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An Archaeological and Historical

Account of Cannabis in China


Although Cannabis is generally be- must have greater weight perhaps -- at

lieved to be of Asiatic origin, within this least at the present state of our under-
vast geographical area, there is no general standing -- than the study of collections
agreement as to where the domestication of wild, cultivated or spontaneous speci-
really came about. Alphonse de Candolle mens."
(1884), the first authority on the origin of From a historical vantage, Cannabis has
cultivated plants, ascribed a very exten- been found in China since Neolithic times,
sive range to the plant. He asserted that about 6,000 years ago, with a continuous
" t h e species has been found wild, beyond record of cultivation down to the present.
a doubt, to the south of the Caspian Sea, This record stands unique in comparison
near the Irtysch, in the desert of Kirghiz, to those of other regions in Asia, and it
beyond Lake Baikal in Dahuria (govern- strongly indicates the plant to be indi-
m e n t of Irkutsch). Authors mention it genous. New archeological finds in recent
t h r o u g h o u t southern and central Russia years considerably substantiate and ex-
and to the south of the Caucasus, but its tend its early history. The very scattered
wild nature is here less certain, seeing that references in historical literature are in
these are populous countries, and that the need of organization and analysis. These
seeds of the hemp are easily diffused from records are assembled here, followed by
gardens. The antiquity of the cultivation some notes on the possible routes of early
of hemp in China leads me to believe that diffusion of the plant in relation to its
its area extends further to the east, al- usage.
though this has not yet been proved by Cannabis, as a cultivated plant, had
botanists." many uses in ancient times in China. It
Later workers, mostly working on field was primarily an important fiber plant,
collections, either have accepted this very and the dominant textile plant in north-
general and extensive area, or favor speci- ern China until more recent times when
fic regions, such as the Himalayas, central other textile plants from warmer southern
Asia, India, Pakistan or China (Vavilov, habitats became known and cotton was
1926; Zhukovskii, 1962). It is a difficult introduced from abroad. It was used
problem to differentiate truly wild plants extensively in making ropes and cordage,
f r o m spontaneous, escaped or semi- fish nets, fabrics of all kinds, and as raw
cultivated plants. There still remains material for making paper. As a food crop,
much to be done to clarify the systematics the seed was one of the major grains of
of Cannabis. Moreover, in the case of ancient China, the use of which gradually
Cannabis, which has been associated with decreased until it was finally forgotten as
man for so long, botanical studies alone a grain for human consumption. Oil ex-
are inadequate to ascertain the origin of tracted from the seed was used for frying
c u l t i v a t i o n . As o n e author states food but had even more industrial applica-
(Schultes, 1972), " I t would seem that tions. The fruits, leaves and roots were
historical and ethnobotanical evidence used in medicine in ancient times. The
medicinal uses of the plant diminished in
~Morris A r b o r e t u m , University of Pennsyl- later ages. The plant was also used as a
vania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
S u b m i t t e d for p u b l i c a t i o n O c t o b e r 11, 1973. hallucinogenic drug.

ECONOMIC BOTANY 28: 437-448. October-December, 1974. 437

Fig. 1. Neolithic pottery jar from Pan-p'o, Si-an, decorated with weaving design.

ARCHEOLOGICAL RECORDS by painted pottery, is the oldest known

Neolithic culture in China. It was subse-
In 1921, Andersson (1922) discovered quently discovered at many sites and most
the Neolithic culture remains at Yang- of these excavations reveal directly or
shao, Honan province. Among the pottery indirectly the existence of plant fibers and
finds, some were decorated with clear textiles which are attributable to hemp.
impressions of cloth. Andersson believed Paintings of rope and woven cloth designs
that the material of this cloth was hemp. were found on many pots, and impres-
Fine bone needles were also found, indi- sions of ropes were found on others. At
cating the existence of sewing at that the Yang-shao site at Hua-hsien, Shensi
time. province (Shensi Museum, 1959), were
The Yang-shao culture, characterized unearthed many p o t t e r y spinning-whorls


Fig. 2. Neolithic pottery bowl from Pan-p'o, Si-an, with imprints of hemp cloth.

