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Nome:_________________________________________________________turma: 3ºano__

Professora: Elisângela Disciplina: Inglês Revisão para o Enem 2020

Atividades -Quarentena- 2ºmês- (Revisão para o Enem 2020)
Aproveite e estude as explicações dos assuntos contidas nos links indicados ao longo dos
exercícios abaixo.
Obs: Pesquise a questão I neste link:
(Expressando o futuro em inglês: will, going to, presente continuous).
I-Traduza as frases abaixo em português (todas elas expressam um tipo de futuro).
1- I’ll return your car on Monday.
2-Study hard and you won’t fail on the exam.
3-I’ll deal with you later!
4-I will study tonight.
5-I am going to travel this weekend. _________________________________________________
6-I am going to buy some books tomorrow.____________________________________________
7- is not going to go to the cinema this weekend._______________________________________
8-Are you going to travel on your vacation?____________________________________________
9-We’re having a party next weekend.
10-What are you doing this Saturday?
11-Are you leaving tomorrow?
12-She is seeing Bill tomorrow.

Obs: Pesquise as questão II neste link:


II-(substantivos incontáveis e os contáveis nas frases) Traduza estas frases em que aparecem
substantivos incontáveis e contáveis.
1-A teaspoon of salt. ____________________________________________________________
2-200 dollars __________________________________________________________________
3-2 songs ____________________________________________________________________
4-A loaf of bread, a slice of bread. _________________________________________________
5-A cup of coffee.______________________________________________________________
6-A pot of jam. ________________________________________________________________
7-A bottle of oil, a drop of oil. _____________________________________________________
8-A piece of cheese, a slice of cheese. _____________________________________________
9-A bowl of rice, a bag of rice, a grain of rice.
10-A sheet of paper, a ream of paper. _______________________________________________
11-A piece of advice. some advice. _________________________________________________
12-A piece of information. Some information. _________________________________________
13-A piece of furniture. __________________________________________________________
14-2 pieces of luggage. __________________________________________________________
15-The news is good. ___________________________________________________________
16-Her hair is black. Whenever she finds a gray hair, she pulls it out.

Obs: Pesquise as questões III e IV neste link:

III- (Simple Past)- Traduza em português estas frases que se encontram no Simple Past.

1-I bought my house in 1997. ______________________________________________________

2-I traveled to London in 2002. _____________________________________________________
3-My son was born in 2003. _______________________________________________________
4-My grandmother died in 1994. ____________________________________________________

IV- (Present Perfect)-Traduza em português estas frases que se encontram no Present Perfect.

1-I have just arrived.

2-They have just left.
3-I have never been there before.
4-I have never seen such a beautiful girl.
5-I have watched the game recently.
6-Thamiris has felt depressed recently.
7-She has been so nervous lately.
8-Have you exercised lately?
9-Have you already written to Matheus?
10-I have already been to India.

Obs: Pesquise a questão V neste link:

V- (Verbos modais) Traduza estas frases para o português. Nelas aparecem os verbos modais.
1-Can you dance? ______________________________________________________________
2-I couldn’t draw when I was a teenager. ____________________________________________
3-I wouldn’t like a cup of coffee. ___________________________________________________
4-You musn’t smoke here. ________________________________________________________
5-It may rain. __________________________________________________________________
6-You may drink water. __________________________________________________________
7-Might it snow? _______________________________________________________________
8-You should see a doctor. _______________________________________________________
Obs: Pesquise a questão VI neste link:

VI-(Past Perfect) Traduza estas frases para o português. Nelas aparecem o past perfect.

1-When I arrived he had already left. ________________________________________________

2-I couldn't pay the bill because I had forgotten my wallet at home.
3- I had read the book before I watched the movie. _____________________________________
4- I wish I had had a camera when I was a child.
5- He'd read the book before he watched the movie. ____________________________________
6- I have just finished my homework. ________________________________________________
7- Have you watched the new 'Avengers' movie yet?
8- I had not watched the previous 'Avengers' movie before I watched the new one.

obs: Pesquise a questão VII neste link:

VII-(Voz passiva e voz ativa) Traduza estas frases para o português. Nelas encontram-se as
vozes ativa e passiva.
(Voz ativa)
1- Julia bought the new Game of the Thrones book
(Julia comprou o novo livro de Game of Thrones)
2- Many people begin new projects in January.
3- We lost the mail again.
4- The doctor will examine you._____________________________________________________
5- I have taken this course before. __________________________________________________
(voz passiva)
6- The new Game of the Thrones book was bought by Julia
7- New projects are begun by many people in January.
8- The mail was lost again.
9- You will be examined by the doctor. _______________________________________________
10- This course has been taken by me before. _________________________________________

obs: Pesquise a questão VIII neste link:

VIII- (If clauses) Traduza as seguintes frases em português. Nelas aparecem as if clauses.

1- If you have a small family, an apartment is a good idea.

