he was looking down at the grass. He seemed to be lost in thought®, ‘Hey, David! Zadie called out. It took David a moment to understand where he was. ‘Do you want to play football with us?" asked Zadie. ‘We need another player! David looked at Zadie and her friends. Holly and Grace were there, Ricky, and Jack, too. ‘Come on, aid Grace. ‘It's the girls against the boys! ‘David can play in the girls’ team’ said Jack, and Zadie laughed. David shook his he: ‘No thanks; he said. ''ve got things to think abo "You're always thinking about something! said Jack. ‘It's a pity® you don’t think about maths and science and stuff like that. Maybe you'd be better! ‘Shut up, Jack; Grace said. ‘If David doesn’t want to play, that's coo! ‘Come on, let's have a g said Zadie. 34 David and the Black Corsair David started to walk away, He heard the ball bouncing on the grass, then Jack called out: ‘Watch out, David!" David ignored the warning - and the ball hit him on the back of his head. It didn’t hurt. But David was annoyed ‘Why didn't you get out of the way?" asked Jack. ‘Leave me alone, Jack! said David. id Jack smiling, ‘ tried to warn you! Zadie watched David walk away across the grass. She knew he was upset about something. She was sorry she laughed at Jack's stupid joke. | Ci David and the Black Corsair il é t S Z 3 . He was runt David and the Black Corsair David heard somebody shout. It was a girl's voice. He looked across at the football match. Zadie was sitting on the grass, holding her leg. She was crying. The other players rushed to help her. He could hear tl ‘Are you ‘Have you hurt your leg?’ ‘Can you stand up?’ | think I'm OK; said Zadie. They helped her to her feet. ‘What happened?’ asked Holly. tried to kick the ball... but | kicked the ground instead! and she laughed. Zadie was a good footballer. She was the best of the gir! players. She was brave, too. ‘Are you still going to play?" asked Ricky. don't think so; said Zadie. I think I'll just sit down and watch! Good idea’ said Grace. She walked off the pitch® and sat down next to one of the goals. Then the game started again. id Zadie, David and the Black Corsair I don’t know who you are. But thank you for rescuing us, Don't worry. s il get you ovt soon, — Pe Quickly. (limb down the rope ladder SDA aiid get into the boat. Are these. PA waters safer, J > Pp No, sir. They are very dangerous, sir, There are rocks under the surface over there, Then take the oars. ‘Then hide on the island. I'll be back soon, David and the Black Corsair & And then it started raining again. David decided to go inside. As he was walking to the entrance, he received a text message: Did you remember your lunch? David replied: Yes, don’t worry. Happy birthday. Then suddenly the rain got very heavy and everybody ran into the school. David sat at his desk and listened to the conversations around him ‘My parents want me to have mare music lessons; said Grace ‘And mine want me to go to America this summer, said Holly. Holly and Grace were his friends but their lives were so different from is, His mother didn’t have enough money to pay for extra lessons or holidays or things like that. But their parents lived in big houses and they had expensive new cars. They could buy anything they wanted. Zadie was sitting with Holly and Grace. She noticed that David was listening to them. And she could see he wasn't happy. Zadie wanted to say something to him, but Ms Brook entered the classroom and said, ‘OK, everyone, sit down! It was time for their English lesson. Now David usually enjoyed English lessons. He loved the books they read and the plays they acted out®. But today all his thoughts were about the Black Corsair. He didn’t say a word during the lesson He stared out of the window at the falling rain. 42 David and the Black Corsair ‘At the end of the lesson, Zadie spoke to David ‘Hey, Davids she said, David looked up, surprised. He was thinking about the Black Corsair. ‘I'm sorry about lunchtime; she said. "You know, about the football match. | didn't mean to laugh but Jack can be very funny sometimes! David nodded. ‘And by the way, Jack didn’t kick the ball at you. Ricky did it. And it was an accident! ‘That's OK’ said David, to build the house ag house to be bigger ani burned down, And Iw: it was before. * said Mad Jack. “You can 45 Next came geography and finally French. Then at last the bell rang, It was the end of the school day! David was walking out through the school gate when he heard a shout. ‘David! Watch ow David stopped. A car drove through a huge puddle splashing water all over the pavement. But it missed David! David turned round and saw Jack. ‘Thanks, Jack! ‘That's the second time today I've warned you about something: said Jack. ‘And this time | listened; said David. ‘No worries®; said Jack. 