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Megyn Megan Thee Stallion
Meghan Meghan Duchess of Sussex
(not a real one, her name is Rachel)
Megan Fox
Megyn Kelly
Welsh…means “Pearl” Megan Rapinoe
Originally a nickname of Margaret Megan Lloyd-George
(The OG Megan)
Meghan Trainor
Megan Follows

James Gomes Schaff

Brought to Wales in Norman Portuguese, Old Galician Old High German
Conquest of 1066 Visigoth word =man Feudal society=“manager of household”
“Maegan” was originally a nickname of Margaret (meaning, pearl) and it wasn’t used as a first name until
Megan Lloyd-George, first female member of parliament and daughter of Prime Minister David Lloyd-
George, was born in 1902 in Wales. There are various spellings, and various famous people share this name
from singers to actors to pro-athletes. My parents gave me this name because they liked it and spelled it the
variant “MAEgan” so it wouldn’t be pronounced like Megan is often pronounced—Meh-gun. When I was in
the orphanage, they called me “Heather”, but my parents changed that because for nine years they had wanted
a girl named Maegan and planned to name their first child that. My paternal surname is James, which comes
from England/Wales, introduced during the Norman Invasion of 1066. It has other forms like FitzJames and is
a derivative of Jacob. My paternal family came from Ireland to Missouri during the potato famine. Not a lot is
known because my James family disowned the Missouri family and moved to Spokane. My married surname
is Gomes, which is a very common Portuguese surname; my husband’s ancestors came from Portugal to
Brazil during the colonization period and had a huge sugar farm in the northwest of Brazil, where they still
live. My maternal surname comes from Germany in, and it means “Keeper of the House” and has ties to
Western European feudalism. That side of the family were Ukrainian-born Germans, part of Catherine the
Great’s Westernization program that brought German farmers into Russia. Like many, these Germans left
Russia around the turn of the century and made their way to the Palouse and the farmlands of central/Eastern
Washington (which is why we have an Odessa, Washington, that has a big sign that says “Willkommen” and
has a wicked-cool Deutchesfest). From my given name and my three family names, I have connections to a
lot of history; the Potato Famine, the Norman Invasion, The James Gang, Portuguese colonization of Brazil,
Russia’s Westernization programs, not to mention many, many events of the 20th century in American history.

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