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Городская олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 4 классов

2018-2019 уч. год

Код __________


Задания на 2 балла:

1. Поменяйте местами буквы и отгадайте виды спорта:

1) LBSTBLAEAK ________________________________
2) OKHСYE _________________________________ ___ б.
2. Вставьте формы глагола to be (was, were, am, is, are, will be):
1) It ________ сold next winter.
2)_____ you happy now?
3)There ______ a lot of warm days last summer.
4) My brother_____ a good pupil. ___ б.
3. Обведите правильную форму прилагательного:
1. China is a (large / larger / largest) country.
2. The cat is (small / smaller / smallest) than the tiger.
3. Tom is the (bad / worse / worst) boy in his class.
4. There are some (beautiful/ more beautiful / the most beautiful) posters
on the door. ___ б.
Задания на 3 балла:

4. Напишите вопросы, которые были заданы.

____ ?
Yes, she did. She sang well.
Yes, they can. They can ski.
Yes, he does. He runs every day. ___ б.

5. Решите примеры и запишите ответ по-английски (буквами):

sixty nine + one = ______________________________________________
eighty + fifteen= _______________________________________________
thirty four - six = _______________________________________________
___ б.
6. Вставьте в каждое предложение глагол «go» в соответствующей
1) He _________________ to school every day.
2) They _______________ to the museum last Sunday.
3) We _________________ to the zoo tomorrow.
___ б.
Задания на 5 баллов:
7. Прочитайте текст: 
Schools in Great Britain
        In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are five
years old. Some boys and girls go to school till they are fifteen years old,
others go up to sixteen or eighteen.
        English schools are open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays
there are no lessons.
        There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain. English
children begin to go to a secondary school when they are eleven or older.
There are different kinds of secondary schools in Britain. Some secondary
schools are only for boys, some are only for girls and some are for boys and
girls. Some schools prepare pupils for work, others for the university.
        The pupils of all schools have uniforms. The boys wear dark grey, dark
green or dark blue uniforms. The girls in some schools wear blouses and
skirts, in others they wear dresses.
primary schools — начальные школы
secondary schools - средние школы
university - университет
Отметьте буквой T (True) правдивые утверждения, а буквой F (False)
– ложные.
1. In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are six.
2. English schools work five days a week.
3. Some schools prepare pupils for work, others for the university.
4. The pupils of all schools have no uniforms.
5. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons.
___ б.
8. Составьте и запишите по картинке 5 предложений по - английски.
___ б.
9. Отгадайте ребус. Запишите отгадку по - английски и перевод
по- русски.

___ б.

Спасибо за участие в
Ответы к городской
олимпиаде по английскому языку для 4 класса:
1. За каждое слово – по 1 баллу.
Итого: 2 балла.
2. За каждую форму глагола - по 0,5 балла.
2. will be
3. Are
4. were
5. is
Итого: 2 балла.
3. За каждую форму прилагательного - по 0,5 балла.
1) large
2) smaller
3) worst
4) beautiful
Итого: 2 балла.
4. За каждый вопрос – по 1 баллу.
8. Did she sing well?
9. Can they ski?
10. Does he run every day?
Итого: 3 балла.
5. По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ.
1) seventy
2) ninety- five
3) twenty- eight
Итого: 3 балла.
6. За каждую форму глагола – по 1 баллу.
1) goes
2) went
3) will/shall go
Итого: 3 балла.
7. За каждую правильно поставленную букву – по 1 баллу.
1) F 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) T
Итого: 5 баллов.
8. За каждое предложение – по 1 баллу. За каждую ошибку снимаем 0,5
Итого: 5 баллов.
9. За правильный ответ – 5 баллов.
Parrots – попугаи. (Если в ответе написано в ед. числе — то 4 балла)
Итого: 5 баллов.
Всего за олимпиаду: 30 баллов (100%
Задания олимпиады по английскому языку
4 класс
Имя, фамилия______________________________________________________

1. Пин получил странное письмо, в котором ему надо найти все глаголы. Помоги
ему, подчеркни глаголы.