of different types with different decora- these two plants are almost indistinguish-
tions, and numerous finely made bone able in their structure. Many cultivated
needles with well-shaped holes. Distinct plants, including cereals and other crops,
fragmentary impressions in the dirt in one are represented in these pollen deposits.
grave, according to the discoverers, most Carbon-14 dating of carbonized re-
probably were made by hemp cloth. mains from Pan-p'o (An, 1972) has now
The most notable site of the early e s t a b l i s h e d the dates of Yang-shao
Neolithic Yang-shao culture is the recent remains as 4115 • 110 B.C. to 3535 • 105
discovery at Pan-p'o, near Sian, Shensi B.C. The core of the Yang-shao culture
province (Si-an pan-p'o Museum, 1963). was found (Chang, 1969) to extend from
Among the artifacts from this village site modern Shensi, Shansi, Honan to north-
are many tools for weaving and sewing, e r n Hopei, thence extending north-
such as stone and pottery spinning-whorls eastward to the southern part of Liaoning
and bone needles. Ropes and cloth are the in northeast China.
c o m m o n e s t decorative designs on the pot- The Lung-shan culture, post-dating
teries discovered there. The most distinct Yang-shao, was characterized by black
evidence of hemp are imprints of textiles pottery. Its early stage extended from the
found on some of the p o t t e r y pieces. eastern coast westward along the Yellow
(Figs. 1, 2, 3). and the Yangtze rivers to Honan and
An analysis of the pollen deposits at Hupeh provinces (Chang, 1969). Carbon-
Pan-p'o (Chou, 1963) reveals the pres- 14 dating from various localities range
ence, among many other plants, of a from 2310 • 95 B.C. to 1170 • 90 B.C.
considerable amount of pollen attributed (An, 1972). Among the relics of the later
to Humulus sp., now a weed in northern Neolithic stage, at a recently discovered
China. This pollen may have actually site at Hsi-chou, Honan province (Honan
represented Cannabis, since the pollens of Museum, 1 9 7 2 ) , there are pottery


Fig. 3. Neolithic pottery spinning-whorls with different designs, from Pan-p'o, Si-an.

spinning-whorls and potteries with rope some of the ku-type bronze weapons
patterns; and from a subsequent stage, buried in graves appeared very con-
there are pottery spinning-whorls and spicuous cloth patterns. Although no
bone needles. statement was made as to the actual
The earliest historical period, the Yin material of the cloth, hemp was the most
or S h a n g d y n a s t y ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y likely source.
1766-1122 B.C.) is the age of bronze and From the Chou dynasty, lasting from
pottery. Written script was found on ora- 1122-249 B.C., including the period of
cle bones and shells excavated in m o d e m t h e " S p r i n g and A u t u m n Annals"
times from Honan province. The charac- 722-481 B.C. and the Period of the War-
ter " h e m p " has not been found among the ring States 481-221 B.C., there are abun-
deciphered ideograms of the oracle bones dant literary records pertaining to the
but those which have been identified extensive use of Cannabis, both as textile
represent only about one-third of all such and as grain. These accounts will be
characters on the oracle bones so far treated in the following section.
discovered. Culturally this period was A rare archeological find is the recent
especially famous for the many elaborate discovery of a fragment of hemp cloth of
and exquisite bronzes. Stone implements, the late Chou dynasty in Shansi province
however, were still being used. (Ko, 1972). The discovery was made in a
There is one archeological find of this grave containing bronze vessels and wea-
period related to hemp. In 1931, Li (C. Li, pons, jade and potteries. The inscriptions
1931), reporting on excavations at An- on the bronze vessels prove the grave to be
yang, Honan province, mentioned that on of the Western Chou dynasty. The weave


Fig. 4. F r a g m e n t of h e m p cloth from late Chou dynasty found in Shansi province.

