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WEEK #4 10-WEEK MASTER THE FRETBOARD ~ mS Improvising In A Major & Minor Using The G Pattern @ = Major Root Note RED notes showing G pattern in “A Major”, @ = Minor Root Note BLUE notes showing G pattern in “A minor”. Use the Sth fret to position the G Pentatonic scale pattern in both A Major and ‘A Minor by using either the major or minor root note in the pattern. Target Notes For Major or Minor RED target notes for MAJOR BLUE target notes for MINOR 7 = I 113 @ | | Crs rr = [| ft Copyright © 2017 - Guitar Mastery Method - 10-Week Master The Fretboard Workshop - All Rights Reserved Prec Caen Recta) 2 ‘10-WEEK MASTER THE FRETBOARD ~ Solo In Both Major & Minor To Jam Tracks Inside your members area, jam to the A Straight Rhythm jam track on the “Blues Jam Tracks” page in the TOOLS section. Remember that with blues, we can solo in both major or minor UNLESS it states that it is a “minor blues” in which case you can only solo in minor. Practice focusing on the different “target notes” for both major and minor using the G pattern. CRC a SCC rte Ri cc) OP eR Ca CeCe Pir fort WEEK #4 TO-WEEK MASTER THE FRETBOARD — WORKSHOP — Major & Minor Licks (See text above each lick to see if it is major or minor) eae _? *—s ° . = f y —S t a T — a 4 a 8 nason Lick re ouaanre: & = —- £ e t ” — i a . Ee 2. _t 2 s 7S 3 2 z k cs minor ok #t oone — 6 ————- — Eo ful a Tr — Z4 — 7 — a 8 rior tek #2 — — * ¢. f = rf" « SS i ce OTS cS — +t = 3 A — TF 8 Copyright © 2017 - Guitar Mastery Method - 10-Week Master The Fretboard Workshop - All Rights Reserve Prec anette Recta) 10-WEEK MASTER THE WEEK #4 FRETBOARD ~ Circle the “Target Notes” for both major and minor keys (Either print this page twice or use a different colored pen for major and minor) @ = Major Root Note @ = Minor Root Note C Pattern A Pattern 9 @ @ @ ° e @ {1 * 1! 2 ol I I 9 I G Pattern E Pattern @ © 7 of D Pattern C Pattern er SP ee Ca Cc Pir Panhe Ma eC ee ee ea ea] 2 ‘10-WEEK MASTER THE FRETBOARD ~ This Weeks Practice 1. Solo to the A Straight Rhythm jam track using both major and minor scales as described on page 2. 2. Practice playing both major and minor scales inside the pentatonic scale patterns. 3. Learn the major and minor solo licks on page 3 to add to your improvisation. 4. Improvise playing in as many keys as possible. Search for jam tracks to use on YouTube for unlimited variety of keys and styles. 5. Print out page 4 two times (the page with all pentatonic scale patterns on it). Using your knowledge of the notes on the fretboard, go from the major root note and circle all other “Target” notes (notes that are the same as the root note) in each scale pattern. 6. Review all of the lessons so far in the workshop, we have now built the “skeleton” and going forward we will be adding to this to create different types of scales. This Weeks Challenge PART 1: Recording yourself improvising to the C Major jam track focusing on the MAJOR target notes. Jam track found on the Jam Tracks page in the TOOLS section of the member's area. PART 2: Recording yourself improvising to the B minor jam track focusing on the MINOR target notes. Jam track found on the Jam Tracks page in the TOOLS section of the member's area. That’s all for week #4 :-) CRC a SCC rte Ri cc) er SP ee Ca Cc Pir

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