'You know, | didn’t trip you up this morning: “OK, Jack. | believe you! ‘I mean, | thought about it! said Jack laughing. ‘But you fell over all ‘on your own! They laughed. David walked away, Then he heard his name again. This time it was Zadie. ‘Can we have a chat? she asked, ‘Are you OK to walk, Zadie?" ‘Sure! My foot doesn't hurt now; she replied 46 David and the Black Corsair Zadie started talking about her parents. She said she had trouble at home. She wanted a new computer but her parents said no. And she was arguing® with them all the time! ‘Holly and Grace haven't got problems with their parents; said David ‘Their parents give them loads of stuff ~ music lessons, riding lessons, ‘and new computers. But that doesn’t mean Holly and Grace don't have any problems; said Zadie. ‘We all have problems, David. | mean, their parents give them things, but they don’t give them their time and attention. | think your mum's great. | know she can't give you all the things you want. But she thinks about you all the time. And she does everything she can! ‘Hang on®; said David, ‘I've got a text message? He looked at his mobile, Very busy day! I'll be home by 8 o'clock Love Mum David looked at Zadie. ‘Yeah, | guess you're right. I'm really lucky. Now tell me about that computer... 47 When David got home, he didn’t relax in front of the TV or read a book on his bed. He was busy! First, he took the sandwiches out of the fridge and put them in the bin, He had to hide the evidence®! Next he poured® some fresh water into the vase of flowers, Then he got his mother's birthday presents and card from his room and placed them on the table. After that he checked the time and started to prepare some food... When his mother walked into the kitchen, David said, ‘Happy birthday, Mum! She looked at all of David's preparations and gave a big smile. ‘Come here! she said, and gave David a big hug. OK, Mum, sit down! David said. It's time for your Birthday Breakfast! “My what?’ she said, laughing. “Your Birthday Breakfast! David repeated. 'You didn't have time before work! “Can | open my card first?" she asked. David and the Black Corsair So they sat down and ate cereal and toast and egg and bacon - it was a very special breakfast after all. David made strawberry smoothies®, too. Then his mother unwrapped? the presents, She loved them. There were books, of course. But he also bought her a silk scarf and a small bottle of perfume. Then they listened to music and played cards and it was soon very late and time for bed It was past one o'clock now. The sky was clear now, and the moon hung bright and clear above the houses. It was shining down into David's room, on his desk and books, on his pens and paper, and on David himself, staring up at the night sky. And he was smiling. David and the Black Corsair in the bay. After Reading Understanding the story 1 What happens in the story? Number the sentences in the correct order. a) C2 David saw Captain Jack on the deck of the Invincible. b) C Daniel saw a burning house. ©) © Daniel heard strange voices in the cottage. 4) Bl Daniel helped a family escape from Captain Jack's ship. e) OF David's mother had to go to work earlier than usual. ) © Daniel talked to Miranda about his home. g) C1 Jack laughed at David when he fell over on the pavement. h) L David remembered his lunch was still in the fridge. i) OD David and his mother ate a special birthday breakfast. 3) Gi Daniel tried to catch fish with his hands. 2 Write the names. Who... a) ... hurt herself while she was playing football? b) ... killed Daniel's closest friend? .. ) ... accidentally hit David on the head with a football? d) ... lived on an island with her parents? e) ... never remembered David's birthday? ... f) ... sent David a text message? g) ... thought David's homework wasn't very good? h) ... talked about their parents during lunch time? 54 After Reading BC 3 Who or what are the following? Why are they important in Daniel's story? 4 What can you remember about David and Daniel? Write notes in the table. DAVID DANIEL Phys appearance Parents Home Personality {| 5 How are David and Daniel similar? How are they different? How are their stories connected? Discuss your ideas with a partner. 55 After Reading Vocabulary 1 Solve the clues and discover the secret word. a) This instrument makes things look bigger. b) This is the land beside the sea. 6) This stops @ ship from moving in the water. d) This is @ person you don’t know. ©) A flag flies from the top of this. f) This word means ‘not married any more: 4g) This wooden container can hold food or water. 56 After Reading 2 Match the adjectives with their opposites. Draw lines. a) safe old b) light silent ©) noisy soft ) young strong ©) hard dark f) weak dangerous 3 Complete the sentences with adjectives from exercise 2. a) David tripped and fell and hit the .. b) The hidden rocks wer _ to ships. ©) There was no moon or stars and the sky was d) Miranda was the daughter of th e) Daniel was and easily cut the rope. ) The moon was cold, and alone. pavement. 4 Match the beginning and ends of the sentences. a) D] The sea was 1 like a silver path. b) D1 The bird was a knife. c) D1 Daniel cut through the water a messenger. d)O1 The moonlight was 4 like a mirror. 5 Now write more sentences. Imagine they come from another story about the Black Corsair. a) The sky was b) The storm was ©) The girl's eyes were like d) His cloak was like .. After Reading Grammar Practise the Present Perfect 1 Unscramble Day 's questions. Then write true answers. a) [written] you! rave| [ever] fa story]? b) been] lever) hhas| [for a lesson’ our best friend] |late|? d) Forgotten] [ever] [your mur fhas]? Practise reflexive pronouns 2 58 Choose the correct word. a) Daniel sank the ship 1 himself 2 herself 'b) The sailors built the house .......« Z 3 itself 3 themselves 1 ourselves 2 yourselves | said Miranda, 1 myself 2 yourself 3 herself d) We cut while we were cutting the wood! said the sailors. 