of the cloth was relatively tight, indicating brick walls of the crypts of the graves.
that weaving techniques had by then In regard to the use of hemp as a raw
reached a relatively high standard. material for paper making, the earliest
Another interesting find was made at known specimens of paper were recently
the site containing several hundred pieces discovered in a grave in Shensi province.
of " o a t h d o c u m e n t , " which are jade and These fragments of paper were made of
stone slabs with red inscriptions, dis- hemp fibers. The graves were of the period
covered recently in Shansi province (T'ao preceding the reign of Emperor Wu
and Wang, 1972). These date from the {104-87 B.C.) of the Han dynasty (Pan,
Eastern Chou dynasty. In these texts, the 1964), thus antedating the supposed date
archaic character ma (hemp) appears with of the invention of paper by Marquis Ts'ai
the connotation of "negative," which was Lun in the year 105 A.D. {Fig. 4).
a secondary meaning attributable to the One of the most extraordinary archeo-
stupefying effect of the plant. This pro- logical discoveries in recent times is the
vides the indirect proof of the fact that unearthing of a well preserved woman's
this physiological effect of the plant was body from an early Han tomb 2,100 years
known since very early times. old at Changsha, Hunan province. Along
From the brief Ch'in (221-206 B.C..) with the body over a thousand sacrificial
and the long Han (206 B.C. -- 220 A.D.) items were preserved intact in this well
dynasties, while historic records of Canna- sealed and insulated grave. These items
bis are varied and numerous, there are also include silk fabrics, lacquer ware, pottery,
some significant archeological findings bamboo and wooden wares, and food
pertaining to the presence and varied uses stuffs. Besides fruits such as pears,
of Cannabis. peaches and jujubes, there were grains
Concerning the use of hemp as a textile such as rice, wheat, millet, hemp seed, and
fiber, actual complete specimens of hemp mustard seed. Hemp seed was clearly used
cloth were found used as covers for in early Han times as a common grain
corpses in two of the three large graves of along with the other cereals. {K'ao-ku
the late Western Han dynasty, about 1st 1972).
cent. B.C. -- 1st cent. A.D. in Kansu During the Han and later the T'ang
province (Kansu Museum, 1972). These dynasty (618-906 A.D.) China was at its
coverings were wrapped around silk peak of expansion, and both commer-
dresses and tied with ropes also made of cially and politically busy contacts with
hemp. Hemp fibers were also used in central Asia and western Asia were operat-
reinforcing plasters on the inside of the ing through the deserts of its north-

LI: C A N N A B I S IN CttlNA 441

Fig. 5. Shoes m a d e of h e m p fibers from a grave at T u r f a n , in Sinkiang, 721 A.D.

Fig. 6. Shoes m a d e of fine yellow h e m p c l o t h from a grave at Turfan, i n S i n k i a n g , 7 2 1 A . D .


western borderlands. The famous "silk Shih Ching, (Book of Odes), which ex-
r o a d " carried silk, porcelain and other tended through the Chou period, the
products to the western world. Many hemp plant was mentioned no less than
relics along this route have been dis- seven times in the three hundred odes,
covered, as the dessication was especially mostly as a fiber but also as a grain. The
suitable for preserving artifacts. From cultivation of hemp was briefly men-
graves and deserted habitations, silk and tioned as well as the preparation of the
silk fabrics have been found in especially fibers and use of the textile in making a
large quantities and some hemp products robe.
were found along with them. These were In the Li Chi (Records of Rites) and
apparently products of Chinese origin, Chou Li (Rites of Chou), the use of hemp
carried west by traders. cloth was mentioned in some detail.
Several recent finds among the eight- Hemp and silk were the two sources of
century-old cemeteries of Astana and textile fibers, the first for the use of the
Karokhoja at Turfan in Sinkiang province masses and the latter for the wealthy and
are of special cultural importance (Sin- the aged. In all subsequent literature,
kiang Museum, 1972a, b). In one grave hemp and silk or the hemp plant and
was found a rare fragmentary script of the mulberry plant are mentioned together as
L u n Yii (Analects of Confucius) written metaphors for either women's work or
in 716 A.D. on white hemp paper. Also cultivated lands.
found were paper shoes made of pasted Noteworthy is the passage in the Li Chi
layers of white hemp paper sewn together which states that in ancient times people
with white hemp threads. In the same clothed themselves with feathers and
grave was a complete cloth sheet of hemp skins and that later some sages invented
fabric. fabrics of hemp and silk. The Li Chi also
In another grave dated 721 A.D. there gives specific instructions about using
was hemp cloth as well as hemp shoes. The hemp cloth for mourning rites at the
latter were of two kinds, one woven of deaths of ones parents. This tradition has
hemp fibers and the other sewn in a fine been carried on through the centuries
yellow cloth. The latter is an actual speci- down to recent times.
men of a famous cloth .produced in In the Li Chi, hemp seed was men-
Szechuan province and well known in tioned as an important grain and specifi-
earlier times, especially in the Han dynas- cally as being used by kings during certain
ty (Figs. 5, 6). months. In the Chou Li, the term "nine
grains" was employed and in the Li Chi,
HISTORICAL RECORDS the term "five grains" was mentioned.
The word te'u or "grain" of the ancients
In the early classics of the Chou dynas- indicated important cereals as well as
ty, written over 3,000 years ago, mention non-cereal grains. Some later commenta-
is often made of a prehistoric culture tors include ma (hemp) along with several
based on fishing and hunting, a culture kinds of millet, barley, rice, soybean and
without written language but which kept others as early grains.
records by tying knots in ropes. Nets were In the early literature, besides the
used for fishing and hunting and the character ma, referring to the hemp plant
weaving of nets eventually developed into in general, there appear several other char-
cloth-making. These earliest written tradi- acters: i or si, for the male plant, chu or
tions seem to corroborate modern archeo- tsu for the female plant, f~n or bdn for the
logical discoveries of the Neolithic culture fruit clusters, and ma-tzu or ma-jdn for the
in northern China, and support the idea seeds. This extensive differentiation clear-
that hemp was used from the earliest ly indicates the close association of the
times and is unquestionally indigenous. ancients with this plant.
Besides being important as atextile fiber In the oldest history, Shu Ching
plant, Cannabis was also an important (Classic of History), the chapter "Tribute
food plant from the very beginning. In the of Yu" mentions the male hemp plant, i.