1. make, read, table, animal, come, cut. 5) jump, English, black, learn, smile.
2. flower, lesson, funny, ask, help. 6) stockings, draw, lion, school, stand.
3. beautiful, translate, picture, retell. 7) bag, lunch, run, sit, teacher.
4. desk, count, paper, fast, window. 8) green, tell, winter, garden, small.

1. Cвяжи по смыслу вместе с Пином слова в двух колонках.

What do we read? Why do we read?

1. newspaper 1. to learn news
2. letters 2. to buy things
3. dictionaries 3. to translate
4. books 4. to eat
5. cook-books 5. to cook food
6. magazines 6. to be clever
7. menus 7. to get new information
1 ___, 2 ___, 3 ___, 4 ___, 5 ____, 6 ____, 7 _____.

3. Помоги Пину вписать глагол в правильной форме.

1) My friend _________ (to live) in London.
2) You ___________ (to want) to go for a walk.
3) His sister _________ (to have) breakfast.
4) Ann and Nick __________ (to read) books in the afternoon.
5) We _________ (to do) morning exercises.
6) He ___________ (to work) at school.
4. Составь вместе с Пином связные предложения.
1) likes, in, to, newspaper, the, read, mother, evening, my;
2) computer, Saturdays, on, games, my, plays, sister;
3) you, hands, eat, do, wash, you, your, before;
4) after, like, football, we, lessons, to, play;
5) bed, I, make, the, in, don’t, my, morning.

5. Пину задали домашнее задание. Помоги ему решить примеры и записать ответ по-

1) forty nine + one = ____________________________________________________

2) ten + fifty six = ______________________________________________________
3) thirty five + sixty five = _______________________________________________
4) fourteen + seventeen = ________________________________________________
5) eighty six + three = ___________________________________________________
6) one hundred and eleven + four = _________________________________________

6. Помоги Пину выбрать личные, притяжательные или указательные местоимения в

каждое предложение.
1) ________ soup is very tasty. 5) What is ___ favorite book?
a) It; b) This; c) These. a) he; b) him; c) his.
2) Where is ___ new bag? 6) ___ mother is a doctor.
a) your; b) you; c) he. a) He; b) She; c) Her.
3) This is ___ kitten. 7) Can you see ___ men?
a) we; b) our; c) it. a) they; b) them; c) these.
4) ___ has got a new car. 8) Is that ___ bike?
a) Them; b) They; c) He. a) you; b) it; c) your.

7. Прочитай рассказ Пина об одной собаке. Постарайся понять его, после этого
согласись или не согласись с утверждениями из текста.
Miss Lark’s Andrew.
Andrew was a nice small dog. He lived like a prince. He slept in his bed; he had chocolate every
day. Miss Lark loved him! But he didn’t like his life. He wanted to be a usual dog.
Andrew had a friend. It was a terrible dog.
One day Miss Lark couldn`t see Andrew. “Andrew! Where are you?”
Then she saw her pet. Andrew was coming to her and near him a terrible dog was walking.
“Oh, you are OK!” said Miss Lark. “But that terrible dog! Go away!”
But the dog didn`t go. “Go away!” said Miss Lark. “And you, Andrew, come in the house!”
Andrew did not. “You are not coming? Only with your friend? That can`t be.”
Andrew barked and turned away.
“What are you saying? Your friend must sleep in bed too? Andrew, how can you?”
Andrew got up. So did the other dog. “Very well, Andrew. He can sleep in bed. A terrible dog!”
usual - обыкновенный to bark - лаять
terrible – ужасный

I agree I disagree
1. Andrew was a nice small dog.
2. Andrew didn`t eat chocolate.
3. Miss Lark didn`t like Andrew.
4. Andrew had a friend – a usual street dog.
5. Miss Lark didn`t like Andrew`s friend.
6. Andrew and his friend wanted to live in the house.
7. Miss Lark was happy to have the two dogs in her house.

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