1 yourselves 2 ourselves 3 themselves After Reading Practise question tags : 3. David's friends ask him questions about his story, ~ The Black Corsair. Complete their questions. a) The story begins after a revolution, b) Captain Jack hates Danie, ©) The Alastoris the name of Dani 4) Daniel can swim very wel ©) Daniel destroyed the Invincible, ) Captain Jack’s men built the house, 4g) Miranda asked Daniel about his home, h) You're going to write more stories about Daniel, ? Practise should, shouldn't or don’t need to 4 Give advice to David's friends. Use the phrases in the box and should, shouldn't or don't need to. read a book play video games all night put your things away buy so many clothes _win every time a) I can’t find anything in my room! HOLLY b) | always feel tired. It’s terrible! RICKY ©) I'm really worried about tomorrow's race. ZADIE d) I'm bored with TV. | don’t know what to do. JACK e) | haven't got any money! GRACE After Reading Test 41 Listen and tick (Y) the correct picture. a) 1 v1L] oe a) 1 After Reading 2 Read the sentences about the story and choose the best word (1, 2 or 3) for each space. a) David bought lots of . for his mother's birthday. 1 cards 2 breakfast 3 presents b) Daniel hid from the soldiers because he was in his own country. 1a pirate 2. an outlaw 3a thief ©) When David fell over he made a hole in his 1 trousers 2 jacket 3 shoes d) David didn’t want to play. lunchtime, Tvideo games 2 tennis 3 football ©) Daniel climbed onto the ship then pulled up .. 1 the rope ladder 2 the anchor 3 the sails f) After school David had a chat with 1 Zadie 2 Holly g) Daniel discovered that Lucy was his 1 sister 2 aunt 3 cousin 3 Look at the pictures on pages 24 and 25 with a partner. Ask and answer questions. © Why is Jack laughing? ‘© What can Daniel see? 61 Glossary 11 bone: ee freedom: when people are free navy: military; soldiers that fight at sea 12 broke the silence: could be heard cloak: long warm coat with no sleeves stern: back part of a boat 13 Corsair: pirate; sailor who attacks other ships and steals from them outlaw: someone who has broken the law and lives apart from society shallow: not deep shore: land at edge of sea 14 ditch: long hole at edge of field stream: small river 15 keep a look out: keep watching 16 footsteps: sound of someone walking headed: went towards kettle: large jug for boiling water toaster: small machine for making toast 17 cheek: side of face, under eye popped: came up quickly text: SMS message grabbed: quickly picked up 19 deep in thought: concentrating frowned: looked angry and worried grave: place where a dead person stared: looked for a long time at 20 shelter: roof to keep you dry turned up: folded up to protect his neck 21 enemy: someone who is hated raised: lifted calm untied: unfastened; undid 22 ignore: not to listen to pass: document so you don't have to pay buried 62 Glossary racing: hurrying; moving quickly spare: (here) unoccupied squeezed: pushed through a small space steam: water vapour 23 puddle: pool of water left after rain sped: past of ‘speed’; hurry; move quickly 24 leave me alone: go away from me mates: friends paving stones: rectangular piece of concrete in pavement tears: drops of water from eye tripped me up: made me fall 25 at anchor: steady, with the anchor stuck in the bottom of the sea bitter enemy: worst enemy crew: people who work ona ship deck: floor of a ship harbour: safe area of water Invincible: that can't be beaten mast: tall pole a ship's sails are attached to 26 aye: yes blade: sharp part shark: large dangerous fish 27 fireworks: small paper containers that produce loud noises and bright lights when gun powder: explosive material inside fireworks 28 sank: past of ‘sink’; go down under the water, 29 afford: pay for 30 on the whole: in general IT: information technology (computer science) 31 interactive white board: white screen connected to a ‘computer and used for teaching 32 barrel: wooden container breath of wind: any wind at al throat: tube inside your neck where food goes down 33 beak: hard part around bird's mouth lost in thought: thinking hard 36 barked: made the noise a dog makes oars: flat sticks to push boat along g a boat move 63 37 39 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 surrounded: with all around wagged its tail: moved its tail to show it was friendly guiding: taking offside: when someone is in an illegal position in football sacks: large rough bags trunks: big suitcases or boxes pitch: sports field lock: where a door is closed with a key locked: closed with a key nervously: anxiously acted out: performed in class foam: small bubbles gleamed: shone jammed: pushed hard in luck: lucky spokes: sticks from the centre of the wheel to the edge unconscious: asleep winch: tool to lift the anchor by turning a handle SE surrender: when you admit you have been beaten trust: believe no worries: no problem arguing: quarrelling hang on: wait a moment studied: looked closely at throwing: sending evidence: something that proves what happened poured: put smoothies: drinks made of crushed fruits unwrapped: took off the wrapping paper buried: put in the ground shot: past of ‘shoot’; hit with a bullet tightly: firmly crept: past of ‘creep’; move quietly foolish: silly rocking: moving backwards and forwards storms: strong winds and heavy rain whale: 7

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