This male hemp plant, which was the Ts'ai Lun was probably responsible for
source of excellent fibers, was indicated as perfecting a technique that had been in
a product of the provinces Yu-chou and use for some time. As mentioned earlier,
Ts'ing-chou ( m o d e m Honan and Anhwei the oldest existing paper was recently
provinces) in central China. discovered in a grave in Shensi province
Ma was mentioned in other classical dating before the reign of Emperor Wu
writings such as the L u n Yi~ (Analects of (104-87 B.C.) of the Early or Western Hart
Confucius) and Mo-tz~. The most impor- dynasty. This paper proved to be made of
tant account a b o u t Cannabis extant is hemp.
found in the t w o chapters on agriculture In surveying the ancient literature, Ho
in the work Li~-shih ch'un-ch 'iu (249-235 (1969) found only one reference to wild
B.C.), based on an earlier agricultural Cannabis. In the work Tung-kuan Hart chi
work of the Chou period. In this rna was (28 A.D.) it is stated that after a year of
mentioned as one of the "six grains," great famine caused by war and natural
along with t w o millets, rice, soybean, and disasters, wild grains were found growing
barley. It was mentioned together with e v e r y w h e r e , Cannabis and soybeans
silk as the fiber for textiles, and as one of especially appearing in great abundance.
women's assigned responsibilities. Brief Ho points o u t that this statement con-
mention was made of the timing of plant- ceming wild plants is n o t definite since it
ings to obtain fibers of high grade. is more likely that these plants were only
The hemp plant was frequently men- escapes from abandoned crops of the
tioned in Han historical works and other previous year. However, this reference
writings since it was one of the most does indicate that during the Hart period
important crop plants in ancient China. hemp seed was used as a c o m m o n grain.
An important early agricultural treatise The use of hemp seed as a grain gradu-
which has survived through quotation in ally diminished as it was apparently re-
other works, Fan sh~ng-chih shu (Book of placed by superior cereal grains. This use,
Fan Sh~ng-chih), was composed by an however, must have persisted at least until
official a b o u t 32-7 B.C. One chapter was the 10th century. In both the dynastic
devoted to the planting of i, the male history of Southern Ch'i (470-502 A.D.),
hemp plant used as fiber. Another was Nan-Ch'i shu, and in one verse of the
devoted to ma, the female hemp plant T'ang poet P'o Chu-i (772-846 A.D.), a
from which seeds were collected. These porridge made of hemp seed was men-
chapters treated the proper time of plant- tioned. In later ages it was completely
ing, preparation of the land, fertilization, forgotten as a human food.
watering, tending, and collection. Even The use of oil from hemp seeds was
more detailed instructions were given in apparently a later development since it
the Ch'i-min yao-shih (Essential Arts for involved the process of extraction. Hemp
the People) of the 6th century, the earliest seed oil was used for frying food b u t had
existing complete agricultural treatise. even more industrial applications. The
The need of fertilizing fields for planting ancient Chinese preferred mucilagenous
with hemp was especially emphasized. vegetables and oily grains. Later, when
A very important contribution of hemp technological development enabled the
fiber to the Chinese culture, as indeed to extraction of oil from seeds, mucila-
the culture of mankind as a whole, is the genous vegetables and some oily grains,
role it played in the invention of paper. such as hemp seed, became less desirable
According to the dynastic history Hou- and were gradually replaced by other,
Han shu, paper was invented by the Mar- more edible, foods (Li, 1969).
quis Ts'ai Lun. He used "old fish nets, The use of Cannabis in medicine was
ragged cloth, hemp fibers, and tree bark" probably a very early development. Since
to make paper and presented his new ancient men used hemp seed as food, it
invention to the throne in 105 A.D. Fish was quite natural for them to also discover
nets and cloth at that time were also made the medicinal properties of the plant.
of hemp fibers. Cannabis was mentioned in the famous


