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1. That's too much pantry

2. There are too many vegetables

3. There are too many bags.

4. is too much for them.

5. the bags are too big.

6. the bear is too heavy to lift.

7. your girlfriend is too impressed.

8. You don't have much help to load.

9. There were too many pantry offers.

10. You like to buy too much.


1. It is strong enough to carry

2. the child is not enough.

3. You don't have enough help.

4. The boyfriend is not honest enough.

5. There are enough vegetables for the week.

6. too much food is not enough for her.

7. Not enough weight to carry the bear.

8. You have enough time to carry the bear and impress her.

9. That car is not enough for the whole family to eat.

10. That's enough to impress her.

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