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Nicriric was arrested one morning of September 1939 in Berlin, without any
justification,  he asked the SS soldiers what were the reasons to determine the
causes of his arrested, but the four soldiers told him that they were only following
orders from a superior, Nicriric, hearing this, were shielde claiming that he was a
"pure German". Mr. Wagner was a tall man, was a blond man with a strong body
and blue eyes, his family was conservative with an unimpeachable reputation, a
lifelong Aryan. He supported the Nazi regime, he was indee a pure German citizen.
By 1939 he was 40 years old,  he was a successful businessman who was
fortunate to be after the first world war, as he was engaged in the sale of materials
for the reconstruction of Germany.

Nicriric had powerful contacts in Hitler's SS and S.A.. He was a power economic
position, was a key piece of national socialism, although Nicriric disagreed with
some party nominees,  as he considered that segregating Jews was wrong, blame
them for the events in Germany was illogical. Although these things he never
mentioned them in public. On the morning of the arrest  he was taken to the
dungeons of the main prison in Berlin, a place that was rebuilt with materials that
he sold to the German State, without realizing that behind those walls the soldiers
taught a lesson to the opponents of the Reich, people that was beaten by the
soldiers of the SS, not forgetting the respective insults that they were saying
through all the places of the prison.

Days after being stopped without reason, and after being hit strongly, he was left
free, a fact so sudden like his arrest. Nicriric believed that if he paid a lot of money,
the bond, he could go out of the jail, but he was wrong, the soldiers of the SS
simply let out a cold September night of 1939

To be free Nicriric, walking through the streets of Berlin, Wagner could only think in
his family, composed by his loving wife Hannah Heidegger, his two children: eight
year old Ludwig Wagner and five year old Walter Wagner. They were at home
without any news from their father; Nicriric only longed to return home and hear the
laughter of his children, the warmth of a hug from his wife Hannah, and to be able
to fix an old radio that was heirloom, a precious memory from his parents.

After a few days, Wagner saw SS soldiers arriving near his home, they go to the
place where he lived. Upon realizing this, Nicriric decided to surrender voluntarily in
exchange for something not happening to his family, to the surprise of their
neighbors, the soldiers only went to deliver a letter in an envelope red like blood of
juws, which said:

“Respected Mr. Nicriric Wagner, you are informed that the country of Germany has
entered in the war, reason for which the Reich doesn’t need the presence of highly
dangerous persons, with potential traitors like you and your family. The last month
the company that you own was inspected, and we realized that some of your
workers are Jewish, and they are being cared for by you. For this reason the Reich
gives you a reasonable 72 hours to leave the nation; otherwise we will be forced to
arrest you and your family for disobedience to the regime, and you will suffer the
same fate as the Jews in your custody.”

Att: Adolf Eichmann

Althung for Nicriric Wagner was illegal and unfair the treatment that he was
receiving by part of the Reich he couldn’t risk the life of his family, for this reason
he decided to leave his beloved country Germany. Nicriric Wagner decided to call 
some of his friends that worked in the SS and Sa, asking for help facing the  threat
of death. They answered that Cuba is giving political asylum to the people that
were in the same condition. Without thinking two time Nicriric Wagner took the
decision of go out, and buy the tickets of  ship with destination to Cuba, but the
legalization of the documents took a time of a week, and Mr. Wagner doesn’t have
this time, Wagner seeing the conditions decided to negotiate with the owner of the
ship and the dock keeper for leave with his family in the shortest possible time, and
with the documents legalized in change of leave all things that Wagner had in
Germany like the industries, the merchant emporium and properties of Mr. Wagner,
the owner of the ship and the dock keeper accept the proposal.

The next day, Mr. Wagner and his family were embarking on an immigration ship to
the island of Cuba, there an uncertain future awaited them, without the same
comforts and luxuries, but in his suitcase he carried a pen that represented all his
work history and good business; a typewriter, with it he would never forget his
country, because in it he wrote thought and life; a guitar with the best songs to
never forget his homeland, who observed the injustice happened, but soon
everything would be better, like in his childhood.

For this moments, Mr. Wagner questioned the fact having left and protected his
Jewish friends and employees, he wondered: “How far could I have risked my
family's life?”. But without losing his cool he also wondered: “How far does human
cruelty go?”. However, he was happy to have avoided war and to give peace to his

Upon arriving in Cuba, Wagner was questioned “what is the reason why you are
immigrating?”, to what he thought: Fear, cowardice, love, war, Hitler, or the search
for a better life? moved by this, he answered with tears in his eyes “Today I
emigrated to protect my family from the clutches of war, of a variable economy, of
a government blinded by power, of a tyranny that died with the deepest values that
my parents taught me and to find a new horizon far from fear”. Wagner thought “ I
regret leaving my job, my home, my company, the place where I was born and
became what I am today, my friends. But I will never regret protecting my
happiness, my family.

After having said this, in idiom spanish Wagner heard: “Welcome to Cuba, Chico, a
place free for life the future”. Since this moment Mr. Wagner’s family felt most pain
in the heart, but his family was sure, living with an humble salary of carpenter that
he received, but also he won money fixing up pipes, his wife worked of seamstress
despite this it was a happy family, their children learned spanish, and although they
had little money were united as family.

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