Fig. 7. Illustration of h e m p plant with text describing its functions from the C h ~ n g - l e i p ~ n - t s ' a o ,
edition of 1234 A.D.

herbal POn-ts'ao Ching, attributed to the some significance is that Cannabis "grows
legendary Emperor Sh~n-nung of about along rivers and valleys at T'ai-shan, but it
2,000 B.C. but actually compiled in the is now c o m m o n everywhere." Mount T'ai
first or second century A.D. in the late is in Shangtung province, where the culti-
Han dynasty. This work was apparently vation of the hemp plant is still intensive
based on early traditions passed down to this day. Whether or not this early
from ancient, even prehistoric times. a t t r i b u t i o n indicates the actual geo-
A statement in the P~n-ts'ao Ching of graphical origin of the cultivation of the

LI: C A N N A B I S IN C H I N A 445
Cannabis plant remains to be seen. cent times. In ancient China shamans were
Concerning the medicinal properties of known as wu (Needham, 1962). This vo-
Cannabis, the Pdn-ts'ao Ching states that cation was very c o m m o n down to the Han
"'ma-f6n (fruits of hemp) . . . if taken in dynasty. After that it gradually dimin-
excess will produce hallucinations (liter- ished in importance, b u t the practice per-
ally "seeing devils"). If taken over a long sisted in scattered localities and among
term, it makes one communicate with certain peoples. In the far north, among
spirits and lightens one's b o d y . " the nomadic tribes of Mongolia and
It was about this time that a famous Siberia, shamanism was widespread and
p h y s i c i a n Hua T'o (117-207 A.D.), c o m m o n until rather recent times.
according to the dynastic history Hou- From the middle ages to the present,
Han shu, was using a concoction of Canna- Cannabis has remained an important fiber
bis c a l l e d ma-fei-san (hemp-boiling- plant in northern China. When other fiber
compound) taken with wine, to anesthe- plants from the southern warmer regions
tize his patients in order to perform opera- of the country became known, the word
tions on abdominal organs. His disciple, ma became a generic name for plant
Wu P'u, wrote an herbal in 200 A.D. in fibers. Thus chi-ma is Boehmeria nivea,
which he clearly made the distinction ching-ma is Urtica thunbergii, chung-ma is
between the toxic hemp fruits (ma-f6n) Abutilon nivea. Hemp, in order to dis-
and the non-poisonous seeds or kernels. tinguish it from other fiber plants, was
The P~n-ts'ao Ching was subsequently named Han-ma (Chinese ma) or hou-ma
revised by the famous physician and (fire ma). Cotton was not introduced into
Taoist priest T'ao Hung-ching of the 5th China until the Sung dynasty, around the
century. He supplemented this work with 10th to l l t h centuries.
his Ming-i pieh-lu, which was finished The hemp plant is no longer much used
around 500 A.D. In this work, he noted in medicine. It has been long forgotten as
n o t only the difference between the non- an edible grain. Whether or n o t it is still
poisonous seeds and the poisonous fruits used by magicians as a drug must be a
(ma-f6n), b u t also that the latter was used well-guarded secret; it is no longer so used
" b y necromancers {or magicians), in com- by people in general e x c e p t perhaps by
bination with ginseng to set forward time some borderland non-Han tribesmen (Li
in order to reveal future events." 1974). The plant is cultivated today pri-
The effect of temporal distortion or marily for its fibers.
hallucinations caused by Cannabis was In the early days of the Ch'ing (Man-
noted by later authors such as T'ang chu) dynasty, a b o u t 300 years ago, Can-
Shen-wei in his Ch~ng-lei p~n-ts'ao of the nabis was still the only fiber plant in some
10th century (Li, 1964) (Fig. 7). In these parts of northern China. In the northeast
herbals, Cannabis was used in the cures of (Manchuria), along the border near
many diseases. Many prescriptions were Siberia, for instance, when Chinese exiles
made employing its analgesic effect, first entered these hitherto forbidden re-
especially for severe pain due to broken gions, they found that the native Manchu
bones. Plant parts used for these purposes tribesmen did n o t have the c o t t o n plant
include root, leaves and fruit-clusters. and had only hemp. As shown by the
This information was collated in full in Li accounts of Wu T's6ng-ch'eng on Ning-
Shih-ch6n's famous Ming dynasty materia ku-t'a and Yang Pin on Liu-pien, both
medica, P~n-ts'ao Kang-mu, 1590. written around 1600, the natives were
The use of Cannabis as an hallucino- then largely hunters doing some supple-
genic drug by necromancers or magicians mentary cultivation. The people mainly
is especially notable. It should be pointed used animal skins for clothings and only
out that in ancient China, as in most early the wealthy had dresses of hemp cloth
cultures, medicine has its origin in magic. which were padded with hemp fibers for
Medicine men were practicing magicians. the winter.
In northeastern Asia, shamanism was In recent times Cannabis has been culti-
widespread from Neolithic down to re- vated as a fiber plant over nearly all of