2- Don’t wake me up unless Beth gets back home early.
3-I f you don’t take a coat with you, you’ll be cold at night.
4-She won’t pass the year unless she studies hard.
5- If he called his mother, she wouldn’t be worried.
6- If I were you, I wouldn’t spend so much mony on clothes.
7- If they had planned better, they could have already moved to England.

obs: Pesquise a questão IX neste link:

IX-(Noun clauses) Traduza os trechos e frases abaixo em português. Neles aparecem as noun
1-Please give me a glass of water” __________________________________________________
2-Please give me a bottle of water” __________________________________________________
3-Please give me some water” _____________________________________________________
4-a piece of cheese, a slice of cheese
5-a bowl of rice, a bag of rice, a grain of rice
6-a sheet of paper, a ream of paper
7-a piece of advice, some advice ___________________________________________________
8-a piece of information, some information ____________________________________________
9- furniture – a piece of furniture ____________________________________________________

obs: Pesquise a questão X neste link:

X- (Phrasal verbs) Traduza estas frases para o português. Nelas aparecem phrasal verbs.
1- He got in the car. __________________________________________________________
2- We’re moving in next week. __________________________________________________
3- Have you checked in yet? ___________________________________________________
4- I dropped in my grandma’s on my wary home.
5- They were playing on the computer, so I joined in.
6- Please, fill in your name and address in the space provided.
7- Don’t be taken by his promises. _______________________________________________
8- My boyfriend asked me to eat out. _____________________________________________
9- Salma Hayek dropped out of college to become na actress.
10-The diretor has cut several scenes in which I appeared.
11-Some of the names on the list had been crossed out.
12-Many hospitals are runign out of money = _______________________________________
obs: Pesquise a questão XI neste link:

XI- (Reading strategies) Traduza as frases abaixo. Ela dão dicas como ler um texto em inglês,
para encontrar suas informações principais.
1-Skimming é __________________________________________________________________
2-Scanning é ___________________________________________________________________

3-Who was Charlie Chaplin?_______________________________________________________

4-What kind of actor was he? ______________________________________________________
5-Did he write and direct all his films?________________________________________________
6-Who composed the music of all his sound pictures?
7-When was he born? ____________________________________________________________
8-Where was he born?____________________________________________________________
9-Was Charlie Chaplin’s family rich? _________________________________________________
10-What was his childhood like?____________________________________________________
11-Did he leave England for the USA in 1914?
12-How many times was he married?________________________________________________
13-Did he have three kids?________________________________________________________
14-When did he leave the USA?____________________________________________________
15-Where did he die?_____________________________________________________________
Depois de traduzir as perguntas acima, responda-as (mentalmente) ao ler (mentalmente) o
texto abaixo sobre Charles Chaplin.)

Charlie Chaplin was one of the famous stars in the history of the cinema. He was certainly the
most famous comic actor of the cinema. His first films were in the age of silent movies. He wrote
and directed nearly all of his films and composed the music of all his sound pictures.
Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. His family was poor and he had a hard
childhood. In 1890 he left Britain for the USA, in 1914 he made his first film. In his films he
created the character of a little man who always faced life with courage.
Chaplin was married four times, he had four kids. In 1952 he left the USA with his family and
lived in Switzerland until his death.

obs: Pesquise as questões XII e XIII neste link:

(Interpretação de diferentes gêneros em inglês)
XII-Responda à questão abaixo:
Em diferentes épocas e lugares, compositores têm utilizado seu espaço de produção musical
para expressar e problematizar perspectivas de mundo. Paul McCartney, na letra dessa canção,
a) aprendizado compartilhado.
b) a necessidade de donativos.
c) as manifestações culturais.
d) bem em relação ao mal.
e) respeito étnico.

XIII-Responda à questão abaixo:

Helga said she’s sick and tired of smelling beer on my breath! Are you going to stop drinking beer?
No… I’m going to start eating peppermint candy on the way home (
A personagem de barba, Hagar,
a) quer que Helga, sua esposa, prepare comida condimentada.
b) aprecia petiscos apimentados para acompanhar a cerveja.
c) vai disfarçar o hálito de cerveja com balas de menta.
d) reclamou, pois seu amigo recomendou que ele parasse de beber.
e) vai parar de beber cerveja

obs: Pesquise a questão XIV neste link:

XIV-(Falsos cognatos) Traduza estas frases para o português. Nelas aparecem falsos cognatos).
1-I pretend to play soccer. ________________________________________________________
2- I intend to play soccer._________________________________________________________
3- My parents are happy because I got the scholarship.
4-My relatives live far away from here.
5- Last year, I attended a course about social media abroad.
6-She likes to serve the clients every day. She is a good waitress.
7-Actually he was right, we lost the game.
8-Nowadays it is easier to go out with our friends.
9-She is full of prejudice and strong opinions.
10-Will headphones damage my hearing?

obs: Pesquise a questão XV neste link:

XV- (Resumo: tempos verbais) Traduza estas frases para o português. Nelas aparecem os mais
importantes tempos verbais do inglês.
1- She loves him. _______________________________________________________________
2-Does she love him? ___________________________________________________________
3-She doesn’t love him.__________________________________________________________
4-They are loving the book. _______________________________________________________
5- they loving the book? __________________________________________________________
6-They aren’t loving the book. _____________________________________________________
7-He loved her. _________________________________________________________________
8-Did he love her? _______________________________________________________________
9-He didn’t love her. _____________________________________________________________
10- He was loving the trip. _________________________________________________________
11-Was he loving the trip? _________________________________________________________
12-He wasn’t loving the trip. _______________________________________________________
13-They will love to travel._________________________________________________________
14-Will they love to travel?_________________________________________________________
15-They won’t love to travel. _______________________________________________________
16-She will be loving the trip by this time next year.
17-Will she be loving the trip by this time next year?
18-She won’t be loving the trip by this time next year.
19-He has loved her during his entire life. _____________________________________________
20-Has he loved her during his entire life? ____________________________________________
21-He hasn’t loved her during his entire life. __________________________________________
22-He will have been loving his wife for 30 years next year.
23-Will he been loving his wife for 30 years next year?
24-He won’t have been loving his wife for 30 years next year.

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and
he delivers them. (Psalm 34: 7)
O anjo do Senhor acampa-se ao redor dos que o temem e os
livra. (Salmo 34:7)

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