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SWER 001

Lab 1 assignment
Using cmd to run a java code

The goal of this assignment is to learn how to compile and run a java code using
a text editor and cmd (command prompt).
You are supposed to do the following steps:
1- Create a folder on any location on your PC and name it with Assignmet1
2- Under this folder create a java code using notepad and name it
3- In this file write a java code that prints the following statement: “Hello
World! My name is ????” ; set you name instead of the ????
4- Open the cmd and change the path to the folder Assignmet1 path.
( capture a screen shot of this step, you can do this by pressing the “prt
scr” or “print screen button” which is located on the right top pf the
5- Use cmd to view the content of the folder. (capture a screen shot of this
6- Use the javac command to compile the code
7- Use cmd to view the content of the folder. (capture a screen shot of this
8- Explain the difference between folder content in step 5 and step 7. Why
there is a difference and from where this difference came?
9- Use java to run the code. (capture a screen shot of this step)
10- In your own words summarize what are the differences between using
a simple text editor or using an IDE like NetBeans to develop your code.
Which one would you prefer and why?

Put the captured screenshots with your explanation on a word file.

Name the file with your first and last name as follows firstname_lastname
Submit the file using the e-class

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