China, particularly in the northern and subsequently spreading westward, than
central regions. In Shangtung province, the other way around.
large quantities are produced for export Our review shows that Cannabis has
(P'ei and Chou, 1951; Ts'ui, 1953; Hu, been used in China since very early times
1955). Since the introduction of cotton in as a fiber plant as well as a grain crop and a
the 10-11th centuries, however, the culti- medicinal plant. There is a continuous
vation of Cannabis had gradually dimin- history of cultivation from Neolithic
ished. The fibers are presently used for times down to the present.
making ropes and make coarser grades of Among the various usages, its use as a
cloth, largely for packing purposes. textile fiber remains its prime function
As hemp is mainly used for fibers in through the ages. Its use as a food plant,
China, the strains now cultivated have first as a grain and later also as a source for
apparently been selected for this purpose. oil, gradually diminished in importance
Compared with Cannabis growing in other and eventually was completely forgotten.
Asiatic countries, the Chinese plants are The use of the plant in medicine, especial-
among the tallest and have the lowest ly as a hallucinogen, was apparently asso-
resin content. In eastern and southern ciated with the extensive practice of
China, plants growing to a height of 21 shamanism in northeastern Asia. Since the
feet have been noted by botanical collec- Han dynasty, shamanism in China has
tots in modern times (Bretschneider, gradually declined. In conjunction, the
1898). use of Cannabis as a hallucinogen was
Of interest is the fact that large-seeded greatly restricted. On the other hand,
forms are known from such areas as shamanism was extensively also practiced
Heilungkang (Liou, 1959) in the Amur among the nomad tribes to the north of
region in the extreme northeast bordering China. The great mobility of these peoples
Siberia. These may constitute relics of the apparently assisted the movement of the
grain usage of the past. plant to central and western Asia, and
from there to India, where its hallucino-
USES OF CANNABIS AND genic use intensified. The decline of the
ITS DIFFUSION use of Cannabis in China as a hallucinogen
is attributed to cultural factors (Li, 1974).
Cannabis is generally treated as a mono-
typic genus. The species, Cannabis sativa
is an extremely variable one. As noted in LITERATURE CITED
the beginning of this report, wild plants
spread over a wide region from the lower An, Chi-min. IOn the problem of dating in the
Volga and the Caucasus in the west Neolithic culture in our country.] K'ao-ku
through central Asia to the Altai Moun- 1972, 6: 35-44. 1972.
Andersson, J. G. An early Chinese culture. Bull.
tains and all the way east to northern Geol. Surv. China 5(1): 26. 1923.
China. These plants, however, are prob- Bretschneider, E. History o f European Botanical
ably n o t genuine wild plants but spon- Discoveries in China. Leningrad. 1898.
taneous plants escaped from early cultiva- Chang, K. C. The expansion of Chinese Neolithic
tion. The Cannabis plant, both wild and culture ill the central plain. Bull. Inst. Hist.
Phil. Acad. Sin. 41(2): 317-349. ]969. (In
cultivated, needs a rich soil. It is thus a Chinese).
natural follower of the migrations of man, Chou, K'un-shu. [Analysis of pollen from the
as human habitats provide a compatible Neolithic site at Pan-p'o. ] Appendix 3, Si-an
environment for the plant. Furthermore, Pan-p'o. Peking. 1963.
De Candolle, A. The Origin o f Cultivated Plants.
as an annual, Cannabis has found possible London. 1884.
to extend its range, under human tutelage, Ho, P. T. The Loess and the Origin o f Chinese
b e y o n d its original range in all directions, Agriculture. Hong Kong. ]969. (In Chinese;
longitudinally and latitudinally. abridged English version, Amer. Hist. Rev. 75:
From the available historical evidence, 1-36. 1969).
Honan Museum. [Preliminary excavation of the
it seems more likely that the origin of relic site of Hsiao-wang-kang, Hsi-chuan, Ho-
cultivation of Cannabis was in the east, nan.] Wen-wu 1972, 10: 6-18. 1972.


Hu, Hsen-hsiu. Manual o f Economic Plants. (in Needham, J. Science and Civilization in China.
Chinese). Vol. 1. Peking. 1955. Vol. 2. History of Scientific Thought. Cam-
Hudson, G. F. Europe and China. A Survey of bridge. 1962.
their Relations from the Earliest Times to Pan, Chi-hsin. [The earliest plant-fiber paper in
1800. London. 1931. the world.] Wen-wu 1964, 11: 48-49. 1964.
Kansu Museum. [Preliminary report on the exca- P'ei, Chien and Chou T'ai-yen. Icones o f Chinese
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Chang-sha.] K'ao-ku 1972, 5: 37-42. 1972. and S. H. Curry, The Botany and Chemistry of
Ko, Chin. [Account of excavation of an Early Cannabis, pp. 11-38. London. 1970.
Chou tomb at Kao-chia-pao, Chin-yang.] Shensi Museum. [Preliminary report of archeo-
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the History of Civilization in Ancient Iran. Si-an Pan-p'o. [ Report on the Archeological Site
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15(3): 185-530. 1919. Sinkiang Museum. [Preliminary report on the
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No. 3. Academia Sinica. Nanking. 1931. fan.] Wen-wu 1972, 2: 7-11. 1972.
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Chinese). Zhukovskii, P. M. Cultivated Plants and their
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England. 1972.

B o o k R e v i e w s (continued f r o m page 413)

It would appear that the p u r p o s e of printing Rubber in Malaya 1876-1922, T h e Genesis of

this volume is to point out those arctic species the Industry. J. H. Drabble. 256 pp. illus.
found also in Italy (marked with an asterisk) Oxford University Press, New York, 1973.
and as a m e d i u m for the reporting a few of the $19.25
author's collections. T h e line drawings are of
poor quality and leave m u c h to be desired, W h y another book on the r u b b e r industry
and the few that are tinted are hardly true of s o u t h e a s t A s i a ? M u c h h a s a l r e a d y b e e n
to color. published on the cultivation and i m p r o v e m e n t
Flora Arctica is not r e c o m m e n d e d for the of Hevea brasiliensis, one of man's most re-
serious student of arctic plants; there are far cently domesticated e c o n o m i c plants. Most of
better floras readily available. It may however the available works, however, wholly or mainly
be of some interest to Italian students of botany. are c o n c e r n e d with agronomical or plant-
W. J. CODY provement aspects of the industry. Drabble,
Biosystematics Research Institute lecturer in the D e p a r t m e n t of History, Univer-
Central Experimental Farm sity of Malaya, has produced a superb history-
Ottawa, Canada oriented account of the r u b b e r industry of


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